TFP Starscream Fanfics

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Okay so on a website called there are three different stories about Starscream that I absolutely love.
1 is called "Redem the Stars" and its a finished story. I'm not gonna say anything about it but if you like seeing another side to TFP Starscream then this along with the others I highly recommend.

2 is called "Stop Me" the last time I read this I don't think it was finished and I'm unsure if they updated it but its also pretty good.

3 there is one I remember that I fragging loved but I can't seem to remember what its called for the life of me. So when I find it I'll update this. But it was a finished one.

That was all for now, there are others that are good its just these ones are my favorites. Well good day guys!


I have found the last one! Its called "The Most Silent of Screams" but the author rewrote it and that version is called "Shattered Silence" your free to read them both.

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