Tagged again

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Ok so I was tagged again by numberonefangirl1637. Here are ten facts about me.

1. Name: not allowed to say
2. Relationship status: single Pringle forever allowed to mingle
3. Crush: I don't have one
4. Height: I am 5 foot 6
5. Birthday: June 30
6. Best girl friend: SteampunkShipping13
7. Best guy friend: not on wattpad but his name is Dustin
8. Last song you listened to: if I die young by The Band Perry
9. Last time you cried: I don't remember 😐
10. Last time you laughed and why: I laughed just today and it's because of something my friend showed me.

I tag........

Keep going.....


I don't like tagging other people. I will when I become more comfortable that way it keeps going! Just give me time.

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