Never be the Same

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Breaking news! Vylad Ro'Meave has been found! The youngest Ro'Meave went missing when he was three and now, 20 years later, we've found him in an abandoned house. The old residents of this house were Michi Dyna and her mother, which we suspect kidnapped the boy. He's extremely malnourished and has cuts all over him. His family is coming to see him at the hospital where he was taken immediately after he was found.

Dante turned off the tv and ran a hand through his hair. Vylad had been found? He grabbed his keys and went to his car, driving to the hospital.


"Vwad, will we always be fwends?" Dante asked, looking over at his friend.

"Of course we will, Dawnte! You're my best fwend for eva!" Vylad said, smiling.


Dante pulled up at the hospital and ran to the front desk.

"Yes sir, how can I help you?" The receptionist said, smiling at Dante.

"I came to see Vylad Ro'Meave? I'm good friends with his family." Dante said.

"Sorry, sir, but only family is allowed right now." She said, frowning at him.

Dante ran a hand through his hair, which he tended to do when he was nervous. He wanted to see Vylad.

He needed to see Vylad.

"Dante, what are you doing here?" He turned around to see Garroth standing there, looking confused.

"I saw the news, and I-" Dante stopped. How was he gonna explain wanting to see Vylad?

He'd known Vylad when they were little, and fell in love with his personality, even if he was only four. He needed to make sure Vylad was ok.

Garroth smiled. "Oh, I see. C'mon, he's down the hall."

Dante followed Garroth, thankful he understood. They walked into the room and Dante felt chills go down his body when he saw Vylad.

He had cuts all over his body and there were wires connected all over him. He was so small and skinny you could see his bones through his skin, and he was hooked up to a oxygen tank. Dante guessed some of the other wires were to give him nourishment.

Dante put a hand over his mouth, feeling tears come to his eyes. Why had his gem had to go through this?

"Oh, hi Dante, sweetie." Zianna said, walking up and putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'm guessing you saw the news?"

Dante could only nod.

Zianna pulled him into a hug, and he let a few tears fall.

No matter if the medication they gave him made Vylad better, Dante knew that, after what he'd been through, Vlyad would never be the same.


Look at me, being the angsty shit that I am.

Another idea I got from foxynotfound. Vylad got taken by a yandere when he was young and was found years later.

Yeah, that is definitely gonna cause some angst.

Well, there ya go. I don't really have anything else to say.



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