Resisting Was Useless

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Zane woke up in a cave. He stood up and looked around. He saw he was in a hanging cave above some water and instantly felt a little sick to his stomach. He never did well with heights.

"Well, you're awake." Zane turned around and saw a figure wearing a black cape. He watched the figure raise their hand and before he knew it, he had landed in the water.

Zane scrambled up and stood up straight.

"This will be easier if you don't resist." The figure said as they moved closer to Zane.

"What do you want?" Zane asked. He wasn't sure why, but this guy gave him the chills. The figure chuckled.

"I just need you to help me with something." They said, taking a bright green potion out of their cloak.

"Who are you?" Zane asked, getting frustrated with the lack of answers. He just wanted to get back to the lodge to make sure no one else had been taken.

"That, I'm afraid, I cannot tell you." They said. They oncorked the llid of the potion bottle and went to pour it on Zane, but he moved out of the way. He ended up behind the figure and took their hood off.

"Ein!?!?" He said in disbelief. He was the kid that got expelled at the end of Zane's sophomore year! He also knew he betrayed Aphmau in some way, but he'd never asked what happened. "What are you doing here?"

"You incompetent human!" Ein said, placing the cork back in the bottle for the time being. "Well, no matter. Just stop fighting, it'll be useless in the end." He moved closer to Zane, not bothering to take the cork off of the bottle again. Probably planning to throw it on Zane.

Zane ran behind Ein, but slipped in the water. He tried to get up, but fell back down, so he scrambled as far away from Ein as he could, ending up against the wall.

Ein walked towards him, a maniacal grin on his face. He bends down so he's face to face with Zane. He smiled, his fangs showing.

"I told you, resisting was useless." Ein said, and Zane's vision went black.


This was one of foxynotfound's ideas and I was hit with inspiration when I read it. The conversation between Zane and Ein before Zane was hit with the forever potion.

I really hope you liked it even though I didn't plan it at all.



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