Explanation to why William murdered (and how he murdered them) the MC

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(Also if you'd like, play the music box for background music I guess-) I might make a book dedicated to my AU soon- Well here goes the explanation to why he killed 'em (and how he killed them)-

!TW and Warnings!: Mention of,knifes,child murder and mentions of very detailed gore (In only in the part where Susie's dog dies)

After CC's death(Bite of '83) he was mad,depressed, and slowly losing his sanity, so he then planned on murdering and kidnapping Charlie during autumn in the night so nobody would notice that $|-|3 was missing.His plan kinda failed thanks to Sammy so he had to kill him too(He killed both of Henry's only children that Hen adored and loved with all his heart). So just as he had planned he killed them the following week before Halloween at Charlie's birthday party.He attended the party,he walked around the diner looking for Charlie in the very clean Spring Bonnie suit. After what seemed like hours he finally found Charlie but with |-|3< was Sammy. Charlie and Sammy were in the supply closet (Like in The Silver Eyes Comic/Book), when he saw the two twins he instantly grabbed Sammy and took him to the backroom killing him rapidly because he knew Sammy was going to $(<3a/\/\ any moment by then.Meanwhile Charlie had left the supply closet running out to where the party was happening, so when William returned he couldn't find |-|3< anywhere.Henry was also no where in sight so William wrote a note to Henry saying that he had to leave to check up on Elizabeth and Mike because they were both still recovering from their brother's death, and as simple as that he gave the note to Henry's wife and left. As he started driving he passed the building and he saw a child around the age of three or four banging on the door $(<3a/\/\1|\|9 for help. He already know who this child was. . .Charlie of course! He stopped his car quickly and got out approaching the poor and helpless Charlie holding a very sharp knife that CC had once gifted him.In a second or two he was near Charlie hiding in the shadow waiting for the children near the window laughing at Charlie to leave. Six minutes has passed when the children had finally left, Charlie had started crying,then William said, "Don't cry my dear Charlie. . ." $|-|3 responded sobbing, "Un-uncle Wil-ly is tha-that you?  Th-these mean k-kids loc-locked me out." $|-|3 said as $|-|3 continued sobbing, it was raining, it was pouring to be exact. "Oh no. . .I'm so sorry they did this to you. . .well goodnight Char I will miss you dearly. . .", William stabs Charlie in the neck, |-|3< body falling to the ground limp and motionless. Annnnnnd that's how Charlie died :v. Beautiful right????

The Summer of 1985 two weeks after Elizabeth's death, 2 year after he had killed the twins

 Susie's Death: This was really unexpected for William. . .he hadn't expected that his other child would die. . .Since he now lost both of his children he decided to kill other kids for remnant so he himself could become immortal and the rest of his family.Another reason why he did it was because he wanted other parents to feel how it feels to lose a child.When he and Henry had officially opened Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria to the public with Henry he was already planning on murdering a few children of his choice,every single damn day he would observe the children that entered and exited to see if they would be worthy to kill. One day William was just driving his car to work and then he sees a dog running across the road, he tried to brake so he wouldn't hit the dog but he braked a little bit to late. The corpse of the dog was there. . .it was truly disgusting once you see it.The body of the dog was split in half, blood everywhere and the most disturbing thing is that the dogs guts were out of it's body and that it's bones were also visible which made William almost vomit. William didn't know who this dog belonged to so he picked up the remaining pieces of the dog with his bare hands putting it in a bag and put it n the back of his ePiK pUrPlE cAr, when he got to the diner he instantly grabbed the bag and headed towards the back room since nobody was watching him right now. The diner/pizzeria (Whatever you call it) was pretty lonely except for this one 91</ with blonde hair with a light pink dress who seemed to be alone at the time. The girl was playing one of the arcade games crying, William then decided to put on the Spring Bonnie suit to lure the 91</ to the backroom with the bait. He approaches the 91</ and says, "Why hello there! Is everything alright there miss?". $|-|3 responds back, "I'm not okay at all! I lost my dog and we can't find it!", $|-|3 continued crying. "Well I know where your dog is!", William said with excitement in his voice. The 91</ looked at him with confusion and happiness, "Y-you do?!", "Of course! This yellow rabbit knows where your dog is! Now follow me. . ." as they were both walking towards the back room the 91</ said |-|3< name was "Susie". Once they reached William opened the door letting Susie in first, Susie then spotted a box that covered something that looked like a dog sleeping under a box, $|-|3 excitedly went over to the dog. William then closed the door as if Susie was going to yell any second now (which $|-|3 did). Terrorized from what $|-|3 saw under that box made |-|3< $(<3a/\/\, William jumped when $|-|3 $(<3a/\/\ed "S-spring Bonnie yo-you never to-told me my d-dog was dead."Susie stuttered still shocked from what $|-|3 just saw. "Oh I didn't tell you because it's a surprise!And why would I tell a hopeless and u$3/3$$ child to follow me so they can see their dog again?To murder them of course! If you really want to see your dog say goodbye. . .",under the mask William was smiling he then grabs the knife that he had used years back to murder Charlie and Sammy. He stabbed Susie happily in the head,seeing |-|3< body collapse to the ground was oddly satisfying he started laughing like a maniac. "You see I gave you your gift. Now your with your dog in Heaven. . .or should I say Hell.", he laughs once again. Another idea popped up into William's mind, that idea was if he should stuff the body into the suit. Of course, that would totally get rid of the evidence. He grabbed one of the suits that resembled one of the mascots on the poster named 'Chica The Chicken'.The suit was in the far corner of the backroom, once he got the suit he took off the head of the animatronic's and stuffed Susie inside carelessly.When he was done stuffing Susie inside of the suit there was legit blood all over the place it was a very. . .gory scene. . .to be exact. And that's how the Susie died-

Cassidy's,Jeremy's,Gabriel's and Fritz's Death: It was both Jeremy's and Cassidy's birthday party! They were both very excited about it. "So Cassidy I heard that Spring Bonnie is coming to the party to say hi!!!!", said Fritz excitedly. Cassidy looked at his older brother happily (Ok so for those who don't know,since Cassidy was a orphan(In my AU ofc), he really didn't have anywhere to go,so Fritz made his parents adopt Cassidy. Ok so how it happened was when Fritz was outside playing with the others(When Susie was still alive) then he saw Cassidy in the park sleeping. Fritz went up to him and woke him up saying if he had a home which Cassidy responded with a 'no'. Fritz told Cassidy that he can stay at his house if he'd liked, Cassidy at first said no but then he thought about it and accepted the invitation.After a few days of Cassidy staying at Fritz's house, Fritz planned to surprise Cassidy by saying that he was now apart of his (-a/\/\1/y because they were going to adopt him! When Cassidy heard this he cried of joy. Cassidy finally had a (-a/\/\1/y once again!),"Yep! I'm very excited about it!",he responded eagerly. Meanwhile William was putting on the the Spring Bonnie suit, it had been a long time since he had last put it on.He was getting ready to greet the kids and getting ready to also murder the birthday boy's. . .and maybe their friends too. After twenty minutes William was already out from the changing room and started walking towards the chaos. "There he is, guys!!!!!", Gabriel exclaimed to the others. "Where? I don't see him." said Jeremy pretending not to see Spring Bonnie "Over there! Are you still blind even though your wearing glasses?",said Gabriel said with a serious tone."Geez Gabriel, I was joking around-" said Jeremy looking at Gabriel shocked. "Oops I'm sooooo sorry!",Gabriel said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, the four of them started cracking up. "Well good afternoon young boys!", said a oddly familiar voice. The four of them turned to see who had just talked to them, and it resulted to be. . .Spring Bonnie! Hooray! They all looked at one another excited and the four of them said, "HELLO SPRING BONNIE!!!!" William chuckled and responded,"Hello there!Soooo who's birthday is it today????" "It's both our birthdays!!!!!", both Cassidy and Jeremy said together eagerly. "Well how exciting!!! I have surprise for you two!!!Follow me and you'll both see it!!!", William started walking towards the backroom.The boys followed behind eagerly.They were whispering about what the surprise would probably be. Like William did with Susie he opened the door to the backroom letting the boys in first.After the boys got in he shut the door quickly, the boys looked around the room confused. "Spring Bonnie?Where's the surprise?", Cassidy had asked out of nowhere. Fritz slaps his head and says,"Cass be patient!". "I'm sorry!", Cassidy replied.William chuckles,"Well your surprise is over there by that corner. . ."William was taking out his favorite knife and a baseball bat. As the others go look at the other side of the room ,Cassidy stood there watching what William had taken out. "U-um gu-guys. . ."  Cassidy stuttered walking backwards."Yes little bro?",Fritz had answered not looking back."Sp-Spring Bonnie has weapons and Ga-Gabriel is dead. . .", This time Fritz looked back it looks like William had already killed Gabriel without them even noticing. Jeremy was frozen he wasn't reacting at all from what was happening. William instantly lunged at Jeremy stabbing him straight in the stomach. Jeremy had reacted to this and he was in a state of complete shock, his body collapsed onto the ground there was a huge pool of blood where Gabriel's body was. . .Cassidy was staring at the bodies of his two dead friends,"CASSIDY GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET HURT JUST GO!" Fritz had yelled to him. At this point William was approaching Fritz slowly with the baseball bat in one hand and the knife in the other, "How does it feel to see your friends die?. . .To me it's very satsifying to see their bodies fall to the ground. . .". Fritz looked around to see if Cassidy had left but no, he was still there he was running to a suit that resembled Fredbear. . .Cassidy got into the suit not knowing there were spring locks in the suit.In that case the suit started twitching violently and Fritz heard a little scream coming from the suit.After what seemed like hours the twitching stopped, he turned his head to look at Spring Bonnie, he was to late to even escape he had been stabbed right in the left eye. Fritz also got stabbed in the chest which made him feel dizzy and light-headed."Night-night my dear children sleep well. . ." was the last thing William said. William was very happy about his kills, he grabbed the suits of Foxy,Bonnie and Freddy and stuffed the three kids in the suits. When he was finished he heard a laugh coming from the suit Cassidy had got spring locked in, he shuddered and left.

And that's how they died :'D

Hello everybody! Thanks for reading this! It took me almost three days to finish this q--q. There are 2100 words in this-

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