King Ghidorah OC

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Name: Ghidorah (No last name)

Known As: God of the Void, King of the Void, Higher-Dimensional Monster/Being, Golden Demise, Golden King, Golden Nothing 

Gender: Genderless, but can take the appearance of both

Age: Unmeasurable

Eyecolor: Red

Species: Higher-Dimensional Being

History: A being that roams around the multi-verse, it chooses to do whatever it desires, whether to destroy or to save.


Human Form

Kaiju Form




Gravity Beams

Ghidorah can shoot gravity beams (concentrated beams of electricity) from his mouths. Much like how Godzilla's dorsal plates glow whenever he's about to release his atomic breath, Ghidorah's throats glow before he fires his gravity beams. The beams are golden in color, and they are more than powerful enough to obliterate humans, buildings, and aircraft. These gravity beams are so powerful, that when Mothra was struck by all three at once, she was almost immediately incinerated. 

Electricity emission

Ghidorah can emit powerful thunderbolts from its body and can electrify targets by sending electricity and sparks through its fangs.

Energy siphoning

Ghidorah was shown to be able to siphon energy from Godzilla, as when the latter began to give off immense waves of heat, similar to what he did at Mechagodzilla City, Ghidorah sucked the heat from its body. Godzilla then began to cool off.

Energy Drain 

Ghidorah has shown the ability to bite down onto power lines and add the power to himself, significantly boosting his strength. He is also able to siphon the life force of his opponents through his bite, attempting to do so to Godzilla during their fight in Boston.

Extra-dimensional nature

When successfully summoned, this incarnation of Ghidorah boasts an advanced form of intangibility, which affords him the advantage of being able to attack, while not being able to be attacked in response. In addition, he also bends reality's space and time around himself, resulting in Godzilla's beam attacks curving erratically off target into the air, and the ground.

During his manifestation on Earth, Ghidorah first emerged as a shadowy presence and initially devoured victims' shadows then parts of their physical bodies, however, the victims didn't show any signs of pain or agony while being eaten.

Ghidorah was also physically powerful to lift Godzilla Earth into the air in its ethereal form.

Gravitational powers

Ghidorah's mere presence results in extreme gravitational pressures being exerted upon anyone nearby. The Aratrumitself began to crumble under these powers, with both external plating and internal structures breaking down under the immense pressure.

Space-time distortion

This incarnation of Ghidorah can bend space and time around himself. This results in improper readings pertaining to its presence or actions, and even abnormalities in how events play out.


Ghidorah is able to regenerate one of the three heads that were decapitated by Godzilla almost instantaneously.


Each of Ghidorah's heads is very nimble and quick, able to lash out and quickly strike a target such as Godzilla, similar to a snake lashing out. When flying, his top speed can reach up to 550 knots.

Strength and Combat

Ghidorah is able to use his jaws, talons, wings, and tail in battle. He was strong enough to lift Godzilla thousands of feet into the air with little effort, before dropping him onto the ground.

Ghidorah's fighting style is similar to that of a snake, quickly lashing out and biting onto opponents. Also like that of a snake, Ghidorah is seen coiling around Godzilla several times in an attempt to strangle him.

Ghidorah can use his massive wings as a sort of shield, tucking his heads behind them to protect himself from projectiles.  

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