An art...

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Once again... This is for ClassicScarWolf27

Damnit,why didn't I draw some for my other fellow artist?!

Maybe because you don't know how their ocs look like?

....... Maybe........ If you want your oc(s) to be drawn,just tag me in one of you books with your oc character! I'll draw it with my way,which means I draw it MLP style.

Anyways.... Let me just put this horrible drawing here....

I don't remember the story how Classy found Loxo. This is my imagination only. Loxo's neck is bandaged because of the experimentation while his wing was also bandaged because he attempted to smash his way through the glass/bar thing to escape. If you can't see it,there's M42 written right above his bandaged wing.

I didn't draw Loxo's cutie mark because he didn't know his purpose or talent because he's still in the lab.

Me: *tries not to draw something dramatic*
Also me: *draw hair flowing dramatically and shadowed eyes like in those typical heroic movie*

Hope you like my art. I'm too lazy to color the drawing.

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