Monsters AU (One-shot)

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Hey, uh.... Sorry for not updating much. I'm so busy with my assignments and works in my personal life to the point where I abandoned this fic. I hope any of you forgive me (T_T)....

Anyways, I'm here to bring a one-shot for you guys. This one-shot is inspired by Princess-Shadow 's One-shot book. Go check her out, she's awesome! You're one of my favourite author, Shadow!

Hope you like this, Shadow.
Probably have bad grammar and spelling mistakes. If you spot any mistakes, feel free to correct me.

English is not my first language.



That's what they're feeling right now. Only sadness. They're grieved for the lost of their beloved Great Alpha, Boboiboy. The remaining Alpha, Beliung or Tempest, along with the packs Betas and pups, howled and cried to the moon.

Pleading, screaming for their Alpha to open his eyes. To assure them that he is fine, that this is just a dream and he'd wake up, a warm smile on his lips, laughing and talking with the same gentle voice that's reserved for them, and them only.

But, it was all in vain. For he is gone. He'll never wake up. Eyes closed with body cold, oh so cold that Beliung almost flinched at the coldness. He'll never look at them with the same gentle eyes.

Then, the Sadness turns to Emptiness...

The wolves felt empty. A gaping hole filled their heart, leaving wounds so big and so deep that nothing could heal such wounds. The gaping hole that can only be healed by their eldest brother, The Great Alpha himself.

It didn't take long for the realisation to hit them.

"Alpha's gone"

"He's gone"

That's what their collective mind supplied.

And the Sadness and Emptyness spiral into Anger...

"They killed him..."

"They killed our brother!"



Beliung, along with his brothers, all vowed to avenge their brother, their Great Alpha.

"Never give face to those scums"

"Never let them step into our forest!"

Those wolves never showed mercy for the humans and aliens that stepped into the forest.

And this went on for year. How many? 5 years?10 years?They had lost count how many years for they only fixated on avenging their fallen brother in blood.

100 years later...

A group, consists of 4 humans and 1 aliens was seen walking into the forbidden forest as they have a mission to retrieve an object, a power sphere, to be exact.

And one of the humans, a boy, looks startlingly similar to their Great Alpha.


431 Words
Published: 11th April 2022

Sorry, it's short since my brain is out of juice (T-T)

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