Playful Tom Holland

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A/N - This is just a short story. The main character is best friends with Tom Holland and they're both high schoolers. Enjoy!

"Is he in here?" I said as I peeked into my home room classroom suspiciously. Luna, one of my closest friends, shook her head no and I sighed with relief as I quickly rushed into the classroom, closing the door behind me, and going to hid under the desk next to Luna and my other friend Georgia. "He's after you again?!" My teacher Ms. Pavlock asked me as she approached where I was hiding. I giggled and nodded, making her, Luna, and Georgia laugh at me. "We were play fighting in our last class and I was able to escape just as the bell rang. But if he finds me, I'm dead." I giggled. "You do realize he's probably on his way here?" Georgia pointed out. "That's exactly why you're supposed to pretend like I'm not here!" I exclaimed. "Ms Pavlock go back to your desk! If he asks, I'm not here and I never was." They all laugh at me but Ms Pavlock agrees to keep my cover. Just as Ms Pavlock returns to her desk, the classroom door bursts open. Of course, it's none other than a smirking Tom Holland. I immediately start blushing as I watch his eyes scan the room. "Where is she?" He asked and I bit my lip to hold back my laughter.

I'm sooo dead!

"Who?" Ms Pavlock questioned and he raised his eyebrow at her. "Come on Ms. Pavlock. I know she asked you to cover for her. Where's Daisy?" Tom Holland asked and she smiled. "What exactly did she do to make you go after her this time?" Yolanda, one of the girls in our class, questioned. "Actually I just felt like messing with her and seeing that smile." He said as I heard him start walking around the classroom. "Well, you're gonna have to look for that smile somewhere else because she's not here." Luna said and I facepalmed myself. Why would she talk? He knows I'm close to Luna! "Luna! You will for sure know where she is." Tom said as I heard him speedwalk to my exact location. I knew my cover was blown at this point but then Luna whispered "Daisy, run!" I immediately popped out from under the desk, making eye contact with Tom and he smirked. "Well if it isn't Blushcakes!" He said, calling me by the most annoying nickname ever! "Tom, stay back!" I squealed as he ran towards me. I giggled and tried to ran away from him but he caught me within seconds, tackling me into one of the beanbags in the back of the classroom. "Get off!" I giggled and he laughed at me, pinning my arms down to my sides. "Now where was I? Ah yes! My nose was trying to find someone warm for the winter." He smirked and I giggled, shaking my head no. "You better not Tom! I'll throw another water bottle at your head!" I giggled and he laughed at me. "I'd love to see you try to while I have you pinned down." He teased as he brought his nose to my neck, nuzzling deep holes all over. I instantly started squealing and giggling. "Help!" I giggled and he laughed, tightening his grip by wrapping his arms around my arms and waist before digging his fingers into my stomach. My giggles increased in volume by a lot as I tried to shake him off of me. "You're going to have to try harder than that to get me to let go." He mumbled into my neck. "I'm trapped!" I squealed and he laughed at my predicament, continued to dig into my ribs and sides. All ten of his fingers were digging deeper by the second and neck was still trapped by the ticklish torment of his nose. "Ms Pavlock he's trying to kill me!" I squealed, making the whole class, including Tom, laugh at me. "Okay Tommy! Let her breathe." Mrs Pavlock finally said and Tom slowed down, not losing his grip on me for a second. "You're lucky she's here." He whispered into my neck. "When you come over later, you'll never escape." He teased, making me giggle harder.

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