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Ok so before this starts, please know that it was originally supposed to be a work for class, that I added to because I liked it, meaning some parts may be written better then others, and formating may be weird (copy and pasted after adding stuff). Grammar prolly sucks in general cus i cAnT wRiTe. Anyways, enjoy i guess?


“Kids it's time to go!” my wife called out to the kids who were playing in the wet grass of our front lawn. We were about to leave for Yourqu Rotan to visit some family. 

“Kids!” my wife calls again, but they ignore her. “Ben, can you get the kids for me?” she looked up at me hopefully. 

“Yeah give me a second.” I walked over to the kids. “Kids it's time to go- ATLAS!” the kids looked over at their oldest brother. “How many times have I told you not to put mud on the neighbors dog???” Atlas looked guilty, mud covering his little hands.

“Uhm….” Atlas didn't answer, knowing full well that it's more times then I should have had to tell him.

“Let's just get going. Go quickly wash your hands and get in the car. Your mother is waiting!” atlas does what hes told as the rest of us go get buckled in. 

We start driving, on our way South to Yourqu. The 3 kids fight in the back as I drive. Yet what was about to happen when we got on to the highway, was the worst thing to have happened. 

“DAD! RIVER UNBUCKLED HIS-” Pyre couldn't finish his sentence before a car, who was driving in the wrong lane, collides with ours. River was sent flying through the windshield, due to not having his seatbelt on, and my wife, along with the other 2 kids, screamed while I was in too much shock to say  or do anything. 

After I regained my composure, I helped my family out of the car, and called the police as my wife ran over to River. 

“HE'S ALIVE!” my wife called out to me in tears while I talked to the officer on the phone. 

Soon, a few ambulance, a firetruck, and 2 police cars showed up. One ambulance took me and my family, and another took the driver of the other car who was passed out, and reeked of alcohol. 

“Dad?” Atlas had a question for me 

“Yes Atlas?” I waited for his response 

“Will River be okay?” tears welled in the poor boys eyes. 

“I...I don't know. I hope so, but he's in critical condition according to the doctors." Atlas clung onto me as I said this, frightened and worried. I'm worried too, but I try not to show it, not for my sake, but for my family's.  

We get to the hospital, and the doctors inform us that River is currently in a brain-trauma induced coma from the crash. Pyre, the youngest at the mere age of 6, held onto his mother, as the horrid news was spilled, while Atlas held onto me. All of us were scared as to what was going to happen, but we tried to stay strong. 

When we got home, we informed our families what happened. First we informed the family of which we were going to visit, then the other parts of the family. They were very understanding thankfully. 

Afterward, I paced around Rivers room for a bit, and found his favorite toy, that he complained about forgetting right before we left, sitting on his bed. I picked it up, and hugged it. It may have only been a few hours, but I miss my son. 

The next morning, we went to the hospital to see how River was doing.

About 2 months later, River still hadn’t woken up. We were starting to lose hope, when we got an exciting call from the doctor. 

“Is this the residence of the Garner Family?” a man with a deep voice asked me. 

“Yes it is.” I replied. 

“Great! I would like to inform you that your son, River Garner, has officially woken up from his coma. The doctors are checking him for long term brain damage, and you are welcome to show up here to talk with him.” 

I had no words. My son was awake, he was alive! I quickly hung up the phone and told the rest of the family. They were ecstatic to hear this news. We all quickly got into the car, and drove over to the hospital. 

We got to the hospital and ran right up to the reception desk. 

“We are a family of River Gar-” 

“Come with me quick.” the resepsionist quickly led us to the room our son was in. doctors surrounded me son. “Hey his family is here.” the receptionist left as the doctors turned to us and left the room. 

“River!” both boys yelled simultaneously before running up to their brothers hospital bed. River said nothing back. He just looked at them as if he couldn't remember who they are.

“Boys, let's give him some space. He is probably really confused on who you are.” my wife lightly pulled the kids away from their brother, as we heard, and saw, the worst thing happen. River passed out, as the heart monitor flat lined. Doctors quickly rushed in as we rushed out. 

An hour later, we get the horrid news that, our 10 year old little boy, had died from a heart failure. After we got the news, I contacted family, friends, and my wife contacted the school. 

The last friend I contacted, was a friend of mine who was a tattoo artist. I not only told her about what happened, I also asked her what her prices were for a small tattoo. She offered to do mine for free cus what happened, of which I was unsure about, but eventually obliged to. I came into her shop in town the next morning.

When I got there, I requested a tattoo of his favorite toy, with a quote surrounding it. His favorite toy being a blue red and white sock monkey, that he brought with him everywhere. For being 10 years old, he was pretty childish, but we loved that about him.

Around the toy, it read "A River Flows Forever". It was a small quote, but that small quote symbolized a lot for our family. River was always overflowing with creativity, empathy, and mischief. His kindness flowed through him endlessly, and so did our love for him. 

A month or two later, Rivers funeral was held. Tears were shed, funny stories about River were told, and I finally showed my family the tattoo. Everyone bawled as I showed them, and that includes me. River held a special part in all of our hearts, and nothing, and I mean nothing, was going to change that.

Yeah yeah yeah it sucks i know, but it was fun to write, so I'm happy enough with it.

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