100 word short

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(((I love how there's only about 3 people who read this book at the moment. Literally the past four or so chapters have 3 views)))

"Nnnnnnnnooooooooo," Jamison groaned as he lazily slammed a hand down onto the black and red alarm clock. "Stupid 'larm clock goin' off on a fuckin' weekend," he muttered as he pulled the blanket back over his body all the way up to his neck.

Jamison lets his closed lids cease their scrunching and relax letting him fall back into a peaceful, morning sleep.

But as much as he enjoyed being able to stretch out on a mattress and hog an entire duvet he wanted to be curled up with someone and be able to exchange cutesy couple cuddles with them.

((( 100 word short minus the A/Ns')))

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