Five then?

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(This chapter idea was brought to you by lots of time and boredom
Your welcome.
Oh! And also brought to you by me realizing I stopped writing stories with girls in them months ago.
Your welcome x 2)

Oliver's POV

"'Mmgh~ god how are you so good at this? Ah!~'"

I break out in a bright red blush. "I did not say that."

"Did too, you're just in denial."

I sigh in annoyance and look away. The twins in front of us giggle, although they aren't actually twins. They're just two friends who happen to look almost identical.

My friend, Beckett, the one teasing me, smiled down at me with a knowing look in his eyes. I smiled back ever so slightly. Our "friends with benefits" deal always worked in our favor.

"So would you guys be up for it?" Beckett asks as he leans in towards the two. His blood red button up unbuttoned at the top to show his smooth chest.

The boy and girl glance at each other. "Up for what?" They asks feigning innocence like I often do.

Beckett smirks. "A foursome, with me and my buddy Oliver," he says to them as I smile shyly.

Beckett and I were pretty clear on who was the dom and the sub. *cough* I'm sure it's obvious who is who.

The twins glance at each other again.

"Well actually..." The girl starts off absentmindedly twirling some hair in between her fingers as she leaves us hanging.

"Yes?" Beckett and I asks waiting for her to finish.

"We have another member of our party," she says, and almost as if he was on cue a guy comes up to our table and sits down. "Raffael."

"Hey dorks, and you know I just go by R." he greets his friends before he realizes me and Beckett are there. "Why hello," he says in a deep voice that gets a shiver going through me. I notice even Beckett gulps, and he's never been a sub once in his life. "Iris, Gerald. Care to introduce me?" He says turning he head to the side slightly.

"Of course!" They say.

"His names Beckett," Gerald says pointing at him and nearly melting when Beckett winks at him.

"And he's Oliver," Iris says pointing at me and I flash my perfect teeth with a ever so slight gap tooth that most people don't even notice but adore anyways.

"Well aren't you just precious," he drawls out staring at me the entire time.

Thank god I'm sitting because my knees turn to jelly when I meet his gaze.

Allow me to describe what this sexy hunk of man looks like: *ahem* tall, and well defined. But not like those stupid jocks you see walking out of the gym that are ridiculously buff, no no. He looks like he has those perfect shadows of muscles that are tucked away under his skin. His hair is shaved short on the sides, a slight fringe on the top that's ridiculously curly, and it's a striking black color. His skin is olive toned and matches his ivy green eyes and plump but modest lips.

I'm starting to drool when Beckett nudges my side and I sit up straight. Beckett, my light brown haired, hazel eyed friend always knew when I began to space out over somebody. And for that, I was thankful I had my peach skinned bestie around.

"So five it is then?" Beckett asks wanting to clear it up with everyone.

He gets a nod from everyone including myself. "Alrighty then. Let's head on over to mine and Oliver's apartment.

"Friends with benefits?" Iris asks coming up to stand next to me as we all stand and gather our things. I nod and hum an affirmative answer.

"Why not go to my place?" Raffael challenges looking between me and Beckett.

I stutter trying to come up with something to say, but Beckett's already beating me to the punch. "Because we have a room with a massive bed that can fit us all on it at once," Beckett says silencing everyone.

"I like that. That sounds great," Gerald says in awe as he imagines it.

"Agreed," both Iris and Raffael say at the same time making me look between the two of them. They both stare back at me silently making me blush and look away. "To the cars," I say, or rather suggest as I start walking out and everyone follows.

"So who's driving with who?" Beckett asks as he twirls his keys around his pointer finger. "I'm driving my car."

"Can I ride with you?" Gerald asks Beckett as he stands by his side.

"Of course you can babe," Beckett says with a charming smile that still makes me choke on air sometimes.

"Yay!" He exclaims as they start to walk off. "Wait, one more thing," Gerald says stopping in his tracks.

Before I have any time to think he's swept me up in his arms and is firmly kissing me. I squeak but quickly give in. with a moan. My arms go around his neck as my toes barely touch the ground. Gerald pulls away leaving us both panting. "If I wasn't such a sub for everyone else here I'd fuck you senseless~" he purrs into my ear making me clutch onto his t-shirt. "...and maybe I will later~" He pecks my cheek before pulling away. "See you guys at the house!" He says switching back to a cheery and bubbly mood as he waves at the other two standing at my sides.

"That was hot," I here Beckett mutter to Gerald as he giggles cutely and holds onto Beckett's arm.

"Well looks like your riding with us," Iris says as she pulls a set of car keys out of her backpack. "I'm driving," she states as she leads us to her car.

I was still flustered from what Gerald had just done and I was blushing faintly as Iris unlocks the doors and Raffael opens it for me. "Oh, thank you," I thank him politely with one of my more simple award winning smiles as I step into the car.

Once we're all in Irirs turns to me from the drivers seat. Raffael and I were sitting in the back. "What's the address?" She asks curiously.

"Oh it's- here I'll just type it," I say getting out of my seat in the middle and leaning forward over the hatch to the dashboard of the car.

"One...eight...sev-EHHN!~" I bite back a scream as I feel hands massaging my booty.

"Cute ass~" Raffael growls making me shudder visibly.

"Are you bi?" Iris asks as I avert my eyes to the empty passenger seat.

"I'm a sub," I respond thinking that was an adequate answer, but Iris sticks two fingers under my chin and tilts it up so I'm looking into her ocean eyes framed by her sandy blonde hair that's just a half a centimeter from grazing her shoulders.

"That wasn't my question," she corrects making me blush.

"Y-yes," I say biting my bottom lip.

She smirks at me. "Good. I'm gonna have lots of fun with you," she says releasing my chin and turning to sit back normal in her seat.

Blushing like mad I type in the address into the GPS and sit back down in my seat. Shifting my hips I realize this cars seats must be cushier than I thought.

"Did I mention you have a great ass?" Raffael asks as I look behind me and nearly throw myself out the window. I had sat down right onto Rafael's lap.

"Why are you called R Raffael?" I asks completely changing the subject and ignoring my embarrassment.

Raffael looks amused. "Because I'm rated R~" he says sexily making me whimper from the back of my throat.

Putting a hand on my waist R whispers into my ear. "Don't make sounds like that or I might just fuck you right here," he warns making me stay silent but grip his hips tightly.

*Time Skip hesitantly pops in and waves at all the readers. It's been a while... hasn't it?*

Oliver's POV

R had continued to tease me for the entire car ride, so for 30 minutes he would periodically buck his hard on into my clothed ass making me squeak and squeal. It also wasn't helping that he was whispering kinky shit into my ear making me want him so bad.

By the time we got to the apartments parking lot I was struggling to hide my boner underneath my light blue, oversized hoodie and my thigh length, black shorts. My blonde nearly white hair with brown roots that was fluffy as all heck was falling in front of my eyes covering both the light blue on the left and the entrancing brown one on the right.

Looking between my strands of hair I see Beckett's car but no Beckett and Gerald. Which was fine, I know my way around.

"This way," I say leading the two to the elevator. Once we get in and the doors close Iris pins me against the wall.

"Iris? Wh- mmh~" I groan as Iris kisses me greedily. One hand keeps my hands stuck to the wall while the other grips my hip tightly with nails that digs into my hips. She pulls away after several seconds pass and I'm left panting, her lips just inches away from mine.

"Wow. You're adorable~" she says to me making me shiver, since I could feel her breath fanning my plump cherry lips. She felt me tense up and giggled. I looked at her with pleading puppy dog eyes but she just shook her head. "It's not my time yet... it's R's turn~"

With that, she releases my hands and steps away, it doesn't take long for R to step in front of me making me inhale sharply and stare up at him. His aura was intimidating and oh so sexy to me. I couldn't help but stare up at him with a needy look.

"Well well well, what do we have here?~" he rumbles as he looks down at my nether regions and inches closer.

I turn my head to the side and bite my bottom lip. R notices and he grips my chin and turns my head to face him. I stare up at him as he stares back at me. Without a word he swipes his thumb across my bottom lip and I release it. He seems pleased as he moves his thumb to rest on the lip. Maintaining eye contact with him I gently kiss his thumb and graze my teeth across the tip on purpose. I smile shyly and he presses even closer to me.

I feel his knee come up against my crotch and instinctively bite my bottom lip again, but R uses his thumb to part my lips once more. Moving his face down in front of mine we both lean in for the kiss, and boy was it heavenly. The way his warm lips and tongue came up to meet my own got my heart beating, but what got it racing was when R rubbed his knee against my hard on making me moan softly for him.

The elevator dings and we reluctantly break away. I peck his lips quickly before going to stand at the front so I can lead them to the apartment.

*Time Skip briefly jumps in again. Look who's back a second time! Even if they're only skipping over a minute or two*

Oliver's POV

Shutting the door behind me I turn to the guests and beam at them. "Welcome to my humble abode! The bed is this way-" I feel a hand slap my ass, a familiar hand. "I know that hand Beckett," I say yanking him down by the wrist so his lips smash into mine. I only hold him there for a few seconds before pulling away. "touch my ass again and I'll do worse," I warn trying hard not to give into his seductive smirk he shows me.

Turning back to Iris and R I continue. "So, as I was saying. The bed is-"


My cheeks brighten flame red as I whirl around. "Beckett-"

"Wasn't me," he says while leaning against a wall a few feet from me.

When I turn around I'm face to face with a grinning Gerald. "Heelllo again Oliver~" he says mere centimeters from me.

We're around the same height, me and this boy wonder. He seems almost like me in personality except for the fact he liked to dominate me and I'm the same sub I've always been for anyone. He's got the same ocean eyes and sandy blonde hair as his look-a-like friend, Iris.

"H-hi," I choke out not daring to move an inch.

I hear Iris sigh dreamily from behind me. "It's a shame we can't all fuck you at once," she says making my cheeks a fire engine red.

"We could try," Beckett says making me move my head to the side enough to glare at him.

"No breaking the sub. Not allowed," I say leaving out words.

"Aww that was cute," Gerald says drawing my attention back to him.

"What was cute?" I question my eyebrows furrowing in the process.

"You trying to talk back and set your own rules," he says simply as he leans in closer. "It's adorable."

My bottom lip juts out in a pout as I huff in annoyance. I stick my hands into my hoodie pocket maybe purposefully making myself look even cuter.

"Staaaaahhp it's to much cuteness," Gerald jokes as he pokes my nose playfully.

I pull back enough so I can talk and everyone will hear me. "Who ever gets to the bed in the first room in the hall gets to have me first," I say making all four of them focus on me. Moving down the hall and around the corner so I'm able to get to the room first I shout, "3,2,1, go!" Quickly I dash into the room and stay clear of the bed as they all crowd in and throw themselves at the mattress embedded into the floor. That way we wouldn't get complaint about a squeaking bed, but that didn't matter anyways because every single room is soundproof in the complex.

R was clearly first as Iris ends up falling on top of him. The other two rush in and groan in defeat.

"Dammit!" Beckett exclaims making me roll my eyes.

"Beckett you've been fucking me up the ass for over six years now, it's only fair other people get a turn," I reason.

"What if I don't like sharing?" He says tauntingly making me snort.

My attention focuses back to R as Iris stands and R's left alone on the bed. "I win," he says triumphantly smirking. Blushing pink I stay where I am for the moment.

"Well while R gets treated by the lovely prize I'm gonna go over here with these two and have some fun of my own~" Beckett says as the twins blush faintly and chuckle.

So as those three break off to their own portion of the bed I feel R's eyes undressing me. Looking back at him my suspicions are proven correct making shyly turn my head away and fiddle with the hem of my hoodie.

"Come here," R orders in such a soft voice that I don't even think about resisting.

Taking that step forward I let myself fall onto the bed so I land sitting next to R. "Hi," I say in my normal voice, which I'm told is very cute.

"Hey~" R says flashing a smile which gives me a chance to see his sharp canines.

Smiling to myself I scoot forward so my thigh touches his. "So... what are you gonna do to me?" I ask softly. "You did get to the bed first after all... and I said whoever got here first got to have me~" I was staring up at R, my hair brushed away from my eyes so I could show off my beautifully mismatched eyes to him.

He stares back at me, but his eyes wander down after a few seconds. "I think I'd like to kiss you again," he mumbles making me hum softly.

"And then what?" I ask moving my mouth inches away from his. He closes the distance and kisses me gently.

He separates our lips enough to talk. "Then I'll make sure you remember my name for years to come~" he grumbles making me melt.

"Oh R," I say before quickly pressing my lips to his and climbing into his lap. The kiss deepens and we passionately make out.

He moves his hands down to my ass making me whimper with an abrupt gasp. He runs a hand up my shirt as I clutch onto his shirt so the fabric balls up in my right hand. My left arm goes around his neck so I can stay super super close to him.

"R~..." I whisper softly as I let my eyes flutter closed and I roll my hips forward. Hearing R groan into my ear I roll my hips again.

"Don't stop~" R says as he grips my hips tightly.

Nodding into his neck I continue to rock forward gently as he groans and moans. His simple sounds are enough to make me short of breath and pant softly. The friction between us is unbearable in the best way imaginable.

R suddenly starts to push my hoodie up. I move my hands and arms briefly so he can slip the blue clothing off my head. R runs his hands along my chest as I swirl my hips around him slightly faster. I was getting needier for him. For all of him. The whole package.

Lifting my head so we were nose to nose I open my eyes just enough to stare at R. "Please~... please fuck me~" I beg quietly before he puts his lips to mine and kisses me hungrily. Whining in liking I buck my hips and kiss him harder.

"R... I need this... I need you," I say in between kisses.

R responds by turning me around and pushing my body against the bed leaving my ass in the air. Biting my bottom lip I feel R's strong hands pulling down my shorts and underwear to reveal my nether regions. I gasp sharply when I feel him rubbing his tip up against my entrance. "Shit, R~" fuck he was massive.

"Hey Beckett," R calls over his shoulders and off to the side getting the attention of the other dom who, from what I could tell, was getting a blow job from Iris and making out with Gerald at the same time.

"What?" Beckett says as he pulls away from his heated kiss making Gerald whine and inch closer.

"You got any condoms and lube?" He asks while grinding against my ass making me moan softly and grip the mattresses sheet.

Beckett whispers into Gerald's ear making the submissive but occasional dom roll his eyes. Gerald stands up his loose band t-shirt and ripped black skinny jeans clinging to his legs and hips. He passes in front of me as he goes over to the lone closet in the bedroom and grabs the two items R asked for. Tossing them to R he bounces back over to Beckett to continue what they'd started.

Speaking of continuing what you start;
R rolls the condom on and before I know it he parts my cheeks and thrusts into me.

"F-FUCKIN' HELL!~" I shout as R grips my hips.

"Heh... sorry baby boy~" R apologetically says before I sigh softly. Once my sigh is finished I whine to tell R to start thrusting, and he does.

It doesn't take long for R's massive 10" cock to get me seeing stars.

Once we come I'm able to let out a sigh of relief. R pulls out leaving me feeling empty down below. Whimpering softly I sit up and lean against his side. He chuckles and ruffles my hair. "You were fantastic."

"Thanks... you too," I say slowly regaining control of my breathing.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Beckett and Gerald quickly nod to each other. Beckett pins down Iris who's smirking seductively underneath him, and Gerald stands to walk over to us. His clothes were gone by this point except for a bandana tied around his neck.

I stare up at him in fascination as he stops in front of us and sits down. "Mind if I join you? he asks receiving a nod from both me and R.

Gerald smirks and comes up in front of me. R moves aside so he can watch us hash it out.

Meeting Gerald's eyes for the briefest of moment I'm pulled into a kiss. Letting my eyes close I tentatively kiss him back, but Gerald's having none of it. Putting a hand on the back of my head he kisses me rougher making me breath in through my nose and loose control of my breathing again. I moan softly as he slips his tongue in and explores. Putting a hand to my chest he pushes me over and tosses me a pillow.

"You're gonna need this," he says as I hold the pillow to my chest.

"Why would- NNGH!" I start out before gasping sharply at the piercing pain in my neck.

"G-Gerald! Nyh~" I moan feeling him lick the mark he just bit into my neck.

He smirks against my neck as he goes to bite me again. Each time he does his it makes me dig my nails into the pillow and whimper softly from both pain and pleasure. I squeeze my eyes shut as he makes his third mark on my shoulder.

"Gerald~... Gerald please~" I whimper feeling his mouth leave my neck. He moved it to hover dangerously close to my lips.

"Please what Oliver?~" he whispers, although I can practically feel his words.

"Touch me~ please I need it~ I'll do anything," I beg reaching up to kiss him.

But he puts a hand onto my chest again and keeps my back pressed against the bed. "Anything?~" he asks in a seductive tone.

"Y-yes, I'll do anything Gerald" I say whining desperate for contact.

He smirks. "Perfect~," he breathes before falling backwards and pulling me on top of him until I'm straddling his crotch. He pulls a condom out from his handkerchief, somehow conveniently made with a pocket, and tears it open so he can roll it on. "Alright, so once I get my turn to fuck your pretty ass... we're gonna find a way to stuff everyone inside of you~" he says making me gasp and raise my head to stare at him worriedly.

"But I can't possibly fit all of you! There's not enough ro-oooh~" my sentence breaks off into a moan as Gerald pushes his length into me with ease since R had already stretched me for his size. I grip his shoulder as I pant softly feeling him shift his hips inside of me.

"Don't worry, we'll get you plenty stretched for it~" Gerald soothes before bucking his hips into me and brushing my prostate.

"God! Gerald!" I scream at the simple flick. He repeats the action until he's slamming up into me.

"You sounds so angelic~" Gerald comments before biting his bottom lip and groaning.

My tongue hangs out of my mouth as I bounce on top of him. I needed it hard and I needed it fast. "Ah~ Gerald~" I moan feeling myself get closer.

"Say my name again~" he orders as he slams into me and pumps my length.

"G-Gerald!~ Oh god don't stop~" I moan loudly as I roll my hips and within a couple of seconds cum onto his chest.

"Shit~ Oliver~" Gerald groans cumming into his condom with a couple more thrusts.

Gerald sits up, still inside of me. "That was amazing. You're amazing," he rambles cupping my cheeks.

I smile, my flushed cheeks warming. "Ha... thanks."

Gerald kisses me sweetly before lifting me off of his length. I whimper as I sit in his lap and bury my face in his chest.

I feel his neck turn and Gerald suddenly says, "hey Oliver, you might want to open your eyes."

I raise my head and my eyes fly open seeing a sight to behold.

Beckett and R were in a passionate make out session, and I couldn't tell who was dominating. It didn't really matter though, but they were incredibly hot. Hot enough to get my shaft to a chub and then a full hard on rather quickly.

"Wow..." Gerald mumbles staring at them in the same way I was.

A finger taps mine and Gerald's shoulder turning our attention to the one and only female in the room. Iris grinned at us. "Care to join me in the corner?" She asks pointing over to the corner of the room that rose up into a bench with soft material attached to it so you could do even more positions.

"Sure," Gerald says as I just nod entangled in his arms.

Going over to said corner I see Iris holding her backpack. "What's in the bag?" I ask curiously.

She smirks at me as we three stop walking. "Glad you asked~" she says pressing herself up against me as my back comes up against the mattress covered surface. She kisses me hard making me moan, kiss back, and get lost very quickly. She picks me up by my hips and sets me on the higher ledge that resembled the height of a standard bed.

I turn my attention to Gerald who hops up onto the ledge next to me and watches Iris and I interact with interest.

Hearing the sound of belt tightening I look to Iris again. I gulp audibly seeing the strap on she attached it to herself. She sees me looking and starts to speak. "Twelve inches in length, an inch and a half thick, and complete with vibrating capabilities," she lists off making my erection throb at the sight.

"It's- it's so thick," I murmur looking up at her shyly. "Will it fit?" I ask barely above a whisper as my eyes fill with innocence.

She smiles comfortingly. "It will, with lots and lots of lube," she says taking a bottle Gerald had grabbed and passing it to her. She applied it to the dildo making me whimper in anticipation. Once she was ready she repositioned me to be bending over and gripping the mattress at normal bed height as her feet were firmly planted on the floor.

"Ready?" She asks into my ear, I nod as Gerald comfortingly scoots closer to run a hand through my hair.

I sigh appreciatively at him before the sound turns to a sharp gasp. "Holy hhheelllll~" I drawl out feeling the tip of the toy pushing into me.

Groaning I rock back against it after a minute urging Iris to push in more. Gripping my ass cheeks she holds them apart as she pushes in to half way. I wince as I feel the full effects of the stretching. I breath in shakily as Gerald does his best to soothe me.

Once Iris had buried the strap on inside me I take a while to adjust, but once I do I shift my hips ever so slightly and bite back a throaty moan. "Mmghh~" I felt the toy against my walls making me want it to start moving.

"Iris~... please~" I mumble feeling her hands groping my ass.

"Please what? You want the vibrator?" She asks wanting to pull the answer from me.

"Yes please I- hhhhaaa~" my jaw drops as the inhuman length starts to shake itself inside me sending waves of pleasure through me. I whine in need receiving more, so the toy is rubbing against my insides and making me shiver.

"M-move~" I manage to get out before Iris slowly pulls out before gently pushing back in.

She eases up to a fast thrust and I'm a moaning mess. This toy was abusing my prostate bringing me to my climax much sooner than normal. Iris pulls out making me shudder from the cold and empty feeling. My chest heaves for air as Gerald pulls me into his lap and calms me. I stare up at him seeing stars and a smile etched onto my face.

(I'm gonna post this now since I've been working on this on again off again for about ... a month or two? Anyways, let me know if ya want a part two! Bbyyyyeeee)

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