High school punk thing

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(PSA from the author: DON'T SO DRUGS! They're not good for you. I can't stop you, but I can at least say that)

(Also here's a description of Zeke since this is basically all told from his perspective:
Zeke was shy, and his style reflected that. He wore hoodies and baggy sweaters with comfortable pants ranging from jeans to sweats. His pitch black hair was overgrown and fluffy. It looked as though he just woke up, said fuck it, and that was his hair style. A strange choice that made him look adorable as all hell with his creamy white skin, faint brown freckles, a boopable nose, full rosy lips, and his long eye lashes that covered his chocolate brown eyes. Unfortunately he kept his face covered up under hoods or with his mane of hair. Under all the baggy clothes he had a curvy body that could drive any person wild. Yet he chose to hide it, and keep it hidden from the world)

Zeke Askel's POV

"I'm gonna talk to him," Sarah said side long to me.
"Sarah don't, he won't care," I counseled.
"I'm gonna do it, and you can't stop me Zeke," she spits glaring at me before standing up and marching her way over to the group laughing against the wall together. Sighing I see the other members of our "antisocial club" roll their eyes at my weak behavior. One of the girls cracked her knuckles while the boy beside her made a fist and punched his hand while staring me down. Cringing I stand up and follow after Sarah. It was my duty as Vice President or whatever my position was.

"Hey dickhead!" She shouted as she drew near the group who turned their heads towards the angry girl stomping towards them and me, the boy scrambling to get her to calm down.

"Why hello Sarah," Mathew Castro, the leader of this elite group of assholes said to her in a form of greeting. They didn't have a label other than "The Elite" Because that's about as narrow as you could go. There were jocks, punks, nerds, guys, girls, lgbtq+, fucking everyone! But they all just acted power hungry to some degree and followed Mathew's lead.

Mathew was... gawd he looked amazing. He was tall and lean with muscles you didn't know were there at all but sure as hell made him strong. He had a tan complexion and dazzling green eyes that stood out from his dark brown hair that was borderline black. I absolutely adored everything about him, and he had the greatest personality when we were friends.

But he left us in a ditch to rot. Or that's what Sarah tells everyone. All I remember is that he one day just... stopped talking to me... and I missed him a lot.

"Remember us? Your friends," Sarah said to him voice full of disdain.

"Oh please. You still mad about all that?" Mathew asks her before noticing my presence at Sarah's side. Ignoring his gaze I just looked to the ground and ignored their conversation entirely.

"Fuck yeah I am! One day everything's fine and then the next you're acting like a total prick spreading lies about us!" Sarah exclaims in pure anger.

"Mmmm actually I only said things about you," Mathew states before pointing lazily at me and looking me directly in the eye, "but I never said a word about Zeke," he says leaning in dangerously close.

Sarah sputtered for an answer, "Well- I- bi- hmghhh," she growled from the back of her throat before speaking clearly again. "Zeke, Got anything to say in response?" She asks with her hands on her hips.

My eyes closed as I took a deep breath. I couldn't fucking do this anymore. I was miserable! I thought continuing my friendship with Sarah would be good, but it was just abusive at this point! In that moment I realized she too had become power hungry.

And I realized then and there that I couldn't just be one in the crowd anymore and not say anything when I got picked on. I'm just done.

"Not much. Just that you're both fucking cunts," I said loud and clear with my hands in my pockets.

Sarah and Mathew's eyes went wide and the people from Mathew's group oohed at me.

"Ex-fucking-scuse me?!" Sarah screams. "What did you just call me?!"

"A cunt," I say flatly turning towards her and Mathew starts to howl with laughter, "as I recall it, Mathew hasn't ever called me the names you have, and he's at least not paid attention to me since he abruptly ended our friendship," I say shooting Mathew a glance as he just kept laughing, I looked back at Sarah and continued on with my speech, "furthermore, you've gone off the rails. I've always known you were crazy, but holy shit you're nuts," I say leaning back on my heels.

Sarah growls and was about to open her mouth when I cut her off. "To conclude. I don't give a flying fuck. Both of you can say whatever the fuck you want about me and I won't care. I'm just gonna be a loner from now on, as lame as that sounds, and not get involved with this dumb shit. It's child's play," I get out before giving them both peace signs, turning on my heel, and walking away.

Once my back was turned Sarah shouted, "I MADE YOU WHO YOU ARE ZEKE!" To which I turned around and continued walking backwards.

"You made me tired Sarah! And for the record Mathew was always my best friend, never you," I said simply before I went over to my bag, grabbed it, and strolled off without a care. All that mattered was that a burden had been lifted off my chest, a weight off my shoulders, and a toxin pulled from my mind.

I could finally think for myself again.

(Time Skip avoided the groups all together and kept to himself)

A month had gone by, and despite getting beat up by Sarah's cronies a whopping total of 13 times I was still cheery as fuck. I mean who wouldn't be? I could finally put my efforts into other things, like watching YouTube videos, playing my favorite video games, talking with people online that I've known for quite some time and wish to be around all the damn time, and even contemplating the meaning of existence.

"Ooohhh Zeeeeeke," I heard a girls voice call out to me as I close my locker.
"Why now?" I mutter under my breath before a pair of hands grab me and slam my head against the locker wall. Groaning from the abrupt pain I drop my backpack to the ground.

"My my still so weak," a girl off to the left says. I open one eye to look at her, keeping the fear to myself.
"Hello Ursula," I spit and get a sharp kick to my leg, but I keep myself up.
Ursula sighs and snaps. The three guys around her surround me and I'm thrown to the ground.

"I'm a bit busy today, got somewhere to be. Make it snappy boys, but make sure he bleeds," she drawls out before the guys start beating me.

Five minutes and 43 seconds passed, I counted, before they stopped. Departing with a giggling Ursula the guys leave. I sit up to asses the damage. Wincing my sides ache and I can tell they really did a number on me. Pulling out my phone I looked at my face. I had a black eye, a split lip, and a bleeding nose. Grimacing at the sight I shove my phone into my pocket and realize my hands are bruised too. Sighing I go to stand and topple over.

"Shit," I grumble and sit up, pulling up my sweatpants I saw my leg was already swelling and one of my lower legs had gone numb. Fighting through the pain I managed to stand. I pulled out some tissues from my pocket and put them up to my nose.

Hating every second of this I checked the hall for anyone before taking off my hoodie. I had on a tank top and checked my arms. There was some fresh cuts from one of the guys knives, and some older ones from previous times. Sighing I grabbed some bandaids and anti-bacteria spray and cleaned myself up.

Once I was done I buried my pain and changed the score from 13 to 14 in my head. Slipping my hoodie back on I stand and grab my bag. Putting up my hood I hide my bruised face with a bit of blood still leaking out of my nose. Pulling a tissue out from my jacket pocket I put it up to my nose and hold t there til I get to the front doors of the school. Tossing the tissue I did my best to plan my route and get to my car as quick as possible.

Going out the front doors of the school people were unbelievably happy, and I was a bit too, it was the weekend after all. And that meant no beatings.

I went towards the parking lot with my hood drawn and saw a massive group of people hanging out around three cars, and mine just happened to be a couple feet away from them.

Why me?

I saw Mathew climb on top of one car and people whooped. Walking through the crowd I tried my best to get to my car.

"We survived another week!" He shouts and people cheer, I slip between two burly dudes and continue walking.

"And I know we're all excited for the celebration tonight," he says and people cheer again. Rolling my eyes I get shoved by some punk girl with bright red hair and I ignore it as always.

"As for the group trying to ruin our constant party... well they can go suck a dick," he says with a smirk and people jump up and down, which I guess drew a lot of attention to me.

"Well look who came to the crowd," Mathew announces and looks directly at me. Heads turn and I pull the drawstrings of my hood tighter.

I tried to keep walking, but people got in front of me to block the way and I couldn't get around them. Turning around I saw Mathew jump down from the top of the car and stroll over to me. "The boy who called me a cunt," he says and people start to laugh. "Man seeing the expression on Sarah's face when you said that was hilarious," he says finally coming to a stop in front of me.

Unfazed I looked right up at him and loudly said, "must have been. Because you were cackling like a hyena," I said and people shut right up.

Mathew's eyes narrowed before he bust his gut laughing. This relieved the tension in the crowd and Mathew wipes a fake tear away. "What a jokester you are Zeke," he says and a few people start whispering to each other hearing my name.

Oh great, they know me. "Can I go now?" I ask blankly and cross my arms.

Mathew frowns before pulling me to his side and draping his arm over my shoulders. "Aw come on Zeke, why don't you come party with us?" He asks and the crowd cheers trying to get me to join them.

"No thanks Mat," I say slipping out from under his arm, but he grabs me by the wrist and twirls me before taking hold of my waist and dipping me.

Unfortunately for me, my hood falls and people gasp in shock. Cursing I squirm in Mathew's hold but he seems to be staring at me like everybody else is.

"Let go of me!" I rumble before I break free and hit the ground, once again hitting my nose. Gushing out blood I sit up despite being dizzy and grab yet another tissue.

This is not what I needed right now.

"Oh my gawd," I heard a girl from behind me say.
"Dude are you okay?" A guy asks and I wave my hand at him.

"I'm fine," I say as I go to stand. I wobble on my knees for a moment before my legs give and I fall over for like the third or fourth time today. A couple people from the crowd catch me and my hoodie ride up a bit, they notice the bruises on my stomach.

"You're not fine," someone new says as I'm gently set down.

"He needs medical attention," a voice says and I struggle to stay conscious with how much I'm bleeding.

"I'm-" I start to say again before another kid pitches in.

"I'll get the one from my car," before going over to the car Mathew had been standing on a second ago. Or was it a few minutes now?

"Guys I'm fine, really," I say before a figure looms in front of me.

"You're not Zeke," Mathew says holding a med kit. Oh yeah, I forgot that was his car.

"Mat, what should we do?" A girl next to me asks.
"Should we take him to the hospital?" One of the football players says.

"I don't know yet, just bring him to my car," Mathew orders and I feel two people pick me up. Not strong enough to fight them off I sigh as I get taken to the car I remembered so much from childhood when Mathew's parents drove us around.

The people set me down in the spacious back and Mat ushers them away. He closes the car doors and people swarm the windows to see what's happening. Sitting down beside me he props my head up with his backpack and I feel the pain in my sides kick in full swing, which I was trying to avoid until I got home.

"Mathew I don't need you to do this," I try and say nicely before he reaches for the bottom of my hoodie. Pushing his hand away he growls. Not fearing him in the slightest I glare up at him.

"Let me help you," he says gruffly and demandingly.

"Oh don't pull that tone on me Mat," I spit out as I sit up and clutch my stomach. Squinting my eyes close I take a second before Mathew grabs my chin.

"You are so fucking stubborn," He growls under his breath and I smack his hand away.
"And you're an asshole," I say before he tries to grab my hoodie again.

"No!" I shout trying to push him off. Not taking no for an answer he straddles me and pins my arms down.
"Why are you like this?! I'm just trying to help!" He shouts back at me.

"Maybe because you fucking left me!" I say pulling my feet out from under him and pressing them up into Mathew's stomach so I could throw him off.

He rolled over unhurt and I sat up again, making a move for the door. Hearing a deep growl from behind me Mathew grabs me by the waist and pulls me into his chest I squirm and try and get away.
"Let go of me!" I scream in anger.
"No, just listen-"

"No, you listen you bastard!" I shout managing to turn in Mathew's hold and face him.
"You left! You never even told me why! And you know damn well I had no other friends than you here. I texted you god dammit and you never responded. Every call, and text, and letter. You didn't care! I thought- guh, we were best friends Mathew! Since we were kids! And you just- just fucking threw that away? Like it was nothing?!" I scream and Mathew looks astonished.

"Zeke-" he gets out before I holler over him.
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you hate me. But you come to my house almost every single time you get drunk and try to seduce me."


"And I can't believe I still... still..." I trailed off as my throat thickens and I choke up.

Mathew looks me up and down, searching for answers. "Still what Zeke?..."

I glance into his bright green eyes... the eyes I had stared at for so long and fallen in love with...

"I still love you," I whisper softly in a broken voice.

Mathew's eyes widen and he doesn't say a word. Feeling my soul go empty I realized he must really not care about me anymore, so I tried to sink out of his grip and leave. But before I could Mathew yanked me into a powerful kiss that knocked the wind out of me. He pulled away before I could do anything and started crying into my shoulder.

Gazing out at the people still peering through the car's windows I saw most looking shocked and a couple smiling in approval. Did they know something I did not?

"My friends have a drinking game for anytime I talk about you..." Mathew mumbles. "Because I talk about you all the time."

"Then why-"

"I've been such an ass... a chicken. Sarah approached me one day and told me to never talk to you again, and if I did she'd kill me... And I was scared, because I knew she could..." Mathew says before taking a deep breath. "So I left. I already had my other friends telling me to ditch her... but I never wanted to leave you... until I was forced to that is."

I balled my hands into fist as I gripped onto the back of Mathew's shirt. "She did this?" I asked quietly and Mathew nodded into my neck.

"And that's why I've stayed away. I thought... I thought you'd move on and so would I... but I just watched as you got sadder and sadder without me... And I drank away my problems the first time and went to see you. I only faintly remember it... but I do know I was glad to see you... be close to you again..."

Tears started dripping down my chin as I cried. "B-But I thought you hated me."

"I know," Mathew says with a sniffle as he pulls back and cups my cheeks.

"I-I was so lonely," I cry out and Mathew wipes my tears away.

"I'm so sorry Zeke. And I understand if you... you want me to go away and not be around," Mathew says looking horribly sad at the thought.
"No!" I grabbed his hands and started crying more. "Don't leave me! Please! I-I don't care if Sarah... Sarah hurts me or-or you. B-But I need you! Please don't leave. Please don't leave..." I trail off into sobs before Mathew wraps his arms around me and holds me close.

Rocking me side to side he runs his fingers through my hair and after a long... long time my tears slowly stop.
I tried to move closer into Mathew's chest but my sides screamed and I whimpered in pain.
Pulling back Mathew looks deep into my eyes. "Will you let me patch you up now?"
I nodded.

(Time Skip stood amongst the crowd, worried for Zeke)

It took a while, but Mathew was able to treat my wounds. And when I got nervous about all the people out of the car he eased my worries and said they wouldn't hurt me.

"Mathew," whisper as my hoodie sits in my lap and he puts all the tools back into his kit.
"Yes Zeke?" He responds without looking at me.
"What if... What if Sarah tries to hurt one of us?" I ask before biting my bottom lip.
Mathew turns around. Exhaling through his nose he gives me a patient smile and puts one of his hands on top of mine. "I won't let her," he says reassuringly.
"But-" I blurt out before Mathew puts a finger to my lips.
"Believe me when I say the people surrounding this car have been looking for every reason to beat her to a pulp," he says and for some reason that made me smile.
"Ready to get out of the car now?" Mathew asks and I slip on my hoodie and nod.

Gently taking my hand, Mathew opens up the back door and people start asking a million questions. Social anxiety acting up at the direct attention I squeezed Mathew's hand and he quieted everyone.
"Zeke's gonna be okay everyone. I'm gonna be sure to never let Sarah hurt him again."

A short, bubblegum pink headed girl gasps. "does this mean what I think it means?" She squeaks.
Everyone in the crowd stares at Mathew and me for an answer.
"Indeed it does Penny," he says to her before announcing. "Since Zeke is now safe and out of Sarah's clutches, you all have permission to seek out and destroy all you like."

"FUCK YES!" A guy shouts as people cheer.
"Gaaaawwd I've hated having to hold back," someone says pushing their hair out of their face.
"I can finally kicked that dumb bitch up her pu-"

"Hey Mathew," I ask and he looks down at me.
"Yes my sweet?" He responds and I blush before clearing my throat.
"Why have you guys been holding back?" I ask oblivious to everyone's excitement.
"Well... Since Sarah is absolutely insane I didn't want her to hurt you if we hurt one of her lackeys to bad, so we've just been defending ourselves and then running off in fights."
My brain clicked, "no wonder she was always so damn confident."

Mathew burst out laughing and so did I. I saw some people stop and smile at us and some even awed as Mat and I laughed together.

"Oohhhh Mathew!" One guy cooed getting both mine and Mathew's attention he realized something and groaned.
"James no," He says and a girl and another guy come up. I kind of recognized them since I'd seen them always hang around Mathew.
"Mathew remember that bet we made?" The girl asks as she comes and stands by me.
"The one where you bet you'd never get lil Zeke back?" The boy says with a wide smirk.

"I was high!" Mathew protests.
"Mmmmmmmhmmmm," The girl hums and I glance between the three friends and finally at Mathew.
"Mat what are they talking about?" I ask curiously.
Mathew sighs heavily, "I made a stupid bet."
"Yeah. Really stupid," the beefy guy says before the shorter male punches him in the shoulder.

"Which is...?" I ask, interest peeked.
"Well there are two versions," the girl says booping my nose and making me blink.
"No-guys. Come on," Mathew pleads, which meant this was either gonna be reaaaally good or super bad.

"Since we all believed Mathew would be able to get you back from the bitch's clutches, it really up to you to decide," the football player tells me.
"Really?" I ask surprised.
"Yup!" The boy says who was around my height.
"Either Matt needs to dress up in a slutty Halloween costume," the girls says.
"Or if you're okay with it..." the boy around my height says
"We get to all play dirty truth or dare with no chickening out," the football player says excitedly.

They all looked at me for an answer. Some part of me deep down knew exactly what I wanted to do and said it.

"The second one," I say blushing faintly.

They all look extremely surprised.

"Seriously?!" The football player beams with stars in his eyes.

"Wow. I thought you said he was shy," the shorter boy says and Mathew throws his hands up in the air.
"He is!" His hands fall and he hugs me close. "Not that I'm complaining though~ this is gonna be fun~"

My cheeks turn bright red and the girl giggles before whistling super loudly and a hush falls over the crowd. "Everyone go enjoy your party at the lake! AND HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!" She boomed like a megaphone and people cheered one more time before departing to their cars.

"You guys feel like partying?" The girl asks and we all nod, even me.
"How's about we go to my place, my dad's got beer-"

"What about mine?" I offer and everyone stares at me.
"Won't your parents be curious as to what's up, I mean I'm sure we're not on good terms what with me and all and how close our parents are," Mathew says rubbing the back of his neck.
"They're on holiday. They left last week, and I get the house to myself for a month," I say shrugging like this was normal.

"Oh this is gonna be fun," The boy says before giggling in excitement.

(Time Skip acts as a designated driver for the party and kicks back in his car)

"Oh my gawd your place is gorgeous," The girl, who I learned was named Veronica and was head of the Better Brains quizzing team and national trophy winner for knowledge related events.

"Why thank you," I say politely as we all take our shoes off and I turn on the lights in the living room.

Jack gasps as he walks into the room, "pretty lights dude," he says as he slips off his varsity jacket and tosses it onto the couch. In the car I had learned that Jack's motto was "I'm 100% a stereotype, and that's not necessarily a bad thing." Which was rather clever, considering Veronica just called him Big Puppy.

"Oh it's like coming home," Mathew says as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and rested his forehead against the back of my head.

"Awwww how sweet," Veronica coos.

"Mmmmmmmy gawd my feet are killing me!" Benny groans as he finally got his boots off and flops onto my couch. Benny was nick named Killer Bunny, and was a major punk, I learned he actually played in a band and we liked a lot of the same songs.

"I never have understood why you wear such massive boots," Jack says with furrowed eyebrows.
Benny threw up his middle finger at Jack.
"Benny, is that any way to treat your Daddy?~" Jack asks in a low voice and Benny's face turns bright red. He grabbed a pillow and screamed into it making Jack and Veronica laugh. Yet again in the care I learned that the three of them were fuck buddies.

Chuckling I pecked Mathew's hand before slipping out of his hold. "You guys want anything to drink? Other than alcohol," I ask and they ask for sodas.

I came out to see everyone sitting on the floor. Sitting down beside Mathew I passed my guests their drinks.
"Now, Let's begin," Veronica says after taking a sip of her lemon lime soda. "To be clear. There is no chickening out of this game. You must do whatever you are dared to or answer what you are asked, unless it is life threatening or exists outside of the here and now of this game."

We all nodded before she continued, "and we are all aware of how sexual this game is and how some questions or dares may lead to sex, correct?" She asks and we all nod agin

She smiled and turned to Jack. "Truth or Dare?"
"Dare!" He beamed.
"Whisper something that you think will turn Zeke on into his ear," she says.
I start to talk, "Jack just met me there's no way-"

Jack nonchalantly got up and sat down behind me. Putting a hand on my side he leaned into my ear and whispered in a husky voice, "ready to get your ass pounded baby?~"
A needy whine escaped my lips before I covered my mouth and blushed a tomato red.
Jack pulled back and laughed as he went back to his spot. "It worked! Haha."
"How did you-" I ask in confusion.
"He has a knack for turning people on," Benny says and Jack laughs deeply.

"Okay Okay Mathew!" Jack points, "truth or dare?"
"Truth," Mathew responds without pause.
"Name something you find sexy about me," Jack smirked.
Mathew rolled his eyes. "You already know I think your smirk is hot."
Jack smirked all the more, "I know."

Mathew sipped his cherry Pepsi before glancing at me.
"Truth or Dare Zeke?"
"Truth," I said a tad bit nervous.
"What'd you think about the last time you masturbated?" He asked and I blushed.
"How specific do I have to be?" I ask before answering.
"Very," he tells me and I take a deep breath.
"IthoughtaboutthetimeyoucameoverdrunkandwehadamakeitsessionwhileIwashigh," I said covering my face.
"... one more time?" Benny says.
"Hnnn. I thought about the time Mathew came over super wasted and I was high so we had a make out session and grinned against each other... but then he passed out before it could go anywhere," I say bashfully.

"... really Mathew?" Veronica says with a raised eyebrow.
"Jack got me hammered off of rum!" Mathew protests and Jack cackles.
"Damn right I did, your welcome Zeke," he says with a wink in my direction and I glanced away.

"An-Anyways. Benny, Truth or Dare?" I asked changing the subject quickly.
"Truth, I doubt you can come up with anything super dirty," he states and I give him a challenging look.
"What's the kinkiest thing you've ever done?"
Benny looked surprised before clearing his throat. "I got a 20in dildo that was an inch thick. And I... Agh! It has a suction cup on it so I acted out a bathroom sex scene. Happy?" He growls and I nod with a satisfied smile.

"Truth or Dare then," he says angrily slurping his Mountain Dew.
"Dare," I say, all nerves gone now.
"For the next five rounds you need to sit in my lap and kiss my neck. I have free reign to touch what I please," he says with a cheeky smirk.
Blushing deep red the nerves come back. Shoving them aside I stand up. "Fine," I grumble and sit down in Benny's lap. Leaning into his neck I place a gentle kiss on it and he rests his hands on my hips.
"Go on and ask you question Zeke," he says and I huff through my nose as I place sloppy kisses on his neck.

"Mathew," I say in between kisses. "Truth or Dare?" I ask before squeaking as I felt Benny's cold hands slip under my hoodie and tank top.
"Uhm I- Truth," he says sounding a bit flustered.
"Getting turned on Mathew?" Benny teases Mathew before making me gasp softly as I felt his hands slide down my V and the other comes to rest on my bare hip.
"Shut up Bun-Bun," Mathew spits.
"What's a position you'd like to see me in?" I ask trying to keep my breath steady and failing. Benny was rubbing his hand over my boxers and I was getting a bit of a semi.

"On your back with me pinning you down and you absolutely breathless and wanting me~" Mathew says and I feel my member twitch.
"Oh he liked that," Zeke says and I try to growl but it comes out as a whimper.

The next couple turns pass and I'm finally able to get off of Benny's lap. I quickly went over to my spot and grabbed a pillow off the couch as I went to sit down. Covering my crotch Benny gave me a knowing look and winked.

By this point Jack was shirtless, Veronica had told us about her dirtiest fantasy. And Mathew was currently staring me down with a lustful gaze. Mathew got asked a question and he answer before looking at me.
"Truth or Dare Zeke?" He asks.
"Dare," I say without any nerves at all. This game had actually been really fun.
"I dare you to strip down to your underwear."

"Putting me on display huh? Fine," I say taking my hoodie off along with the tank top before slipping my sweats off.

"I'm not one for violence..." Veronica starts off with, "but I'm going to bash Sarah's skull in."

"Want me to bring my baseball bat?" Benny asks her and she nods.

"You don't have to it's fine-" I say meekly before all four of them cut me off in unison.
"We're doing it."
Shutting my mouth I asked Veronica some normal truth about if she'd ever had had sex, which was a yes.

Veronica then asked Jake a question that he was totally not prepared for.
"If given the option, would you fuck Zeke?"
All us guys in the room stiffened and awaited the jocks answer.
Jack cast a nervous glance at Mathew before talking, "I uh- uhm... I mean... yeah to be honest. He's obviously adorable and has gorgeous curves. Makes me wanna pin him against a wall and-"

Mathew let out a bone chilling growl that made my spine tingle and everyone looked terrified.
"Th-That is if Mathew didn't kill me for it. Heheh..." Jack laughed nervously before shutting up.

"Mathew Truth or Dare?" Jack asks quickly to change topics.
Mathew looked absolutely unfazed with the stir he had caused. "Truth."
Jack's eyes lit up. "If you could have me Dare Zeke to do anything for you, what would it be?"
Mathew caught on and smirked, "I'd have you dare him to follow every single one of my orders for an hour," he says and my face turns beet red.
"Ohhhhh Nice," Jack says and Mathew asks him, "Truth or Dare?"
"How pleased do you think I'm gonna be with you when you Dare Zeke?"
"Verrry pleased," Jack chuckles before staring at me.

"Zeke! Truth or dare?" He asks and I just give in to temptation.
"Dare," I say before he claps excitedly.
"I dare you to follow every single one of Mathew's orders," he says and I nod before turning to Mathew who's grinning like a madman.

"Order one; call me Daddy," Mathew says holding up a finger as he pulls out his phone and starts a timer before shoving it back into his pocket.
"Okay Daddy," I respond with a shrug.
"Two. Get in my lap," he orders and I plop myself down facing him.
"Good. Now three is just a question I want you to answer honestly. Are you okay if these three come up stairs and listen in by the door?"
I nod softly.

"Alrighty then," Mathew says before scooping me up in his arms bridal style. Instinctively I wrap my arms around his neck and he seems pleased. He tilts his head at the other three and all of us go upstairs.
"Enjoy the entertainment guys," Mathew says and the other three smile widely. I wave a little before Mathew takes me into my room and closes the door. Leaving a tiny crack open so the others could hear better
"I am gonna enjoy this~" Mathew growls as he sets me on my feet and gently presses me against the wall.
"I know I will Daddy~" I respond in a shy tone and Mathew smirks.
"Kiss me," he says demandingly and I can't help but launch myself upwards and kiss Mathew with a fiery passion.

This goes on for some time before Mathew's hand start to roam my body and I moan softly. Wrapping my arms around his neck he picks me up by my ass and takes me over to the bed. We keep kissing as I'm laid down and Mathew starts attacking my neck. Moaning my head tilts back into the mattress and Mathew runs his hands up my thighs to my sides and back down.

"M-m~ hn! Daddy!~" I exclaim as Mathew bites my neck. Whining I tilt my head to the side to give him more room. "Mmmgh~"
"Fuck you sound amazing~" Mathew growls making me mewl in need.

"Daddy~" I murmur softly as I open my eyes to look up at Mathew.
Pulling his head back he pulls me into his lap. "Mind undressing Daddy, Baby?~" Mathew asks slowly pushing his hands up my back before letting them drift back down.
"Of...of course Daddy," I tell him before  grasping the bottom of his t-shirt and pulling it up over his head. He captured my lips in a kiss when I get it off and I unbutton his jeans and pull them down. Backing up I discarded his jeans to my bedroom floor with the shirt.

Sitting back I yelped as I got tackled from the side, flipped over onto my hands and knees, and grinded against. Moaning abruptly at the bulge pressing into my backside I sink down to the pillows. Mathew wraps an arm around my abdomen and pulls me up into his chest.

"You love this, don't ya Baby?~" Mathew purrs into my ear and I nod frantically. "Y-Yes Daddy~"
"Mm~ I bet you're gonna love having Daddy's big cock inside of you~" he continues and a whine bubbles out past my lips and he smirks against my back.
"You think you're ready for that Zeke?~ having all of this-" he presses his erection onto my covered ass, "-inside of you?~"
"F- hmmm- Yes!~ D-Daddy please~..." I trail off as Mathew pulls back and sits me up. I was breathing heavily as my heart hammered in my chest.
"I'm gonna need you to suck me off first Zeke," Mathew says and I stare up at him for a moment before nodding.
Guiding me to the edge of the bed he sits down and I sit on the floor in front of him. I swallowed thickly seeing his massive bulge.

"D-did you grow?" I ask dumbly and Mathew smirks.
"Heh. Yeah," he says running a hand through my hair as I put a hand on the waist band of his boxers.
"You- you were like six inches back in 7th grade," I mutter and Mathew hums. Pulling down Mathew's boxers my jaw drops.
"Hoooo my gawd," I whisper, completely stunned by his growth. He was a good 10 inches at least, and he's gotten a lot thicker too.
"You look surprised," Mathew notes and I look up at him with a pout.
"You were kept from seeing me for two and a half years, I have been so fucking horny without anyone to help me," I say sitting on my knees.

Mathew's eyes shone brightly before clouding over with lust. "There's time for blow jobs later," he says quickly before picking me up from under my arms and tossing me onto the bed. Landing on my back I prop myself up on my elbows before seeing Mathew straddle me.
"Lube and condoms?" He asks simply and I gulp seeing his serious expression before reaching over my nightstand. Opening up the draw I reach in and grab a small bottle of cherry lube and a box of condoms.
"Will these work Daddy?" I ask flopping onto my back and holding the items. Taking them from my hands Mathew looks over the box before smirking. "They'll do just fine," he says before taking out one package and rolling it on.
Watching as he did so I felt my member twitch and my hole throb in anticipation.

Uncapping the small bottle Mathew applies a generous amount onto his fingers. "Put your ass in the air for Daddy if you need prep~" Mathew demands and without a second thought I get on my knees and stick my ass in front of Mathew.
Running his middle and index fingers along my hole he quickly pushes them all the way inside of me. Grunting a little bit I feel the familiar burn of the scissoring that came with fingering. But when Mathew slips in his this third finger and starts pushing them in and out at a steady pace I melt into his touch and whimper signaling to him that he could pull them out.

Doing so Mathew moves to slick his member up with the lube but I stop him. Sitting up I take the bottle and pour some onto my hand before wrapping it around Mathew's member. I start pumping my hand up and down making Mathew's breathing quicken and I feel his meat throbbing in my hand.
Moving my hand away Mathew lays me down on my back and spreads my legs so he can move in closer. Letting him do so I wait in eager anticipation and am rewarded almost instantly.
Mathew lined himself up and pushed in his tip making the both of us groan deeply.
He waits a second before slowly pushing in and I moan arching my back from the simple action. Leaning down Mathew locks lips with me and my eyes close as he continues to get deeper inside me.
As soon as he bottoms out he stars grinding against me and I hum from the back of my throat. Tangling my fingers into Mathew's hair he grips my hips and I open my eyes to see what he's doing.
"D-Daddy-YYY!~" I scream as he pulled out before slamming back in experimentally. Feeling some kind of animal awaken in me I grunt and move my hands to grip Mathew's shoulders.
"Fuck that felt good~" Mathew moaned and I nodded as I placed my head into the crook of Mathew's neck.
Getting the idea, Mathew does the same thing again and I moan directly into his neck with my lips brushing up against the smooth skin. Feeling him shiver he starts up a fast pace that drives us both wild.

The room fills with our moans and my entire body is over taken with pleasure and wanting. Mathew started talking dirty to me and I could barely handle myself.

Without warning I came and Mathew groaned as I tightened around his cock. Cumming into the condom he moans and rides out his high.
Once he was done we both stilled, panting like dogs in the heat of summer.
"I love you Zeke, so much," Mathew mutters into my neck.
"I love you too Mathew," I respond breathlessly as I let my eyes close and we both relax.

(Time Skip... skips time. Obviously)

"... and then I said, 'FAIR PRINCE! LET ME MAKE SWEET LOVE TO YOU!'" Mathew proclaimed and I burst out into a fit of giggles and stared up at him.
"Honey get off the table," I say as Mathew stands on top of a table in one of his friends dinners. He leaned down with a wide and challenging smirk. "Mmmmake me," he drawls out and I cross my arms.
"Alright, good luck pleasuring yourself for a week," I said with a shrug and the people at the table oohed before laughing as Mathew hopped off the table and sat down next to me quicker than a hummingbird could move.
"That's what I thought," I said with my own smirk and everyone laughed as Mathew and I joined in and glanced at each other with loving looks.

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