Horny yandere

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"Hey baby~ so nice to see you," the sleazy guy purrs to my gorgeous boy, Ulysses. He's so beautiful, he came dressed in a red hoodie with roses on the sleeves, a simple black rose on the front, and a nice big gorgeous design on the back, his dark grey jeans and slip on red shoes really brought the outfit together.
"It's nice to see you too," Ulysses kindly smiles as he takes a seat at the counter beside the drug dealing bitch.
Sitting off to the side I was watching over carefully. I didn't trust this guy one fucking bit.
A waitress comes up and starts to take their order before bringing back drinks. I was close enough to hear their conversation, but as usual I went unnoticed. I'd already ordered something and paid, saying I just needed a place to relax. Sipping my soda I carefully watch as the two make small talk. Ulysses ducking down his cherry soda before politely getting up.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back," he says before going into the door to relieve himself.
Watching closely I see the white and blue leather jacketed asshole pull something out of his front pocket and tap a powdery substance into the drink.
Fuming I go to stand when the waitress walks over, gasps as she sees the guy about to stir the powder into Ulysses drink and Ulysses comes out of the bathroom.
"You sick disgusting man! Get out this instant!" She says loosing her cool.
"Hey calm down," the guy says gesturing to Ulysses who comes over confused. Before he can even touch his drink the waitress snatches it.
"We do not support blatant drugging and rape culture in this establishment, get the fuck out you vile creature!" She eloquently says and Ulysses looks at the guy in horror.
"You put something in my drink?!" He shouts and the guy quickly runs out of the diner. Ulysses looking shocked as the waitress comes around to quickly console him.

While no one else is looking I get up and quickly walk out, seeing the white leather jacket and grabbing him firmly and slamming his head into the wall. Knocking him unconscious as I drag him around the building.
No one tries to hurt MY Ulysses.

Ulysses's POV:

"I'll take care of the report, don't worry hun. You have a good night alright?" the kind waitress says as I feverishly nod.
"Thank you- have a good night ma'am," I say before going out of the well lit diner into the dim parking lot. Taking a deep breath of fresh air. Might as well go hang around the school, no one will be there since it's nighttime on a weekend anyways.
Going to walk around the diner and go through the woods for a quick short cut I go to take a deep breath of air and- smell blood?
Most people would think it's just metal, or garbage since I'm near the back of a building. But I know better.
Quickly walking I round the corner of the old burger joint I clasp a hand to my mouth as my pupils shrink rapidly. Squeaking in shock I stare in horror at the mutilated body of my shitty date. Cuts covering his face to completely obscure it, but the dumb blue and white leather jacket he was wearing is now stained with dark red blood.
Taking a step back I hear scrambling to my left. Gasping I whirl to face the sound and see a burly form duck behind a pile of boxes. Jostling them slightly.
"Wh-who's there?" I ask as boldly as I can before looking at the lifeless body to my left. The blood coming off the cuts and dripping down his chin. Feeling my cheeks flush I feel my pants tighten and cringe. "No no no why?" I say in embarrassment as I turn towards the wall and hide myself.
Why was I getting hard now?! Grunting in annoyance i suddenly feel breathing on the back of my neck. Stiffening up I go completely still.
Feeling a slightly shaking presence behind me I feel a nose gently run along the base of my neck. Shivering i feel my member twitch and manage to get out a weak, "p-please don't hurt me."

"Never," the person responds. Their voice deep, shaking me to my core. "I'd never hurt you Ulysses, " he says setting a hand on my waist glancing down I see his other hand is holding a bloody knife. Whining I press into the persons touch to try and get away from the sharp object... but I can't take my eyes off the blood dripping from it. Breathing unevenly through my nose I suddenly feel a pair of lips on my neck.
"You're hard... for me?" The person asks.
"Uhm..." Growing nervous I feel torn. I'm scared but way more flustered. "I-" glancing at the knife again I stare as a long drip falls. "I-I have a blood kink," I get out and feel my cheeks go bright red.
Realizing the gravity of the situation I go to pull away only to be pulled back by the wrist and turned around. Locking eyes with the murderer- wait-
"Ch-Charlie?!" I blurt out and he presses a bloody finger to my lips to silence me.
"Quiet baby," he says and I can't help but press my thighs together. Feeling the sticky substance on my lips I slowly open my mouth and lick his finger. Moaning at the metallic taste. Feeling so ashamed at what I am doing but unable to help myself.
"Moss, fuck," Charlie murmurs breathlessly and I pull my mouth off and look away in shame.
"I'm disgusting. What am I doing," I say softly as I bring my hands up to my hair and grip it in frustration. "So bad... this is bad."
"It's okay baby. Everyone has their kinks," Charlie reassuringly says as he steps closer to me. Knife loosely in hand with blood on one hand and sleeve. "But this guy is truly disgusting," he says gesturing at the body of my horrible date. "The way he... tried to coerce you was... vile," Charlie says with a hatred in his eyes as he stares at the body. Hand tightening around the weapon.
Gulping I nod. It was really scary what he'd try to do to me. Putting drugs in my drink? Who knows what he would have done.
Charlie pulls something out of his pocket with his clean hand and carefully sets it on the guys lap.

It was a bag of drugs.
"I found them in his car... and locker at school," Charlie says with disgust in his voice. Looking at me and catching my stare he softens and even smiles. "But you're safe. You're okay," he says a bit wistfully and I just simply nod.
"So... you killed him because he's a drug dealer?" I ask gently and Charlie shakes his head.
"No, he wanted to hurt you," Charlie says before glaring at the body. "That's why."
Feeling oddly soothed by that i blush and shift my weight, my member reminding me it was hard as a brick.
"Uhm... thank you Charlie. For protecting me," I say politely and Charlie stares at me in amazement.
"Of course. I'd do anything for you," he says point blank and my eyes widen slightly.
"Anything?" I say and he steps close to me.
"Anything," he echoes reassuringly.
Unable to help myself I smile and shuffle forward. Shyly looking up at Charlie before looking at his bloodied hand. Standing on my tip toes I manage to plant a kiss on his cheek. And once I'm firmly on the ground again I see him with a dopey smile curling his lips. Smiling at that I blush all the more.
"Come home with me," he blurts out as he stares at me with dilated pupils.
Looking a bit shocked i think it over. "O-okay. I'm not expected home til midnight," I explain and Charlie leans down to whisper in my ear.
"Perfect~" he says deeply and I bite back a moan at his sensual tone.
He grabs a wipe out of his pocket and cleans the blade before stuffing it in a shirt pocket.
Grabbing my hand with his clean one he peeks around the corner before dashing towards the trees and pulling me with him. Feeling adrenaline pumping through my veins we run through the thin woods and in the direction of the school parking lot. Stumbling only a little i keep up with Charlie and we soon reach the empty lot. Panting I look up at Charlie to see him grinning proudly. Squeezing my hand he leads me towards a grey car of some decent model. I dunno much about cars.
Unlocking it with his keys he opens the drivers door and unlocks the other ones. Gently taking me over to the passenger seat. He opens the door and I sheepishly smile at him. "Thank you"
"Not a problem at all," he says before gently toying with my hair and glancing at my lips before letting go and stepping back. "Would you mind reaching into the back and grabbing a shirt? As well as a wet wipe from the middle console?" He asks and I nod obediently. Putting my knees on the seat I open the middle console and grab a wet wipe. Holding it out to Charlie I feel him take it and then I move onto the center piece and look into the back.
"Oh wow! It's so roomy back here," I say in amazement. The backseats were down except for one behind the drivers seat. The other row down and the trunk section exposed. There was some string lights tacked up to the roof making me grin. "So cool," I whisper before looking to the left by the door and seeing a short sleeve shirt. Grabbing it I come back out and see Charlie with his shirt off. Blushing bright red I can't help but stare at his toned and muscular body. He is tall as hell, that's evident. But I never realized just how... broad he is before.
Gulping i hold out the shirt and Charlie smiles.
"I'm glad I'm not the only one admiring the other~" he purrs and I can't help but squeeze my legs together and whine. My member still hard from earlier.
"Uhm-" blushing all the more I glance inside the car. Seeing some pillows and blankets I bite my bottom lip. "Charlie could we... maybe park somewhere secluded?" I ask as he slips the shirt on being careful with the slightly bloodied one.
"Does my honey bunny need some attention?" He asks and I nod shyly.
Chuckling deeply he nods. "Of course love." He says going to the drivers side. Putting the stained shirt in a plastic bag and setting it behind the drivers seat on the floor.
"Buckle up babe. I know the perfect place," he says and I nod and quickly close my door.

Starting the car Charlie pulls out and leaves the school parking lot. Driving the speed limit as I tap my finger against my thigh. Anxious and excited for what was to come.
After a while Charlie drives up a mountain and into a wooded area. Oh! We're right by a biking and hiking path.
After a few more delightedly tense minutes Charlie gets to a dirt lot and pulls up. There was a gap showing a cliff which overlooked a swimming hole with a water fall on either side. It's a lovely place.
Grinning ear to ear I look at Charlie just as he unbuckles.
Fumbling to do the same i turn towards him
And he smirks before curling his finger and going over the center console into the back.
Excited I follow after him and he's quickly arranged some pillows against the car wall.
"Come're angel~" he purrs and I blush before crawling forward and sitting beside him. Tilting my head up to stare.
"Wanna kiss?" Charlie asks and I blush all the more before nodding.
Smiling Charlie cups my cheek and leans in. Connecting our lips in a hot kiss. Whining I grip his clean shirt and pull him close. He pushes me back onto the pillows before pinning me down. Breathless already he kisses me again before using one hand to part my legs and pull my ass onto his crotch. He rolls his hips making me moan loud before whining.
"Mmh~" already desperate for a more intimate touch.
Charlie starts kissing at my jaw making me murmur under my breath. Moving his hands off of my shoulder that was tacking me down he cups my cheek and brushes his thumb over my skin.
"So perfect," he whispers against my neck before sucking a hickie making me blush and shift my hips. Bucking up against me I yelp only to quickly tug at Charlie's shirt.
"Please," I beg weakly and he sits up and quickly pulls off the shirt. Allowing me to see his sculpted form again. Staring at his toned muscles he slides his hands up my hoodie and I blush before lifting my arms up and he quickly pulls the thick fabric off my body.
"Hah~ so beautiful," he says before dragging his fingers down my body. Going red in the face I bite my bottom lip and look away before his hands grab my face and his thumb pulls at my bottom lip. Gasping quietly I open my mouth and he plunges two fingers in. Surprised but aroused I suck gently and he growls as he fumbles with his jeans.
Excited I suck harder and curl my tongue around his fingers as my eyelids flutter before fully shutting them as he pulls his fingers out with a pop.
"Good job~" he praises and I weakly arch my back. Trailing his spit covered digits down my sternum I open my eyes in time to see him yank my skinny jeans down, yanking my boxers down with the tight fabric. Squeaking at the cold air he quickly covers my body with his. The heat emanating off his body keeping me warm.
Placing a gentle kiss to my forehead he slowly pulls back and I look down to see him push his briefs down and his hard member flops out onto my thigh. Gasping I try to take a measurement by eye and grow baffled.
"How- how big?" I question meekly and Charlie chuckles proudly.
"12 and a half inches baby~" whining I tilt my head back for a moment before looking at his member.
"I-" going red in the face I shut myself up. But he gently brushes my hair back.
"What were you gonna say Ulysses?" He asks sweetly and I blush all the more.
"I've always wanted to suck someone with a big dick," I say shyly looking up at him.
Getting stars in his eyes he eagerly grabs my waist and flips us around. Feeling my ass bounce he winks at me and I feel flustered before realizing his dick was pressing against my ass. Scooting back I crawl down his body and lay on my stomach before his member.
Thinking of my vision I blush darker. I'd always wanted to suck blood off of someone's dick, like they'd gotten it covered somehow and I got to clean it off.
But this was good enough.
Gently reaching a hand out to grasp his girth cock I lean forward and kiss the tip. Seeing Charlie grip a pillow beside him I look back at his cock before placing a sloppier kiss, getting some of my saliva on the tip. Sliding my hand down to the base of his member I lick the underside with my tongue and hear Charlie grunt softly. Eager to please I cut to the chase and take the tip in my mouth. Sucking lightly before shutting my eyes for a moment and licking the slit. Hearing a moan before I open my eyes and stare down the barrel of this gun before pushing my head down on his member, feeling him quickly hit the back of my throat I whine before moving my hand off his member and griping his thigh. Taking a breath through my nose before pushing myself down further. Grunting as I feel resistant but keep going down. Keeping a close eye on how close I am to the base.
And I still have a quarter of the way to go.
Whining in annoyance i furrow my brows and pull back to the tip.
"Fuck~" Charlie groans and I look up to see him closely eyeing me.
Feeling annoyed with myself I push down again and feel myself gag as I get even less in! Whining I swallow around him before pulling off completely. Taking a breath I open my mouth and go to plunge back in before Charlie grabs the sides of my head.
"H-hold on," he says and I look up at him with my tongue hanging out.
"You seem to be having trouble getting it all," he says and I huff.
"Yeah, I want it-" I start to say and he puts a thumb on my lips.
"I can tell you do... but you seem to need a forceful touch~" he says and I blush.
"Go rough," I demand before opening my mouth wide.
Grinning he guides his member into my mouth before sliding his fingers into my hair on the back of my head. Taking a deep breath he slams me down onto his dick and I squeal around him. Starting a fast pace he roughly bobs my head on his dick before pressing down hard to get my to take him all the way down to his balls. Excited as all hell I moan around him and he groans before getting on one knee and starting to skull fuck me.
Delighted I eagerly try to keep up as he slams in and out of my throat. Struggling not to gag I spread my legs and sink lower onto the ground as I try and open my throat. Grunting Charlie keeps plunging his dick in and out as my eyes water and I moan around him.
This goes on for several minutes, my jaw aching but I don't care. I've always wanted to have a dick this long slammed into my mouth.
"Fuck~ Ulysses~" he moans hotly and I whine around him only for his dick to twitch and he quickly pulls out. Hard and throbbing dick tantalizing me as he holds my head back.
"M-more," I breathlessly say and try to lean forward only for Charlie to push me back onto a pile of blankets.
"You're gonna make me flood your stomach hun," he says as he licks his lips before hovering above me. "I wanna fill your ass with my load~" he purrs and I whine before shyly spreading my legs.
"I-I need prep," I admit and he flips me over with ease.
"You want a prep toy?" He asks and I curiously hum.
"You keep on in the car?" I ask before hearing the pop of a cap and I look back to see him holding a bottle of lube and pulling out a bagged sex toy. He blinks before replying.
"Yes. I've always wanted to be ready for you," he says and I blush.
"F-for me?" I ask and he nods.
"Yeah- I have lots of toys you'll like- most are at home but-" he starts to ramble, but when I perk my ass into the air he stops short and quickly gets behind me. I see his dick twitch between my legs, but since I wasn't focused I gasp as I feel a skinny tip go into my hole.
"Mn~ d-does it get thi- haaaa~" I trail off as the toy goes in deeper and gradually widens.
"Of course it does, it's supposed to open your gorgeous hole~" he purrs and I whine before starting to feel a slight stretch.
"Mfg~" I press my face into the plush blankets. Feeling a gentle touch to my thighs I shiver and melt in place before realizing I was feeling a bigger stretch.
"You're a natural Ulysses~" Charlie says and I look back to see most of the toy inside of me.
"O-oh- am I ready?" I meekly ask and Charlie smirks before pulling the toy out and lining his member up. The toy had left lots of lube on and in me.
"Definitely~" he purrs before pushing in. His tip meeting resistance before popping in. Moaning softly I relax, and as Charlie starts to ever so slowly push in I shut my eyes and feel at peace with being so full.
When there's a pause I assume Charlie's bottomed out before feeling a pulling sensation and I see Charlie pull out to his tip. Catching my eye he winks before slamming in.
Yelping i moan loudly as I realize he had only gone halfway before- and with the fast fucking he is giving me I start panting.
Growling Charlie grips my ass as he pounds me. Gasping and groaning I moan like a bitch in heat as he stretches my hole with his meaty cock.

Fuck this is amazing!!!
Delighted I bite my bottom lip only to feel Charlie's chest suddenly press onto my back. Sacrificing some speed for deeper thrusts and his weight pressing onto me. Over the moon I let out a throaty moan.
"Ch-Charlie~" I stutter before he slams in harshly making me yelp.
"Again," he demands and I squeal as he hits my prostate.
"Charlie!" I moan and he growls into my ear as me moves his arms to wrap around my waist. Bucking into me like a dog he starts pounding my prostate with short lightning quick thrusts making me scream in delight.
"Charlie! Charlie ma~ more!" I beg and he snarls like a wild animal as he squeezes me tight.
Eyes crossing I whine and shut them as I near my release all to fast. Moaning loud I cum onto the thin mattress beneath us before Charlie pauses his thrusts.
"... cute," he murmurs as his dick twitches and he listens to me pant.
"M~ hnnn~" trying to speak I fail and gasp for air. "K-keep gaa~" only getting one word out I collapse onto the floor and Charlie quickly scoops me up and presses me into his body. Leaning into his hot skin I open my eyes hazily and feel his dick twitch again as we make eye contact.
"So perfect," Charlie whispers softly before shifting his hips making me whine and perk my ass.
"Y-you nnn~" trying to speak he rubs my back and I shakily breathe. "Keep going- y-you cum," I finally get out and Charlie's eyes widen before he presses me into the ground. One hand on my stomach while the other holds my right leg. He starts thrusting fast and hard again and I moan deeply as I tilt my head back. Overstimulated but not caring. I wanted his load in me.
Grunting in frustration Charlie flips me over again and grabs my hips. Able to go faster and deeper this way he moans and I listen to his erotic noises as he fucks me like a flesh light. Loving this feeling I ignore my pants and wheezy breathes as I go limp. Letting him use my body for his pleasure with great enjoyment.
This is perfect.
Charlie eventually starts to snarl and growl and with one final deep thrust he digs his nails into my skin and cums.
Happily moaning I cum onto the floor again as Charlie's cum comes in one, two, three, fuck! Four bursts. Finally stopping Charlie huffs and keeps a firm hold on my hips. Both of us panting like wild dogs as we stay in the steamy car.
Feeling gentle touches to my back I raise my head and head a relieved chuckle.
"Oh good. You're awake," he says and I blink hazily as I tilt my head to the side and look behind me at Charlie. His eyes filled with love as I watch his chest rise and fall as he catches his breath. "I thought you'd passed out on me," he says in relief and I smile and shake my head.
"No. I'm," taking a breath I arch my back slightly and feel his cum shift inside me. "I'm awake," I say and he grins.
"Good. I'm glad," he purrs before gently turning me over and leaning down to kiss my lips. Kissing back I reach a hand up to touch his cheek and he leans into my gentle touch.
"'Mm~" listening to his deep noise I feel him start to pull out and break the kiss as I gasp. He sits up and reaches to grab tissues. Pulling out fully he puts the tissues to my hole to catch the cum.
"Wow... it looks so good leaking out of you," he whispers and I teasingly squeeze my hole before relaxing again. Groaning he puts a hand on my thigh and squeezes.
Laying in content silence he cleans me up before tossing the cum filled tissues into a small garbage can which was beside the plastic bag from earlier.
Sitting up I grunt and Charlie quickly puts his hands on my waist and back to steady me.
"Such a gentleman," I say sweetly and he gets a dopey smile before scooping me up and setting me on his lap. Locking our lips together in another hot kiss I gently grip his pecs as he presses me close.

(OH MY GOD I PUBLISHED SOMETHING! HAZA! anyways here's a short but kinky one shot, and of course keep in mind that some of these are some... messed up scenarios. These are fiction and in no way relate to real life. Keep that in mind!

We'll see if I publish any of my longer works soon)

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