Losing a Bet

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"Gerald I swear to god!" I shout at my room mate, Gerald who was laying on the couch in our shared living room.

"What?" He asks glancing up at me with a dull expression, boredom evident on his face

Serves him right for watching stupid mainstream TV. It's boring as heck.

I shake my head. "You didn't wash your dishes, again!" I says in exasperation.

"So?" He says barely even lifting an eyebrow.

"Uugh you didn't even put them in the dish washer," I complain and cross my arms.

Arlo suddenly grins at me mischievously. "I got an idea-"

"I don't wanna hear one of your crummy ideas." I interject before seeing him hold up a finger.

"Let me finish... let's play rock paper scissors. If you win, I'll do my dishes and any other chores I'm supposed to do from now on-"

My eyes lit up considerably. "Deal."

"But you haven't even heard what my prize for wining would be." He says propping up his elbow on the side of the couch.

"I don't care, I'll win."

"Arlo, it's a fifty fifty chance you'll win, but-" he starts before I cut him off.

"On three we draw, ready?" I instruct holding up a fist.

He rolls his eyes as he lifts a closed hand. "Fine," he responds.

"One... two... three!" I extend a scissored hand.

... he used rock.

"What?!" I exclaim looking at my hand in betrayal.

He chuckles and hops over the arm of the couch. "Haha. I win~" he says in a low tone as he strolls closer to me with lidded eyes.

I pale. "Oh no no no. Last time you won a bet I had to walk around in short shorts all day!" I still I have no idea why he wanted me to do that, it was just embarrassing! ...

"Heh well if you liked that you're gonna loooove what I have in store for you~" he says in that weird voice again. What is with that voice?!

I take a step back to run and hide in my well organized room, but Gerald grabs me by the wrist and pulls me into his chest.  I squirm and try to get away before giving up with a huff. Keeping one hand around my waist to hold me in place he tilts my chin up with his other hand so I'm looking up at him. "Don't even think about running away... darling~"

"Darling?! What- AH! What are you doing?" I shout when Gerald throws me over his shoulder with my bottom end up. He doesn't respond, he just takes me upstairs into his room and tosses me onto the bed.

Pulling myself up to a sitting position I half glare at Gerald as he goes over to his laptop that was charging on his desk and unplugs it. He starts to talk as he goes over to it. "Did you think I'd never find out?" He asks.

"About what?" I say in annoyance as he turns to face me while logging into his computer.

He glances up at me over the screen. "About your job."

I turn bright red. Shaking my head back and forth I glare at him. "My job is confidential, no one knows-"

He turns the screen to face me and I audibly gulp seeing my personal page on the "Far From Innocent" website.


"Found out what your actually job is. And I must say... you definitely are far from innocent aren't you Arlo?~" he drawls out setting the computer on the bed as he sits down beside me. 

"Tsk," I growl, "Okay fine, you caught me. I'm a porn star, happy?" I cross my arms and pout.

"Not yet..." he says looking at me with the same lidded eyes from before. "I still haven't told you my dare have I?" He says slowly.

"N-no. You haven't," I say glancing up at him for a split second.

He hums thoughtfully as he stands up again and walks over to his walk in closet. Similar to how he went to go grab the laptop he talked to me as he did whatever the hell he was doing in that closet.

"When I found your profile a couple months ago-"

"A couple months ago?!"

Gerald laughs at my outburst. "When I found your profile a couple months ago I just couldn't stop looking at all the wonderful content you've put out over the years-"

That got me blushing. Knowing that my roommate had seen what I could do with my body, what I let other people... what I wanted other people to do with my body.

I shifted uncomfortably in the bed trying not to think of all the sinful things I'd gotten paid millions to do.

"-and, well..." Gerald comes out of the closet with clothes hidden behind his back. "I wanted a piece of that action for myself~" he tosses the clothes to me and they land in my lap. Seeing the articles I start to look like a strawberry with how warm my cheeks got.


"Put them on."

My eyes lock with his. "Wha?"

"It's part of the bet. Put them on," he commands.

Looking down at the clothes I gather them in my arms and stand. "... are you sure about this?" I ask hesitantly. I never ever did this kind of stuff with people outside of my job. Not ever.

"Mhmm~" he hums in response.

Silently I go over to the bathroom and close the door behind me. Making sure it's locked I take a deep breath. Setting the clothes on the counter I blush like crazy, a million thoughts going through my head by just looking at them.

(I made dat by the way =P)

I scan the black and grey outfit set out for me that would be loose or tight in certain places. Man... he'd really done his research on what I liked. Slipping off my casual hoodie and sweatpants I pick up the short shorts first. I pull them up my legs and past my thighs until their zipped up and buttoned around my hips and over my black boxers. I bite my bottom lip. They were a perfect fit on me... the shirt was next. It was a loose t-shirt that would show my belly when I raised my arms or turned the right way. That made me smile. The socks slipped on easily enough and they ended just below my knees. I took the choker in my hand and stared at it for a moment before putting it around my neck.

Taking a gander at myself in the mirror it made me realize... this was actually happening. My crazy hot and sexy roommate had lured me into a trap, a trap that could only lead to a scandalous night full of sinful endeavors.

He may be lazy, and he may suck at doing chores. But he was smart, really smart.

Standing in front of the door I hesitantly unlock it, and pull it open by the handle. I slowly step out and lean against the bathroom door til it's closed behind me.

He was sitting on the bed side facing the bathroom. He looks up at me and grins with his dazzling white teeth and removes his laptop from his lap. Standing up he slowly approaches me. I watch him the entire time until he's mere inches away.

My heart thunders in my chest as I feel his eyes undressing me. He puts a hand on my right hip and fiddles with one of the belt loops on the faded black shorts. I can feel his soft thumb grazing my skin just under the shirt he'd given me.

Looking up into his deep, ocean blue eyes I can see's he's working on committing every detail to memory. When he finally comes to meet my eyes he takes time to stare at my caramel eyes that match my soft and fluffy hair of the same color.

"Arlo I... I know this was a bet and all... but I love you. And no not just for your body. I love your personality and every... every little thing that you do. The fact that you have such a rocking body is a bonus," he says just above a whisper as his free hand goes to cup my cheek.

I blush slightly. "I really... really like you too Gerald... like... a lot," I chuckle before rubbing the side of my face into his hand and closing my eyes briefly.

"God you're adorable," he breathes out his thumb running over my cheek.

I giggle and kiss the palm of his hand before opening my eyes and looking up at him all dreamily. "I love you."

"Say it again."

"I love you," I say again draping my arms over his shoulder and around his neck. Instinctively I shake my butt a little bit, like a bird fluffing it's tail feathers.

"One more time for Daddy."

"Hehehe," I launch up and wrap my legs around his waist to hold myself up. "I love you Daddy~" I say to the handsome man in front of me.

"Perfect~" he mumbles gripping my ass in his hands. Moaning from the back of my throat I keep my mouth closed with a sinful smile.

We both lean forward at the same time and press our lips together. He bites my bottom lip and I open my mouth for him immediately so he can lay claim in what was his.

"Fuhm~ Daddy~" I moan into his mouth as his tongue slides against mine. He squeezes my ass again causing me to whine. We continue to make out heatedly until Gerald's gotten close enough to the bed where he can drop me down onto it so I land on my back.

It was a bit of a toss, so I bounced and was able to land in half sitting, half leaning backwards position. Gerald takes his shirt off and throws it to the floor, he slips off his blue jeans and crawls on top of me.

I suck in a breath as he attaches his lips to my neck and works on kissing around the collar, which he tugs on every few seconds.

A whine bubbles out of my mouth as my hands tangle themselves in his hair. One hand trails down his neck to his shoulders and all the way down to his wrist. I guide his hand to my hip and he pushes up my shirt just enough to get to my chest. He places quick kisses there as his hand on the collar moves to join the other hand in ghosting down my sides.

Gasping I feel his hard on poke my thigh and his knee in between my legs. Groaning I grind down onto his knee mewling in need. Gripping my hips he holds them down as he slowly ever so slowly licks down my chest and stomach.

My hands move away from him as they fall beside my head, not quite going above my head, just kinda resting there. My breathing hitched as he suddenly jumps from my belly to my thighs. He nips at the skin and licks where it pleases him. I bite one of my knuckles and exhale shakily.

"You love this... don't you babe?~" Gerald teases his nose brushing my crotch as he switches which leg he's biting.

"Y-yes Daddy~ oh god~" I moan out feeling all kinds of hot and bothered with this foreplay. My foot twitched underneath the sock it was contained in and I moaned.

"Mm~ beg for me baby~"

"But Daaaaddyyyy~" I whine in protest before feeling his mouth kiss my bulge. "Ngh!~"

"You seem to need some attention southward babe~. Tell Daddy what you want him to do Baby Boy~"

"Ohhhh god~ Daddy please mouth me~ pplleease!~ mouth me Daddy!~" I bed knowing he would have straight up fucked me up the wall if I asked.

I see Daddy put his mouth around my clothed dick as he begins to unbutton the shorts just before my eyes shut out of pleasure. Moaning breathily and shivering I can feel him working me, and when the shorts get pulled down and chucked off the bed I nearly scream. it's not long until I'm a panting mess and my boxers are being taken off with Gerald's teeth. I sigh in relief feeling the tension in my cock melt away, but I inhale sharply when Gerald shoves my five and a half inches down his throat.

"Daaa~ah~ah~ oh god Daddy~" I melt into jumbled noises as he licks the sides of my man hood.

"Mm~ si~ can we- we do a sixty-nine Daddy? Pwease?~" I ask desperate to have something in my mouth

Daddy pulls off of me with a pop and nods. We quickly shift positions so he's on his back and I'm hovering over top of him. He sucks on my tip as I yank off his boxers and let his length spring free. Oh golly he was eight inches at least, fuck.

Kissing his tip I moan softly and force him all the way down my throat. It's definitely a stretch since he was ridiculously thick, but it's not like I was a virgin by any means. Groaning Daddy takes me in again and starts to bob his head. Letting the vibrations hit every part of him I bob my head expertly so he feels my throat constricting around me in the best possible way.

I'm in pure bliss as I give my Daddy a blow job and he gives me one, but I need more.

"Mmmm~" I pull my mouth off of Gerald and shout, "I can't do it anymore Daddy!~ I need you in me!~" moving as quick as lighting I move to a sitting position over Daddy with my back to him and shove his dick into my ass. A scream rips through my throat. I may be a porn star, but nothing could have prepared me for such a girth. Gritting my teeth I roll my hips back, and back again, until I'm a moaning mess for my Daddy.

"Fuck!~ you're- ngh!~ amazing babe~" Gerald praises making me whine and start bouncing on top of him. His hands grab my hips and start thrusting me onto his cock. Moaning doesn't cut it anymore, I'm an incoherent babble of curse words and pleads as I'm helplessly fucked. My eyes screw shut as Gerald pounds into me. Eventually he pushes my chest down onto the bed and goes onto his knees to deck me better.

"Daaaaddyy~" I manage to whine out before I feel him press against my prostate and scream in pleasure.

Slamming into me at such a furious pace and hitting my prostate dead on from every thrust then on it's no wonder I'm soon cumming onto the bed sheets, streaking them white. Gerald groans and pulls out just in time to shove the tip of his cock into my mouth and shoot his hot liquids down my throat. Moaning at the feeling I let the sweet substance slide down. He pulls his dick away and lays down next to me.

Both of us were hot, and sweaty, and panting like wild wolves do.

Once I've swallowed I turn and cuddle into Daddy's chest.

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