Monsters Are Better Than Humans (Pt. 1)

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"Ey James!" One of the band members called out to me.

"Yeah?" I respond as I come around the corner to see the trumpet player beckoning me over to the stages curtain.

"The boss wasn't lyin', they're really monsters," he says with a scared look and I scoff.

"Oh stahp being such a baby," I wave the trumpeter off as I go back to my dressing room.

"B-But they are!" He stutters as he follows me and I turn the knob on my door before he grabs my wrist. There's a vampire out there and-and what looks like a zombie! Not to mention the big guy-"

"Is some kind of horrifying demon. Yeah yeah I know, now stop judging the costumers and get ready for the show, we're on in ten," I growl as I rip my wrist from the persisting mans grip and slamming the door to my dressing room.

Sighing heavily I feel my hand twitch, and when I lift it and see my hands turning black. It was creeping up my skin before I grunted and willed it to go back down. It took a little bit and the darker part of me surged forward. Stumbling over to the mirror I look in it to see my left eye pitch black and the whites quickly disappearing.

Cursing under my breath I fight against the force until I'm able to breathe easy and see my reflection is crystal clear and perfectly human.

Running a hand through my black hair and lightly messing it up I drop it back down to my side.

I was one of the singers at a popular club in the city of Greley, a town known for it's hoards of gangs. But recently there was a rather strange thing that happened.

The monster city Kegate had decided to expand their horizons, which meant populating other cities.

Now humans have never been perfect creatures, they were greedy and selfish. And far to many of them were racists.

Do you can imagine how many complaints the people of Greley had towards the monster of Kegate.

Now here's where I come into the picture.

My father was a monster... my mother was a human. She told me how handsome my father was, how he was one of the most powerful monsters she had ever met.

For my mother was a kind person, and she worked as a tradesman. My Father and her never were fully in love, but they did have a brief romance.

I'm told he had blue hair that was heavily saturated and unnaturally bright. His eyes were the same color with no whites to them and he had Snow White skin... except for his arms which were the same black that mine turn to occasionally. She took of me about how he was tall and lean, strong but reserved, cautious but outgoing. He was very charismatic and charming apparently.

So when I was a young boy I had to learn to hide my mysterious powers and looks. I'd picked different samples of genes from the two very different sides of my family.

My skin was white, and my hair pure black. My eyes were light blue and green and my smile was full.

When I was a child I got mocked for being so pale and having such sharp teeth. So I was a loner, but I didn't mind.

I was rather short and curvy for a male... which got me in some precarious situations over the years.

But because I was part monster I had a darker side to myself which I kept hidden. I had my father's magic which consisted of producing shadows, anything black, and even illusions. Honestly I wish I could be more open about my abilities... but I couldn't.

I stayed in the human city with my mother until I was able to save up enough money and move her to a smaller town. It was more convenient for her work and she was happy there.

And safer... Greley was no place for her. But me... I could handle it. I'd grown a tough exterior over the years. Not allowing people to get to close to me.

And yes, I experimented plenty with sex and I was 100% gay, which my mother was fine with of course, my father was apparently bi which relieved me a bit.

Breaking my train of thought I looked in the mirror. I'd gotten dressed in a black skinny jeans and a black and white striped short sleeved button up shirt that I tucked and topped off with black suspenders and combat boots.

Ruffling up my hair to peak perfection I grinned into the mirror.

"Time to give them a show they won't forget," I said to myself before standing up and leaving my dressing room.

I walked towards the backstage where the acoustic guitarist was finishing up their song.

The band was in place behind the curtain that would be drawn in mere moments. I got handed a mic and positioned myself in front of them so I'd be able to walk forward to the front of the stage.

When the stage was revealed I stepped out with no fear and looked into the crowd. There was a fair mix of monsters and humans and I smiled at them all, regardless of what species they thought I was.

The announcer whistles into his mic and said, "wow, there he is ladies and gents, the crowning jewel of our little club," he says dreamily as the humans and monsters a like clap me on, the humans whistles and some even cat called.

Faking a smile I wave at them and look around the audience.

My eyes landed and stopped on someone who looked exactly like the description of my father.
He met my gaze and I heard a voice echo in my head. "We'll talk after you show."

Gulping I chuckle into the mic, "Thank you so much for coming out tonight, I do hope you enjoy my show," I say to the general audience... but mostly to him. Because if this man was my father... this could mean my life was about to change forever.

(Time Skip pets tiny dog that AJ has)

After ten or so songs I finished and went backstage. My manager said one of the monster bosses wanted to see me in a backroom and I went there immediately.

The door was guarded by a male monster with scales covering his body. Recognizing me as the singer from the stage he let me into the room.

My father was at the head of the table with five other monsters by his side. He looked up and grinned dispersing in a thick cloud of smoke he appeared in front of me and hugged me close. "My son."

"Dad," I whisper softly and hug back just as tight as he was he ran a hand through my dark hair and smiled. "You look just like your mother," he says reflectively.

I grinned, "she says I look more like you."

The other monsters in the room laughed at that and my father turned us around with his hands on my shoulders. "This is my son, James."

"Hi," I say with a sheepish wave as I introduced myself.

"Wow..." a vampire like monster mumbled as she tucked a strand of her shoulder length hair behind her pointed ears.
"He really is somethin," another monster mumbled as he looked me over with his four eyes and ran horns.

"Does he have a monster form?" A girl who seemed to have hair entirely made out of water.
"Y-yeah I do," I say with a small smile.

"Show us!"
"Yeah come on kiddo!"
"Your pops has talked you up for years, I gotta know," three of them say as they all look at me eagerly.

"Uhm... Alright," I say before allowing the beast within me to show itself. I twitched a bit before I lifted my head and grinned, showing my razor sharp fangs.

They oohed and my father looked at me with immense amount of pride. "That's my boy."

Giggling softly I see all the monsters grabbing their stuff and standing up. "Are we going somewhere?" I ask curiously before my father turns towards me as a cane appears in his hand.

"I'm getting you out of this city kiddo," he says to me and I go to open my mouth before he places his inky black finger to my lips. "Don't worry, I've already got everything cleared by your mother and she fully supports the decision to move you to Kegate."

"H-how? I have an apartment here and-"
"And all that stuff has already been taken care of. Everything has already been transferred over to Kegate."

"I-I..." I knew I couldn't refuse, and not because he was my father, but because this was the chance I'd been waiting to so I could finally get out of this city.

And so, the monsters all rounded up and we were in Kegate by nightfall.

Kegate was like a combination of Japan and what I imagine a utopia to look like. Everyone was happy and nothing seemed to be amiss. I was currently in a limo with my dad and his private chauffeur.

I learned on the way that he was one of the elites in the city. One of the people that kept it safe from human harm, because the monsters didn't fight like the humans did. They had more morals and basic understandings of things. They solved things diplomatically and with no violence.

Kegate was amazing. And every second I spent in it the more I came to love it.

(Time Skip cuddles up next to the fluffy cat AJ has)

It had been five months since I had met my father, and life couldn't have been better. I was having the time of my life in Kegate and living amongst my fellow monsters who came in all shapes and sizes.

At the moment I was leaving a cafe when I saw a little girl looking around frantically. Seeing the tears on her eyes I approached her and knelt down. "Hey it's okay. It's gonna be alright," I say softly as she sniffles and looks up at me before launching at me and hugging me tight.

"What's wrong kiddo?" I ask as she starts to sob in my arms.

"I-I'm lost. I wandered off and now I can't find my uncle," she blurts out as I rub her back.
"Alright, Where was the last place you saw him?" I ask softly.
"I-I don't know. I th-think it was a candy store," she stutters and I nod.

"Okay. We'll find your uncle sweetheart," I say and she pulls her head back.
"O-Okay... *sniff* what's your name?" She asks.
"James Mackelroy," I tell her and she nods.
"I'm Penny," she says and I smile.

"It's very nice to meet you Penny, now lets go find your Uncle," I say as I stand up and she holds onto my hand tightly.

We walk down a couple blocks to the candy emporium. I see a frantic man outside who somewhat resembles the girl. She gasps and runs up to him.

"I don't know sis! One minute she was holding my hand and then- oh my gawd she's back!" The man gets on his knee as Penny runs up to him and throws herself into his arms. "Oh thank goodness you're alright Penny," he breathes out as I come up next to them.

Penny looks back at me and gets out of her uncle's arms and stands in front of me. "James helped me find you, I'm sorry I wandered off Uncle Phillip."

"Mistakes happen Penny, just don't wander out of the store next time," he tells her as he stands up and Penny holds her uncle's hand.

"Thank you so much James," he says in a relieved tone and it was at this moment I took the time to look him over.

He was a a very fit guy with a strong build. He was also very tall and had fiery red hair with tan skin. His hair seemed to be flaming a bit and was occasionally crackling. His eyes seemed to glow a similar red hue and his lips were a bright red. He was wearing a black leather jacket and a grey t-shirt with a ball of flame on it along with ripped jeans.

I flashed him a bright smile, "I'm glad I could help," I say with a small nod.

Phillip smiles at me before Penny interrupts with and absolutely adorable comment for a girl her age to make.

"Uncle Phillip are you gonna Dare James now?" She asks with a little head tilt.

Phillip's face turned bright red as his flaming hair spiked up. "P-Penny why would you say that?" He asks looking very flustered.

"Well you said you liked cute and curvy guys who are polite and kind. James seems perfect for you!" Penny beams up at the two of us and I blush deeply.

"Penny I'm sure he has a special someone," Phillip says to her.
"Actually I don't, I'm single," I interject politely and they both look up at me.

"See Uncle Phillip! James would make a great boyfriend for you!" She exclaims proudly.

"Penny shoosh," Phillip says with a red face. Giggling softly Penny gasps.
"He even giggles cutely!" She says dashing up to me and grabbing my hand.
"Why thank you," I say politely and she beams up at me.

"Penny-" Phillip sighs as he looks down at the small girl.
"Just ask him out," she says before whispering very loudly, "he seems into you."
That made my cheeks turn a dark red.

Phillip glances at me before looking back at Penny. Rolling his shoulders back he smiles charmingly at me. "I know we just met, but would you like to go out sometime?"

"I would love too," I respond and Penny cheers.
"Yaaayy!" She claps, "now kiss!"

"Penny calm dow-" I cut Phillip off by leaning in and gently kissing his warm cheek. He looked at me in awe when I backed away and Penny was grinning.
"If we're gonna go on a date can I have your number?" I asked with a blush tinting my cheeks.

Phillip clears his throat and mumbles, "Sure," before I hand him my phone and he types in his number.
"I should be getting Penny back home," he says before Penny chimes in.
"Can James come with us! I want him to meet mom and dad," she says before Phillip sighs and looks at me.

Smiling I shrug. "If that's alright with you I don't mind."
Nodding he scoops Penny up and sets her on his shoulders. "I hope your happy Penny."
"Very," she says with a proud smirk on her face that made me giggle again.

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