The Actors Practice

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(That's Malachi up top, and below is Edgar)

Edgar's POV

Pinning my slender frame against the wall with his intimidating figure the guy I met an hour ago, who's named Vector, looks me over hungrily. He goes in and nibbles on my neck causing me to moan out his name softly.

"V-Vector... p-please take me," I whimper out in need.

"Cut!" I hear a voice shout and I groan as the arms around my waist slacken and I break out of them to look at the assistant director who's sitting amongst the camera and light crew.

"How many times are you gonna make us do this? It's the first scene." I ask in annoyance as I put my hands on my hips.
"Actually it's more so about your performance, Edgar," the guy says as he readjusts his glasses. "Malachi is doing a fantastic job with this scene."
"Thank you sir," Malachi, the other lead to this rather risqué film, says with a slight nod.

What?" I blurt out with a slight seething tone to my voice as I stare daggers at the director who also works as a pornographer.
"Ed you're looks aren't... genuine enough. It's got to be more real," the guy says. "Even if this was just a normal porno I'd ask you to be more... more..." he snaps his fingers as he tries to think of the word.

"Organic?" Malachi suggests making me turn my head towards him with a glare.
"Yes! Perfect. Just the word I was looking for," he says enthusiastically and I cross my arms with a huff.
"Now I know this is more of a personal question. But is there anyone you're able to practice with Edgar?" The director asks me.

Turning bright red I glance off to the side. "That is a personal question," I say matter of factly.
"And the answer is..." Malachi asks and I once again glare at him.
"I don't like you anymore," I grouch making him gasp and cover the spot where his heart should be.
"You hurt my feelings," he says with a fake pout that made me roll my eyes. "You should apologize," he continues making me scoff.
"I'm taking my break in my room," I mutter bitterly before going directly to the private room I got to claim as mine for the duration of the films shooting.

Closing the door I sigh heavily as I plop myself down on the couch. I hadn't bothered to go get a sandwich and decided to just skip the last meal before going home. It had already been a long day since we started with some practices the directors wanted us to do.
Malachi and I had lunch together, which had been nice. We snuck off to a balcony that was in a couple scenes and ate there.

Tucking my knees to my chest I curl up on the couch. In truth I didn't have a romantic partner right now. I was a single fish in a sea of massive fishes who were not interested in a small little guppy like me.
Yeah, no one wanted to date me, and I honestly tried! But no matter how much I changed for them no one ever stayed. They just drunk with me, fucked me, and dumped me.

Without any warning Malachi burst into the room and I flinched. "Hey, Jen said you didn't get a sandwich. So I brought... you one," he trails off when he sees me and I realize there's tears running down my face.

"Fuck," I curse under my breath as I wipe my eyes with the palms of my hands. I see out of the corner of my eye Malachi take a seat right beside me and I tense up into a tighter ball.

"Here," he says extending the sandwich to me. Gently taking it from his big strong hands I slowly peel back the paper with my soft and tiny ones. Taking a small bite I sniffle.

" okay?" Malachi asks and I don't bother to glance over.
"Yeah I'm... I'm fine," I whisper, blatantly lying as I let my hair fall in front of my eyes.
Malachi sits in silence for a moment before eating his sandwich. We finished at about the same time and I wiped the last few tears away.

"I'm sorry," I blurt out into the uncomfortable silence, "for being rude to you earlier. I just got... upset by the directors comment."
"Why?" Malachi asks with genuine concern.
"I-... it's a touchy subject," I say as I pick at the skinny jeans I'm wearing.
"Why is it touchy?" He asks curiously and I sigh.

"Look I just... I don't have the best luck with relationships," I admit, "no guy ever wants to stick around... they just fuck me and leave when they're satisfied."

"I wouldn't," he blurts out and my gaze flicks over to him quizzically making him turn bright red and look away. "Uhhh... what I mean is I wouldn't just like fuck and dump you, ya know? Because I'm not a rude guy and that's super rude to do to someone as adorable as you are. I-I mean that as a compliment! Not an insult. I uhm-"

As Malachi blunders on I observe his every move. Everything he said was sincere. Which was rare for me to find in a guy. Plus he's been making me laugh off set all day and I already feel like we're close friends. He's been nothing but honest and real with me, and I sincerely admire that.

Slamming my lips onto his I wrap my arms around Malachi's neck and tangle my fingers into his hair. My lips burning against his juicy ones.
But after a second I realized what I was doing and quickly pulled away with an ashamed look on my face. my hands retracting and hovering in the air around Malachi. "I'm... I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that. You were just being nice and- mmmgh~"

Malachi pressed his lips up against mine and gripped my waist. Leaning into his touch he lifted me on to his lap and pulled me into his chest.
When he pulled away I was already panting and my tongue hung out of my mouth. "Fuck you're gorgeous," he grins before passionately kissing me and making me melt into his strong hold. Becoming jelly in his hands I whined softly against his lips, searching for every inch of him I could get.

We had a five minute make out session, with Malachi's hand starting to push up my shirt and make goosebumps raise on my skin. He started to take the kisses down my neck as soon as there was a knock on the door. Squeaking he covered my mouth quickly and we listened.

"Hey Edgar, Malachite, the directors said you it's could take off early, we're just gonna clean and prep the set for tomorrow," one of the stage hands says from behind the door.
"Alright, thank you Sarah. We're just gonna finish our sandwiches and then we'll be on our way," Malachite says and the girl responds with an okay before walking off.

Sighing in relief against Malachite's hand I glance up to see him staring at me with lust dancing behind his eyes. "You wouldn't happen to wanna come over to my place, would ya Ed?~" Malachite asks as he leans in close and licks his lips.

Gulping I nod and bite my bottom lip. Smirking at me Malachite places his hands on my ass and squeezes making me squeak and jump in surprise. Groaning from the back of his throat at my abrupt movement I shyly look away.

Standing up and setting me on my own two feet he hands me my coat before practically dragging me out of the studio building. Giggling at his dorky behavior as we get to the parking lot I dash ahead of him teasingly swaying my hips. He speed walks forward and smacks my ass making me squeak again and whirl around only for him to pick me up and pin me up against his sleek royal blue car. Moaning at his roughness I tilt my head back and he attacks my neck with his tongue and teeth. Whimpering I cover my mouth and tighten my legs around his waist.

Fumbling for the passenger door he opens it and gently but quickly sets me down inside. Panting he gives me one last peck before dashing around to the drivers seat. Once I get buckled and closed the door he whips out of the parking lot and follows the road back to his apartment. A feverish excitement fills the air as we both eagerly wait to get there. Once we pull into the closed off underground parking lot we speed upstairs and to his lavish but fairly sized apartment. He kicks his shoes off and I do the same.

He grabs my hands and kisses the tops of both of them, making me giggle cutely and him beam widely.
"Bedrooms this way my little fox~" he says as he walks backwards a bit before rounding the corner.
Quickly following him into the room with the most comfortable looking bed I've ever seen he closes and locks the door behind me. Picking me up from behind his arms come up to my abdomen as I squeal and laugh in delight.

"Malachi!" I shout in playful protest as he lays me down on the bed and crawls on top of me. He put his head into my neck and licked a long stripe up from my collarbone to my ear. Moaning softly I shift a bit. My clothes becoming unbearably tight as my body burns in anticipation.

His hands push up my shirt as he starts kissing my cheeks. Pulling back to admire me. Getting shy I pull up the beds blankets and hide my chest. Malachi gently tilts my chin up and frowns. "Why are you hiding yourself from me? Do you not want to do this? We can stop," he says quickly and I shake my head.

"N-no I... I want to," I say anxiously. "I just..." I went silent as I nervously fidgeted with the blanket. My head swimming through a thick sludge of terrifying thoughts. What if Malachi didn't like me? What if he was just doing this out of pity? Was I just a pick me up?

"Baby..." Malachi whispers softly and lays down on the bed. Easing me along with him and pulling me into his chest. "I've uhm... I've seen some of your previous films before. And I really like them, I think you did a splendid job in all of them," he says and I rolled over to stare into his handsome dark brown eyes.

"Thank you," I say shyly.
"Ed I was wondering if... you'd consider being my boyfriend," he says biting his lip and squinting his eyes closed.

I blinked before grinning widely. "I would love to," I whisper softly as I watch Malachi's entire face relax as he sighs in relief.
"Good. I was worried-"
"That I'd say no? Mali you're the sweetest guy I've ever met! And with all your success I thought you'd be some asshat," I say honestly making Malachi crack a smile.
"That helps," he says before I scoot in closer and snuggle into his chest.

A content silence falls over us as we lay together. My fingers beginning to swirl patterns on Malachi's chest. "I can't believe you actually like me," I whisper in awe as I gaze up into his gorgeous eyes.

"I could say the same thing to you Edgar," he says softly and I blush deeply.
"Why do you have to say my name so hotly?" I whine making Malachi burst out laughing.

I have a feeling that Malachi is the best thing to have ever come into my life, and I'm more than happy about that.

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