The Next Joker

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Timothy Hayes POV

"Now I know this is probably all really boring and I'm sor-" my boyfriend started rambling and I just wrapped my arms around him and kissed him.

"Babe it's fine. I think it's beautiful... in it's own way," I whisper softly before smiling at him.

Chuckling for a second he wraps his arms around me and pecks my lips before letting go.

He had wanted to show me the factory he worked in. It was full of all kinds of toxic chemicals and vats of random junk. I didn't mind, he was such a passionate scientist and so adorable. I'm lucky that such a handsome man would ever like a scrawny boy like me. I'm built like a stick after all, and covered head to toe in freckles with this crazy blonde hair that had a mind of it's own. I'd always been known as a shy book nerd in school- even in college- but when I met Derek he would come to the library just to look at me from two tables down. He was such a cutie.

"You know," he says breaking me out of my thought bubble, "they say The Joker fell into one of these vats and the stuff made him insane."

"Oh hush, that's just something people say to make him seem cooler. He's just a crazed maniac."

"That you always seem to watch on the news," he says with a teasing smirk.

"shut up!" I say punching his arm and he howls with laughter.

"Timothy?" I hear a deep and chilling voice say from behind me. Stiffening I slowly turn around and face one of my nightmares. My old bully who pestered me all throughout elementary, middle, and high school. He belittled me, and he ended up making me his fuck toy.

"Tim, who's this?" Derek asks, his arm was resting around my waist.

Hearing the bully growl I flinch and hide in my boyfriends side and whimper. The guy snorts. "Still a fucking wimp huh? Never grew out of that you stupid nerd," he spits and Derek holds onto me tighter.

"You can't talk to my boyfriend like that. And I don't believe you have the clearance to be up here, you're just one of the package men," Derek points out.

"Good, glad to know I found the right person," ex-bully says as he cracks his knuckles.

"Oh I've had enough of this," Derek says as he lets go of me and goes to call security.

Derek doesn't see it, but the worker is about to push him over the edge and into one of the chemical containers.

"No!!!" I scream and run in between them.

Luckily, I was able to get my boyfriend out of the way.

But in return for saving him, I got pushed over the edge and sent spiraling down into the massive pool of toxic liquid. I felt my body hit the water. I tried to swim out but my body seized up.

The last thing I remember was a net fishing me out and me gasping for air before passing out.

(Time Skip was sad about this predicament, he hoped it would get better)

??? POV

They brought in a new one in today. A boy, a young one. He's in a coma and the nurses don't know when he'll wake up.

One of the cops walked up to my cell and I waved my hand at him expecting him to tell me the news.

"He fell into a chemical pool at the factory. The one people say you fell into."

My eyes snapped to the man at the door. I lowered them slowly before dismissing him.

(Time Skip wraps himself up in a blanket to feel better)

??? POV

I was making my usual rounds when I decided to stop by the new patient. He was in a special medical room all alone on a small bed. He looked like he was sleeping peacefully. But then I noticed there was lots of recording equipment around him and wires attached to him.

Raising a brow I grabbed the paper clip by the door with all his information. It said that they were observing him on police orders.

I heard a soft sound, a trill of sorts, and looked into the room.

The boy had begun to giggle. He was getting a little bit louder before it broke off again and he started to sob in his sleep. Before I knew it he was relaxed and peaceful again.

Setting the clipboard back into the slot I walked away, giving the boy one last glance.

(Time Skip realizes he'a been making a lot of appearances in this chapter)

Timothy Hayes POV

I woke up in a hospital room with dim lighting on. I sat up and realized there was a bunch of wires stuck to me. Not taking a second thought I took them off and stood up.

This was a bad idea.

I collapsed as soon I stood on my feet. Grunting when my face hit the floor I sat up and huffed.

Something was different... why was I in a hospital? How did I get here?

I heard the door in the middle of the room being unlocked, which I thought was strange for a hospital to have. Instinctually I scrambled over and hid behind the bed alongside a bunch of strange machines.

"Are you sure we shouldn't be taking precautions. What if he's like-" a burly man whispers before he's interrupted.

"We haven't given him a chance yet. It's not fair. And from the observations he doesn't seem to be exhibiting violent behavior yet," a woman whispers back before speaking in a clear and singsong voice. "Timothy? It's okay, we're glad you're awake."

"How long have I been asleep?" I blurt out.

"A month, two weeks, and three days," the woman informs me and I scoot out from behind the bed a little.

"Why? What happened?" I ask curiously.

She gasps and covers her mouth. "He doesn't remember," she whispers to the man beside her. She was wearing a lab coat and the guy was in a police uniform.

"Remember what?" I blurt out again.

"You're in Arkham asylum under observation because you fell into a vat of toxic chemicals that has been known to cause insanity," he says blandly and the woman looks at him with wide eyes.

"Arkham asylum?! What!" I tried to stand up and succeeded for a couple seconds before falling over flat onto my face. I sat up immediately and tried to stand again. "This has to be a mistake!" I say quickly as I stand on wobbly legs.

The nurse is now looking at me with wide eyes and the policemen looks shocked.

"...what?" I ask before tasting blood in my mouth. I lick my lips and feel a shock go through my body. I lick again before the nurse stops me. She touches my nose which when I look down seems to be far off to the left. "That's not normal," I say blatantly before she picks me up with a surprising amount of strength.

"He can't feel pain," she says before rushing out of the room.

I just sat in her arms as she ran down a couple halls. Meanwhile I was sucking on my lip now. I knew I wasn't supposed to, but the taste of the blood leaking out of my broken nose was...


(Time Skip sips a drink he got out of the fridge)

Timothy Hayes POV

The nurse guided me to the cafeteria. I walked beside her as she greeted the guards and they looked at me warily.

In fact, as soon as I stepped into the room all eyes were on me. Some people looked envious, others eyed me up and down, some seemed extremely interested. I stayed close to the nurse as she walked me to a table with a guard at it. "Alright Steve, promise to watch him?" She asks and the guy nods. I knew I could trust the police officer so I sat down.

"I'm gonna leave you now Timothy, be careful," she says to me as she pays my shoulder.

"I will," I say with a chipper tone.

She nods and smiles softly before leaving the lunch room.

The guard eyed me like some of the criminals did and I scooted away from him. He let out a snort. "You know, I didn't expect you to be weak, after falling into that chemical."

I nervously fidgeted, scratching at my wrist. The nurse had told me to not hurt myself, but what I was doing didn't hurt. Even if my skin got pulled back and I bled I don't feel any pain.

"Uhm..." I looked down at the table before I heard someone sit down and my head snapped up.

It was The Joker. His sadistic smile was unmistakable, and of course the green hair was a dead giveaway.

I looked to the guard but he just held out his hand expectantly towards The Joker. The Joker rolled his eyes and put a roll of cash into the officers hand. The officer promptly stood up and left.

Watching him leave something was nagging at me to be terrified, but I wasn't.

"You've been so interesting to watch," The Joker says to me and I stiffen.

"Wh-what?" I squeaked.

"Through the window. During your coma," he says blatantly before scooting closer to me, "I was a bit offended when they didn't let me into the room. I mean they let me go everywhere here!" He chuckled crazily.

Glancing off to the side I saw the end of the bench and mapped out an escape path rather quickly in my head.

But the Joker sighed and stopped laughing, he leaned in close and smirked. "I'll see you later my little clown~"

He stood up and walked away. And without any food I quickly dashed off to the guards at the exit.

"I'd like to go back to my room please," I said politely.

"And why the hell would we do th-"

"Please?" I ask a bit more rushed this time.

"Go sit back down," the guard says putting a hand on his hip.

"I just want to go back-" I started out before getting cut off.

The officer had grabbed a taser and was sticking it into my side. But strangely I didn't feel anything.

"What the- ow!" The officer screamed when I nudged the taser into his hand. He cursed and dropped it. Nonchalantly I pick it up and turn it on. Curious beyond belief I put it against my wrist and felt nothing. My body didn't spasm.

I looked at the other cop who looked horrified. Something took control of me and I pointed it at him. "Room. Now."

He nodded frantically and led me back to my hospital like room. I turned off the taser and flashed him a smile. "Thank you!" I went back into the room and shut the door. Happy when it locked shut.

My head twitched before I went and I sat down on the bed. I experimented for several minutes trying to figure out why the taser didn't affect me. It didn't hurt at all. It was rather strange. I remember feeling pain in the past.

The door got pushed open and I saw the nurse come in. "Timothy what did you do?"

"The guard tased me," I said as I put my finger against the glowing taser.

"No no stop that," she says snatching the device from me and pocketing it. She sighed and sat down. "You can't do that," she tells me.

"Why not?" I ask curiously.


The door opened again and two guards came in, "Mr.J is requesting Timothy To be moved."

The nurse scoffs. "To where? His own room?"

"Yup," the guard on the left says with a popping p.

"Wha- you can't be serious! This isn't allowed-" the nurse says dramatically.

"It's the Joker ma'am, we can't do a damn thing about it," the other guard says.

"I don't want to," I blurt out. The guards look at me with pity.

"You have no choice," the guard says before they grab me and one stand me with a syringe that knocks me out instantly

(Time Skip appears again, if only for a moment)

Timothy Hayes POV


I rolled over and pulled the blanket over me. I felt a body press against my back, "Timothy... wake up," a smooth voice whispers into my ear.

Grumbling I rolled over again and opened my eyes. When I looked up I was looking into bright red eyes with a wide smile. "Sleep well Timothy?"

My brain registered what had happened and I back into the wall that the bed was up against. With frantic urgency I looked around the room. It was lavish and had nice furniture. But i still wasn't to happy to wake up in a bed with the infamous Joker.

"Sssshhh... you're okay," he says sitting up and scooting in closer.

I sat up quickly and brought my knees to my chest. I was breathing quickly. "Don't hurt me don't hurt me," I mumbled quietly.

"Oh baby... I'm not gonna hurt ya," he says sincerely.

"Y-you're not?" I ask stuttering for the first time since I've woken up.

"No. You can't even feel pain, I can't," he says before cackling. I grab a pillow and hug it into my chest. I stayed quiet and the Joker went silent.

"You're so cute," he says making me look at him with my big doe eyes. He licked his lips and I held the pillow closer.

"Come on... can't I at least get a hug? I went through so much trouble to get you in here with me," he says tugging on the pillow.

I shook my head vigorously as I stayed boxed up against the wall. The Joker got a smile on his face. "You know, I was hoping you'd say that," he says and quickly reached over to his bedside table and grabbed a device. I didn't have time to stop him before he grabbed my wrist and put the bracelet shaped object around it.

I felt an immediate difference. The part of my mind that had popped out earlier with the guard came out at full force. A giggle came out of my throat as I let go of the pillow.

"Feel better?" Joker asks and I nod with a crooked smile.

"Mhmm! Hehehe," I cover my mouth as I giggle without restraint. The Joker started to let out his own kind of laughter and soon I fell forward into his chest with how hard we were laughing.

"Haha ha hehehe I'm so glad this worked!" He shouted triumphantly.

I rolled over and curled into myself as I continued to laugh, I just couldn't stop. I snorted and that made me giggle all the more.

"Heh, what a cutie," Joker says softly.

Rolling over as my giggles get quieter I look up at him. "Wha- hehe- what does this thing even do?"

"It brings out the best in you, in us," he says putting a finger under my chin. I hummed and rolled over.

"Mkay, thaaaaanks," I said with another little giggle.

"No problem love, now get some sleep. You'll need it," Joker says to me as he stands up and puts the covers over me.

Humming again I yawn and soon fall peacefully asleep

(Time Skip waves shyly)

Timothy's Haye's POV

Humming as I dried off I shouted out of the bathroom. "J, can you get me some clothes please?"

"Of course sweet tart!" He responds making me giggle. He knocks on the door before opening it a crack to hand me the small pile of clothes. We'd started to become friends, which I guess was weird in hindsight, but we were so similar and we always laughed at the same things.

"thank yo-" I start to say happily before I see the clothes. "J these aren't mine."

"They are now," Joker tells me and I roll my eyes.

"I picked them out especially for you," he says in a sweet tone and I look at the clothes once again.

"Are you sure?" I ask through the door.

"Entertain me," he says making me giggle softly.

"Fiiiiiine," I say turning to the counter and hanging my towel up. Looking at the clothes I hum before slipping them on. When I opened the door to the bathroom and stepped out I saw Joker sitting on the bed in his usual comfy clothes. He saw me and grinned. Hopping off the bed he slowly approached me.

"You look... gorgeous," he says before grabbing me by the waist roughly.

"I do not. And these are really nice comfy clothes by the way. Although I don't think the hoodie fits me right," I say.

"Oh it fits perfectly," Joker says with a sudden husky tone. I looked up at him and he was drinking in my appearance. I didn't really get why. He had given me a dark green hoodie to wear that was cut off rather short so you could see my stomach and belly button, sweatpants that were rather baggy on me, and tight black boxers.

He bit his bottom lip and said, "can I... try something?" He asks, seeming hesitant for once.

It had to be important if he seemed so hesitant. "Sure," I say without a second thought.

Joker leaned down and kissed me smack on the lips. I was throughly surprised, but I melted into it because his lips were just so soft and sweet. He suddenly grabbed my butt and I squeaked. Pulling away from the kiss he chuckles. "May I continue?~" he purrs out.

Part of me was screaming to say yes, but I blurt out something else instead. "Maybe later."

Joker nodded and kissed my forehead. "Let's get some shut eye then, gotta make sure you get your beauty rest," he says booping my nose and making me giggle.

So we went to bed We had been sharing the queen sized bed and there had been no problems with it.

A little while later, when the room was dark and barely any light lit the room, my body felt strange.

I grunted softly as my eyes fluttered open.

"Fu- hmm~ I'm so close," I hear a husky whisper right in my ear.

I felt something rubbing up against my bum and felt something in between my legs throbbing.

Putting the pieces together I realized that J was grinding his member up against me in my sleep. And I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel good.

"J..." I mumbled sleepily and Joker cursed under his breath. Rolling over to face J I notice his face is a bright red and he seems rather uncomfortable. I look him over before letting the more wild part of me that Joker praised me for push to the front of my mind.

Biting my bottom lip I inched closer til we were chest to chest. "Why?" I ask simply.

"I-I was just," Joke seemed rather nervous as he floundered to explain himself.

"You could have woken me up," I said to him as I stared into his eyes.

"Wha?" J seemed confused. Letting out a breathy giggle I peck his lips and continue to give him gentle little kisses on the lips until he starts kissing back with a mad fever. Humming in approval I tangle our legs together and accidentally rub our hard members together.

J curses under his breath before sitting up and pushing me up against the wall. He starts savagely kissing me and running his hands all over my body. Moaning softly I melt into his touch and kiss back. Picking me up he pushes my pants down and grinds up into me. Gasping I let out a shaky moan and he grunts. "Fuck that was hot."

"Oh J..." I moan again before he gets a wild look on his face and takes off his clothes before removing mine. Once he's done I see his member and turn beet red.

"Heh. Impressed?~" he drawls out as he rubs his absolutely massive cock against my comparatively smaller one.

"F-f yes!" I blurt out and gasp. He chuckles and I grip the sheets tightly.

Joker leans into my ear and whispers, "mind slicking me up baby?~" he asks and I just nod my head with a dazed look.

Joker leans back into the pillows as his monster cock stands up straight and proud. I'm not sure how he could possibly hide a member like that, he was so huge.

I glance up at him as I position myself in between his legs. Taking a deep breath I kissed the head of his member before licking down to his base and back again. When I came back up Joker was looking at me eagerly. Not wanting to disappoint I wrap my mouth around his head and dip my tongue into his slit. He moans and I see him clutch the sheets. Deciding to try something. I pushed my head down and got about half of him down my throat. I was breathing heavily as I struggled not to choke on him. My eyelids grew heavy and I closed them as I whined around him.

"What a move," Joker says running a hand through my hair and twirling a strand of it.

I took a moment before slowly pushing more of him down my throat. My Adam's Apple bulged and I finally reached his base. Opening I look up at Joker to see him staring at me in awe. "I never thought someone would be able to take it all," he whispers in amazement before smiling brightly.

My nostrils flared as I struggled to breath. But I found it rather pleasurable and started to bob my head. Joker moaned like crazy and suddenly came down my throat, I didn't even have to swallow because he was down so far.

Pulling off I lick my lips as my erection pressed against the bed and had small beads of pre coming out of it.

Joker took a second before sitting up and pulling me down next to him. "I've never felt anything like that before," he admits to me as he runs a hand through my hair.

Smiling softly I can't even verbally respond, too out of breath to do so. When Joker cups my face I pull one of his fingers into my mouth and lick them. Getting the idea he sticks another three in and I get them nice and wet before he pulls them out. Kissing my forehead he whispers out a praise to me before reaching his hand behind me and presses two of the fingers to my hole. It greedily swallows them up and in a few seconds I'm already bouncing back on them. Joker chuckles softly before he shoves the rest of them in and I moan at the stretch. After some pleasurable scissoring he pulls them out and rolls me over. Angling his tip to my whole i gasp and moan softly.

"Ready?" He asks in a husky voice and I whisper out a quiet yes. Joker pushes in his tip and the first couple inches before he's met with some resistance. Whimpering I felt like he was taking to long and I pulled out, climbed onto his lap, and shoved myself down three fourths of the way. Squeaking I looked down at my stomach and saw a massive bulge poking out of my stomach. Joker smirked and reached out a hand to rub it making me moan abruptly.

Chuckling he slowly eased me down to he was sheathed inside of me. I was whining like a bitch as he rubbed the bulge in my stomach. It was so fucking hot and with a sudden cry I came on to J's stomach. Panting I laid down on J's chest and moaned.

Moving me like a delicate piece of glass, J lays me on my side and presses his chest to my back with him still inside of me. He pulled out an inch or two before pushing back in. This continued for a while before I got needy again.

"Faster, please~" I begged quietly. At my request J started thrusting in and out of me and I was going nuts for it. He grunted and groaned as he gripped my hips and tried to restrain himself.

"Joker just pound me. Please. I need it. I need you so bad," I whine desperately as I rest my head against a pillow.

"You are just to perfect," he says into my ear before sitting up and putting my front against the wall. He pulled out to the tip before shoving back in. Screaming at the immense pleasure he continued at this rough pace while I begged and pleaded for more of him. He gripped my hair and pulled my back against his chest. He ground up into me and rubbed the bulge again as I mumbled and moaned. Biting my neck he started roughly fucking me again, and we both began to get close.

I came first, screaming his name and tightening around him. Joker moaned and threw his head back as he came inside of me and I moaned again, his hot cum swirling inside of me and clinging to his member as he pulled out of my gaping hole.

Panting like dogs we looked into each other's eyes at the same time and I kept up at him. Locking lips we kissed passionately until Joker fell back into the pillows with a huff. I was nibbling in his neck which made him chuckle.

"Slow down there my brave little cowboy, you need to rest," he says pulling me close. I whined and tried to kiss him again but he just put a finger to my lips. "I promise you we'll do this tomorrow, Alright?"

"Fiiiiinne," I said before pecking his lips and laying down.

Joker laid down behind me and we snuggled until we both fell asleep

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