Two halves, one whole

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(I'm publishing this even though it's unfinished *emo dabs and fades away*)

Humming as I waltzed into the kitchen looking for breakfast at noon. "What am I gonna eat today?" I asked my self in a sin song voice before opening the fridge. My eyes immediately landed on this cup of water and I grabbed it. It wasn't labeled or anything so I took a sip. Oddly enough it tasted like blueberries and the tropics.

Just as I was about to go for another sip, one of my roommates came into the kitchen with a sticky note and a pen. His name was Robin, which happened to be very similar to my name, Ruben. He saw the glass in my hand and rushed over. "Ruben you didn't drink any of that did you?" He asked quickly.

"Was I not supposed to? It's just a glass of water," I say holding it up and looking at it.
"Just water- Ruben that's one of my science experiments!" Robin says in alarm.
My eyes widened, "Was it meant for consumption?"
"Well. Yes but-" he stutters before I cut him off saying, "then isn't it good I drank it?"

"No! If it works as it's supposed to something very weird is about to happen," he says and just as I'm about to ask what I feel my body pulling towards his.
"Uhhh what is exactly supposed to happen?" I ask with a fake smile as I keep myself rooted to the ground as much as possible.

"It's- it'll try and attach you to another body... because it's a body combiner," he says nervously.
"What happens if you drink the rest of it?" I ask curiously.
"Well then both our bodies will combine instinctually as soon as we touch," he says and I hold up the glass.

"Do it," I say plainly and he looks shocked.
"It's an experiment right? You can always find a way to separate us," I say with a nervous smile as I feel my body quiver.
"I... Alright," Robin says before taking the drink and having a sip. He pours the mixture down the sink so no one else will drink it.

Once he sets the glass on the counter he walks over to me and touches my arm. When he tries to pull his hand away it sticks.
"Ooohhhhh gosh," I say as I stare at his melting hand.

"It looks weird because our bodies are morphing together. Let's just make this quick," he says before stepping closer. My heart races as his chest touches mine.

Slowly but surely our bodies become one until I stumble and grab the counter. Or we grab the counter?
"Did it work? Is it done?" I ask as I lift my head.
"I think so," I hear Robin's voice say as my vocal chords move. Squeaking I touch my throat.
"What the-"

"Ruben we're in the same body," he says outloud before I hear a voice in my head. "That means we share everything now."

Realizing what this meant I looked down at my hands. But they weren't just mine, because Robin's signature bracelet was on our left wrist.

"I-I feel dizzy," I murmur softly as I feel my vision fade but see our figure standing upright.
"Okay just- I guess we'll see if one of us can be alert at a time," he says before I blacked out.

(Time Skip brings the vial to POV who shakes his head and advises against combining)

When I awoke I found myself in Robin's bed. Confused I tried to remember what happened and did.
This wasn't just my body now... it was our body.

Clutching the blanket around me I pull it close before I see my other hand twitch. And I hear our mouth mutter incoherently.
Robin must be asleep! I thought to myself for awhile. I tried sitting up and felt very sluggish, I guess that's what happens when only one of us is in control.

Standing up I shuffle over to the bathroom and gaze into the mirror.
It was so weird but enchanting at the same time.
Our features and looks had combined. Our hair was fluffy and fairly long like mine was, but it was Robin's dark black color. Our skin was pale like mine, but had Robin's freckles scattered over every single inch just like him and his family. My short and curvy figure really only shone through in the hips and thighs, being thick like mine were. But our body was tall, chiseled, and muscular. Lifting one of our hands I traced our left arm that resembled Robin's strong arms that I drooled over in my private time.

And I know drooling over your roommate is not a normal thing, but I have had a crush on Robin for about two years now... I just didn't know how to tell him.
As I went deep into thought I didn't realize Robin had woken up until I felt one of our hands on our cheek. Flicking our eyes into the mirror I stared at the reflection of our combined body cradling it's cheek.
"Stop thinking so much, we'll be okay," Robin said soothingly and I relax our shoulders, not even realizing they were tense before then.
"Okay..." I say softly in our shared headspace.

"Let's go back to bed," he says as he slowly moves our legs back into his room and towards the bed. Once we're laying down a comfortable silence falls over us. We lay on the bed staring up at the ceiling.
"Have I ever told you how nicely sculpted you are?" I blurt out and I hear the most heavenly laugh leave our mouth.
"No. No you haven't," Robin says as our lips curl up into a smile.

Sharing in the smile I feel at ease and am actually rather happy.

(Time Skip sleeps in a cuddly blankets)

It's been about a month since me and Robin combined our bodies. Our other roommate who was a close friend of us was rather curious and didn't mind the change at all. We all hung out and shared lots of laughs, Robin's and my voice distinctly different from each others when we talked.

Today had certainly been a long and fun day. We hung out with our roommate before he went on his 4th date with this guy he's been seeing, so we were quite happy for him.

"Man, what a day," Robin says as we get to our room, which was his old one, mine was fine and all... but I secretly liked the smell of his room better.

Which I knows sounds very creepy! But give me a break Alright.

"Yeah. I can't wait to just get snuggled down into bed," I say with a happy sigh before noticing Robin is walking towards the bathroom. "Oh! Want me to duck out and give you some privacy?" I ask internally.

Because for the past month whenever we've needed to go to the bathroom or shower one of us ducks out while the other takes care of business. We also did that with changing most times and I let Robin pick the clothes.

"No no you can stay," he says as he walks into the bathroom and closes the door.
I see our hands reaching for the bottom of the t-shirt we were wearing and I tense up to stop them.
"Robin what are you doing?" I ask before I hear his soothing voice say, "just trust me."

Blindly I do so, I release my tension in the body and let Robin do what he wants to do.
He started pulling up our shirt. When he got it off our head he let it fall to the bathroom floor. I couldn't help but bite our bottom lip as he had us look in the mirror at our chest. I saw our hands go for our jeans and took a deep breath. "Robin-"
"Trust me... I know we'll like this," Robin says and I stop protesting.

Robin uses our hands to unzip our jeans and let them slide off our hips. He hooks a finger into the waistband of our boxers and starts pulling them down. Our skin starts to get hot as I feel a torrent of emotions. "We should be sharing this body Ruben, not hiding it from each other~" he says in our head in the most seductive voice I've ever heard in my life.

With that in mind he reveals our member, it's absolutely massive and I see it twitch as I become aroused just by the sight.
"How big is it?" I whisper out loud.
"13 inches baby~" Robin purrs as he moves one of our hands to our member and gives it a light squeeze. Gasping i gnaw on our lip again.

"Did you just call me baby?" I ask in our head.
"Mhmm," Robin hums as he slowly starts to pump our length, making the both of us moan.
"Robin I- oh gosh," I moan as he rubs the tip and we watch as the precum dribbles out.

"So sensitive~" he purrs squeezing again and making me mewl. Feeling like I'm melting the knees of our body buckle and Robin barely has enough time to grab the counter.
"Woah, why don't we go lay down and continue this?" He suggests before I shake our head.

"I have a better idea," I say in our head before grabbing our bathrobe and leaving his room.

Ducking down the hall I slip into my old room and reach under the bed.
I grabbed a box and pulled it out making Robin very curious.
Opening the box I stared down at the familiar toys I had in there.
"Oohhh~ I can work with this~" Robin purrs as he grabs the box and takes us back to his room.

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