Nice To Meet You All ^^

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*Hoya hoya! Mika here! Maybe writing a bit of random roleplays
with my other Ocs~ hope you guys enjoy~*

          -*Piled Up Paper Works*-

Splendont: *comes in walking then stops midway, both hands on waist* tch...Where did that fox go... I Cant believe he left the office without finishing his work ==..

Mika: *comes in walking while reading Wattpad in tab* hmm~~ interesting~ *didnt noticed Splendont*

Splendont: *noticed Mika* == there you are... MIKAAAA! *shouts out*

Mika: *flinched, stopped then turns to look at Splendont* o-oh hey Dont...Whats up?

Splendont: == whats up you asked? *walks to Mika n smacks his head* YOUR PAPER WORKS ARE STILL PILED UP IN THAT OFFICE N UR HERE WALKING AROUND?!!

Mika: *got smacked* YAOUCHHHHHH! WHAAAAA-

Splendont: No more excuses! you better finish them by tomorrow so come on! *drags Mika out*

Mika: *got dragged* NUUUUUUUUUU-


[in the office, at the Guild]

Splendid: hmm.. Mika really needs to finish signing these papers 0-0 *looking up at the piled up tower height papers around the room*

Splendidnt: *beside Splendid* Oooo~ so many papers OwO HEHE! *jumps n lands on the papers, scattering the papers around* YAAAYYYYYYYY!!!

Splendid: *jaw dropped* oh no..


*welp! not really intetesting(?) i guess? ^^||| hehe.. I tried my best...hope u guys like it! n pardon my words ^^|||sorry if its short! >A< I havent hav any idea on what story to make!! so ill do randoms for now TwT

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