Why am I so stuck with you..

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Hello guys! Its me! Mika desu! I know , despite by my personalities n my character doesnt really suit for a hyper type like me(?) does it? anyways! Im doing another with Luna!! My bestie QwQ~


Luna: aww~ …why am i even stuck with you anyways ==

Mika: ==… I should be asking the same thing... Do you know anything?

Luna; Hmmm I do read about that....Ah! Thats right! *looks at Mika* Your a Gemini right?

Mika: You bet I am. Why?

Luna: Hmmm whats your planet?

Mika: Uhhhhhh if I remember.... oh.. its a Moon..

Luna: WAIT! for real?!

Mika: Uuuhhhhhhhh yea?

Luna: Dude == Aries IS a Moon...


Luna: == Gemini is stuck with the moon.. Cuz its their planet...Their- thats it... Why must it be you out of all people ==||

Mika: ==|| Your making me feel awkward here ..

Luna: what! no Im not!

Mika: Oh yes you do

Luna: No Im not!

Mika: And yes ..You do

Luna: No!

Mika: yes

Luna: No!!

Mika: Yess

Luna: NOOO! 

Mika: == yes yes yes yes yes and YESSS! =A=

Luna: == anyways, Im hungry..

Mika: Welp. Then lets hang out at that ice cream shop over there *points at a shop behind Luna*

Luna: wait..Whaa O_O *turns to look* OAO ....... ICE CREAMMM!!! *grabs Mika and drags him* >w< ICE CREAMMMMMMMMMM

Mika: =A=|||| *got dragged* ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

_At the ice cream shop_

Luna: *puts Mika down at the enterance* OwO this is what Im carving for~ *looks around then walks to the counter to order* ^w^ Hello sellerman!

Sellerman: ^^ Hello there young lady. What is that you want today?

Luna: Hmmm~ lets see~ OwO *checks the menu board behind the sellerman*

Mika: *stoods up while holding back* ==||| ouch... *looks at Luna* welp *wents beside Luna*

Luna: ah! I want Vanilla ice cream pls! ^^

Mika: Make that two *looks at the sellerman*

Sellerman: 2? ok then ^^ That will be 12 bucks

Mika: huh....Ok? *takes out wallet and pays*

Luna: OwO~~ *goes to a seat near the window, gazing out the windows* ^w^

Mika: *paid then grabs ice creams* Thank you very much *bows to the sellerman n walks to luna*

Sellerman: ^^~

Mika: *seats beside Luna n gives her ice cream* here

Luna: wew! yay! thanks! *grabs own ice cream n licks it* >w< YUM!

Mika: lol *leans back on chair n licks own ice cream* Hmm..

Mika N luna: *turns at the same time* So.. *paused,looks at each other* O_O...









Luna: Lol not fair =3=

Mika: lol sorry.

Luna; Nah iskay~ *licks ice cream* so what were you about to say?

Mika: hm? oh nothing much, just that. How was your mission?

Luna: Lol! I was about to ask the same thing!

Mika: Whaaaaaa lol! So?

Luna: hmm~ It was great~ Me and Thunderstorm just kick the ass of that guy! so yea~ we won~ *does a sassy hair flip*

Mika: PFFTT- lololololol naice~

Luna: how about you? how did it go?

Mika: Welp. I went with Splendont tho, sooo, Ya we won great time but the worst thing is that Im the only one with the most minor injuries so yea =~=

Luna: What?! Are you ok tho!

Mika: oh dont worry, Im fine ^^ *licks ice cream*

Luna: lol we are acting like siblings.

Mika: I should be saying the same thing... Oh now that reminds me

Luna: *licking her ice cream then looks at Mika* hm?

Mika: heh , do you remember that we keep sticking with each others on every subject activities at school? Thats was so weird, HAha

Luna: Ohh! that one~ lololololol yeaaa~ == and why must it be you! *licks ice cream*

Mika: there there~Its call fate i guess =~=

Luna; mhm~ possible.. Anyways, Can you accompny me to a shop later?

Mika: what shop? == that chocolate shop infront if us rn? *pointing tnrough the window*

Luna: pfft you read my mind ==

Mika: Noo apparently I was about to ask the same thing ==

Luna: ==  wow *already finished her ice cream* anyways~ lets go! *hops off the chair n walks out*

Mika: welp~ *eats the ice cream cone then hops off chair n followz luna* ~~

Luna: *walking to the chocolate shop up ahead* OwO huhuhuuu~~ chocolate chocolates~

Mika: *beside Luna while looking around* hmmm...

Luna: *stops infront of the shop* OwO yeaa~ *looks at Mika* your coming in?

Mika: Hmmm.. Nevermind. I think Im going to wait you there *points at a bench near a tall street lamp in the centre of town*

Luna: ^^ sure~ see ya! *skipping, enters the chocolate shop*

Mika: lmao.. hmm *walks to the bench n sats there,looks around* So many people... Especially humans...Heh kawaii... *gazing around then saw a little boy crying* ah.. *goes to the boy n gently pats his back* ... Are you ok little boy?

L.Boy: *looks at Mika with teary eyes* uuuu... M-mommy...

Mika; .... its ok...We'll find your mommy... *grabs the boy n carries him in arms* heh...

Luna: *cames walking towards mika with lots bags of chocolates in hands n arms* Eh? WHo's child is that?

Mika: I dont know.. He seems to be lost... so yea

Boy: *hugging Mika* Sniff...Sniff...

Mika:  .... *pats the boy's head gently*

Luna: hmm we better find his moth-

Mother: Tei?

Boy; ah... *turns to look* mommy!

Mother: Tei! *goes to the boy n grabs him, hugs him,cries* Im so glad your ok! I thought i lost you ....

Boy: mommy.. *hugs back*

Mother: *looks at Mika n Luna* thanks for looking after my son ^^ *bows*

Mika; ah dont need to bow.. We did what we suppose to... Just be careful next time ^^

Luna: mhm~ ^^

Mother: hai~ ^^ *straights up n walks away*

Luna n Mika: *looks at each other* lmao that Was random~

Mika: and im still stuck with you ^^ yay

luna: yay ^^

Mika n luna: .......... == WHY AM I STUCK WITH YOU!!!!!!


Lol! THAT WAS RANDOM! anyways~ thanks for reading guys ^^ hope you guys like it QwQ pardon my english n stuffs >A<

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