Romeo and Julian - a love story

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From urban prompt found here,
"Write about a modern day Romeo and Juliet, in 10000 words or less create your own spin to the classic Shakespearean tragedy. Feel free to take whatever approach you'd like"
Prompt found among the Friday Prompts of urban and WattpadUrban

~~~~~~~~Story starts here~~~~~~~~~~~~

What once was tragedy, now is no more
'cause times change and people learn...

This is the story of two star-crossed lovers, whose families' hate proved so strong.
What will be and who shall survive? For they thought that hate was just and love was wrong.


Romeo was young but he already had secrets. He knew that he was different from his cousins, he could admire the beauty of women for he had eyes to see, but their beauty could never steal his heart the same way young Robert had.

He had also ears and a functioning brain, so he kept his love a secret. Only once he was caught sighing, and he answered their inquiries with the name Ro...saline.

Julian was just as young and also obedient, so when his parents told him that he ought to marry the daughter of count Paris he nodded unable to tell them that he didn't love her.

Why didn't he?
He didn't know, her beauty could not be contested, her position was privileged, but he knew he could never love her.

Julian's family hosted a big ball to announce his engagement. He felt empty and unhappy. How could he, their only son, betray their expectations this way? So he kept silent once again, wondering if love could be learned.

Romeo's cousins brought him to the ball, where he hoped he could meet his love. All people there wore a mask, would his heart recognise the object of his every sigh?

That remained a mystery for the unexpected happened and destiny played its tricks.

He spotted a figure so elegant and so imposing, he admired the way he carried himself, head high and yet apart, shying away in a world where everyone seemed to fight for attention.

Unable to resist, Romeo moved closer until he could be heard even if he decided to whisper.

He hadn't been noticed yet so he took that elegant hand in his, making him turn.

Julian felt a touch and when he turned his eyes met Romeo's. He watched his own hand being kissed by two rosy lips and he blushed looking around himself.

Nobody had noticed yet so he took that hand in his and moved leading this stranger outside on the terrace.

It was darker there, without all the lights of the big hall, but the moon was shining bright over them and it was enough.

"Who are you?" he asked without taking his hand away.
"My name is Romeo, and your voice is as beautiful as I imagined."

Julian blushed not knowing what to say to that, so he changed the subject.

They started talking about the ball, the people attending, and soon they were immersed in a conversation that both of them enjoyed.

Julian felt drawn to those deep eyes, and he felt his heart tingle like never before.

He realised now what Romeo already knew, why he could never be swept away by any female beauty.

He raised his mask and Romeo gasped at what he saw, how could he ever think that he had seen beauty before?
Nothing could compare to that face, and he knew then that he would never love anyone else but Julian whose smile shone brighter than the sun, Julian who had the voice of an angel and the grace of a prince.

Someone else walked out on the terrace, and they quickly stepped away from each other, putting their masks back on.

Their presence had not been noticed yet, so Romeo took hold of Julian's hand and they ran outside, into the garden. They stopped only when they were sure that they were out of anyone's sight.

They kept the masks on this time, but when their eyes met they couldn't do anything against the force that was pulling them closer.

Their bodies touched, their mouths found each other, and that kiss sealed the love that had been born in both their hearts.

Was it a sin to kiss another boy like himself? Another kiss followed taking the sin back, and by doing so annulling it for how could such a sweet thing remain a sin for long, when bells ringed in his ears and stars appeared in place of his closed eyelids?

They stayed in that garden long after the party ended, sharing their feelings, promising to each other that they'll never love anyone else, despite all the difficulties they would certainly have to face.

It would be hard to find a way to be together, but they had found each other and they would never let go.

How cruel could fate be, to show them what love was but wrapping it in the wrong box. "If I were a girl," they both thought, "I would be marrying him tomorrow, but because I'm in a male body I must hide my feelings. Doesn't my heart beat the same way? Many couples marry but never have children, so why their love is accepted but mine isn't?"

It wasn't easy to lie to their families and friends, but they had no other choice, being apart was worse than any consequence, they craved to be in each other's arms and they secretly met at Lawrence's house.

Lawrence was a common friend outside of their families circle. They didn't tell him right away, but the kind friend understood and willingly offered them his help. He knew how strict and close-minded their families were, they would never allow such a thing as their sons' love for each other.

Still, his help came as a miracle, because they could now face one another without being seen by anyone else.

They could exchange words freely and kiss the beloved lips, every kiss like a cherry calling for one more, a kiss to greet, a kiss to greet back, one to lift the worry, one to give peace, one to ask for love, one to give it fully...

Every day they would visit their friend's place to meet the owner of their heart, until the dreadful day came when Julian's cousin Tybalt saw them exiting Laurence's house.

He saw Romeo touching Julian's hand before going away, making him blush, and he became furious.

He followed Romeo and cornered him. He was an irascible man, always ready to start a fight, and after what he had seen he accused Romeo of corrupting his cousin bringing shame and misfortune to his family.

Romeo tried to ignore him, both because he knew who he was and he didn't want to fight with Julian's family and also because he didn't want to get in trouble himself.

Tybalt wouldn't let it go and told him Julian was about to marry count Paris' daughter, so he'd better stay away.

Romeo was stunned. "He's getting married?"
No, he didn't believe that Julian would ever agree to that, and without telling him! His Julian loved him, but the more he thought about it the more worried he became.

Julian's family would never leave him alone, they were just like Tybalt, they would never accept the fact that Julian loved him.

He had always known this to be true, both of them had, but they had tried not to think about it, finding a blissful oblivion in each other's arms, but now Romeo was crashed into a wall of truth.

He ran away, he couldn't fight Tybalt and he couldn't face him now, there was nothing he could say to him before he had cleared his head.

He went home to be alone in his room and think it through. Could they keep this up? Be together deceiving everyone? Was it the right thing to do or was he just ruining Julian's life?

He remembered a time when he sighed every time he thought of Robert, then he thought of Julian. No sigh came out, but his heart ached painfully, this was different, he needed to see Julian regularly.

He pondered for a long time.
If Julian had not requited his feelings, he would have accepted a friendship, anything to be able to see his smile again, his voice and his innocence, it would have been hard but he would have rooted for his happiness, but to not see him ever again? That was unthinkable.

He was pulled away from these thoughts when his parents called him downstairs. As soon as he walked into the room Romeo knew that something was off.

Coming closer, he saw his friend Mercutio behind them. Judging by his bruised face, bleeding lips, and the way he carried himself as if he was in pain, it was evident that he had been in a fight.

The reason was promptly revealed by his father. "I'm being told that Tybalt is spreading shaming rumours about you."

Romeo focused on his friend. "Did you fight Tybalt because of this?"

"What did you want me to do? Let him spread this indecent lies about your family?" Mercutio spat out these words leaving him speechless.

His father wasn't done though. "Speak Romeo, this is disturbing and I want things cleared right now. What are these rumours about you and the young Capulet son?"

Romeo blinked at the disgust in his voice and hesitated, torn between his love and his family. If he confirmed everything he would lose his family and put Julian in a tough spot, but to deny it meant to deny himself.

He had done just that for a long time, but this time it was different, what he felt for Julian was real, it was no more a young crush it was love, and he felt his soul screaming to come out.

"Tybalt is a stupid jerk always looking for a fight, you should have more brain Mercutio and let him be."
He took a deep breath and then added, "But this time he's right."

There was a gasp and a heavy silence before her mother spoke first. "Stop joking Romeo, this is not the moment, this is serious!"

"I am serious! I like Julian Capulet! What's so terrible about that?"

Her hand hit his face before anyone could say anything.

Her husband pulled her away, his voice was hard and cold when he said, "You upset your mother with your shameless words. This nonsense must end. You will not see that Capulet again."

He moved to take his wife away but their feet stopped moving when they heard, "No!"

The woman covered her face with her hand and Romeo went on. "I won't give up on him, I can't erase my feelings just like that, I can't live without Julian!"

Romeo was shaking, he was angry, hurt, sad, scared, so many emotions shattering his soul but only one thought over everything else. 'Julian! He had to see Julian!' So he ran out without another word.

He had to see him, talk to him, so he kept running until he reached his house and his breath caught in his throat when he spotted his beloved figure outside his room, on his balcony.

He whispered his name just loudly enough for him to hear. Julian looked around alarmed. "Romeo! What are you doing here?" but seeing him climb up he held his breath worried.

Romeo reached the balcony as if helped by the wind and wrapped him in his arms. "They know everything, they want me to stay away but I love you, Julian, I can't give you up, I love you!"

Julian felt his heart shaken at those words, he took his hand and lead him inside. "Someone might see you."

They sat on his bed and Julian caressed his face. "They want me to marry the count's daughter, they will never accept our relationship."

"Do you want to marry her? Do you... have feelings for her?" Romeo didn't believe it but he had to ask, he needed to hear him say the words.

Julian's silence worried him, and Romeo realised that by marrying the beautiful girl his life would be easier, he wouldn't lose the love and support of his family; he saw a tear running down the beautiful face and his heart ached.

Romeo lowered his eyes. "I will understand if you want to go through with it, if you don't love me I will not stand in your way, I... I want you to be happy."

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