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Error gasped as he was tossed outside. There went another family. He's had so many families, and none of them loved him. They all forgot him.

Error sighed and stood up sadly, shoving his hands on his pockets. He looked around the streets. Some people looked at him strangely while most people ignored him.

Error soon went back to his only true home. The one he always came back to. He walked to an old, abandoned house. Everyone called it haunted, but Error new that was a lie.

Error walked inside the place. That's when he realized someone was following him. His eyes widen and he quickly goes to hide.

"No! No! Please don't find me! I don't need more problems." He begged in his mind.

"Hello? Are you here?" A soft and kind vioce sounded out. It almost made Error want to come out. Error bit his hand so he didn't talk and back up quietly. "I just want to talk to you!" The vioce sounded out again.

Error sighed and walked out of his hiding spot. "What is it?" He growled, trying to sound threatening.

"Oh dear! You look terrible!" The lady gasped out. Error snorted.

"Thanks." The lady grabbed Error's hand and ran out of the place. Now that error could see her clearer, he started to take in every detail.

She was a plump goat lady. She had a purple dress and a small crown. Her paws where soft.

Error smiled at her. She seemed safe. But he knee never to trust anyone. It was a big rule for him. One of the few rules he was taught by his "familys."

"I go by Toriel. What is your name?" She looked at Error.

Error frowned. "I'm Error..." he muttered.

The lady brought him back to her house, making error sigh internally. Here comes another family to throw him out. She opened the door and smiled kindly at Error.

"You can stay here for now honey." Error's hand twitched in his pocket. Twitching had always happened when Error scared, angry, sad, or excited.

He slowly walked in and looked around. It was a big house. It had an upstairs and an attic. It also had a basement. Light blue walls and a nice soft yellow carpet. The house was slightly messy. The kitchen wad the worst. Stains that never washed out where everywhere. A few socks where scattered around the place. Golden flowers where growing in small pots on a table. Loud yelling could be heard from the living room. But it wasn't angry yelling, more of a cheer.

Error looked at the living room and slowly walked in.

A tall skeleton with a red scarf and red boots on and some battle armor was smiling and talking to another skeleton. This skeleton was taller than Error but shorter than the other skeleton in the red scarf. This other skeleton was wearing a blue jacket and a white shirt under it. He wore black basketball shorts with white strips on either sides. On his feet, he wore fuzzy, pink slippers.

There was a blue girl with a red pony tail. She wore a black Tank top and blue jeans. She had a eye patch over her right eye. She was yelling and laughing with a small yellow dinosaur looking monster. This monster wore a lab coat and big round glasses. She looked nervous.

There was a giant goat and a two small children in his lap. This goat had a big fluffy yellow beard a crown ontop of his head. He wore a t-shirt that said "Fan-tastic Dad." With a fan picture in his shirt. He wore shorts that where a pale color.

The two children looked the same but diffrent. They both had short hair. The same clothes except it was diffrent colors. One of the children had a green shirt with yellow strips and the other had a purple shirt with pink strips. They both had shorts and the same shoes. One of the main difference was the one in green had a sinister grin on their face. They also had dark red eyes and looked to be blushing. The kid in purple had their eyes closed and a straight face. They where holding a flower pot with a yellow flower that had a face on it.

Their was a small goat child curled up on the couch, looking done with everything. He wore the same shirt as the kid in green did.

A robot that looked like a girl was standing and talking to a small ghost.

Everyone seemed happy, it made Error smile a little. Toriel had seen the smile and giggled softly.

"I'll introduce you to everyone." She hummed. Error nodded, still not sure of this whole thing.

Toriel clapped loudly and everyone turned to get instantly. They soon noticed Error and looked confused.

"Hello everybody! We have a new guest! I found in an abandoned house!" Soft mumbles broke out.

"Well, the girl over there," she pointed to the fish lady, "that is Undyne! She is was leader of the royal guard!" She than pointed at the dinosaur looking one, "Here is Alphys! She is a very smart scientist!" Toriel hummed happily. "Than you have Papyrus and Sans! Than there is Asriel, Asgore, Frisk, Chara, and Flowey." She pointed them all out. "Now we have Napstablook and Mettaton!"

Undyne walked up to Error and examined him closer.

Error looked nervous and uncomfortable.

"How old are ya punk?" Undyne asked.

Error shrugged. "I am not sure," He mumbled. He had forgotten a long time.

Toriel gasped softly while the dinosaur looking one ran up to Error.

"W-what? Y-y-you don't even k-know y-your own a-age?" She questioned quietly. Error shook his head again.

Sans watched from the couch, wondering what happened to this skeleton and where he came from. He didn't remember any Sans like this, and Ink didn't tell him about this Sans.

" look about....15," Toriel guessed softly and shook her head.

"I-I c-can check y-your uh bones....t-than w-we could know..." Alphys mumbled softly.

Error snorted. "I'm good."

When Error was alone, which was at night, Sans tapped his shoulder. "Hey kid. Come with me for a sec." Sans spoke softly.

Error slowly followed Sans, who was leading them into the kitchen.

"Hey kid, where did you come from?" Sans grutned

Error laughed while rubbing his head. "I never had a true home!"

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