Scenario #1

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So this is how scenarios that I write will work: There will be the same characters in every scenario with unisex names like Alex, Bailey, Carmen, and such. Due to the gender-neutral nature of the scenarios, I will be using the pronouns "them" and "they" and such a lot, so I apologize for any confusion that may come right now.

AN: I have been told by a friend that the following scenario is quite sad. Just thought I'd warn you.

Alex grunted as the guard shoved them on the hard ground in front of the throne. They didn't need to look up to know who was sitting on it - it was Bailey, the person who had ruined their life. But, they had seen a lot of movies, read a lot of books. They had been in this business long enough to know how all villains work. They began to chuckle quietly.

"What is so funny?" Bailey sneered.

"Nothing. Nothing," Alex said hastily. They raised their head, taking notice of the simple, elegant dagger on Bailey's armrest. "Just... I know what happens next. You, being a typical villain, will brag about your amazing plan to rule the world. That is just what kind of story this is."

It was now Bailey's turn to laugh darkly. "That, my enemy is where you are wrong." They picked up the dagger, inspecting it with their usual cruel expression while speaking. They then stood up and walked up to Alex, weapon still in hand, and knelt down to their level. With their free hand, Bailey stroked the side of Alex's face, ever so gently. "If only you knew better." Then, Bailey took the dagger and stabbed Alex in the stomach. Alex's eyes seemed to widen with surprise, then they fell sideways onto the floor. Bailey stood up, a smirk on their face.

And that was how Alex lay, dying in their enemy's throne room. Soon after being stabbed, Bailey and the guard had left, leaving them alone in the darkness. They had no idea how long they were there, waiting, pleading for it all just to end already. They were nearly gone, when suddenly, a bright light shone through the darkness. They faintly heard the shouting of voices, then somebody was by their side. They vaguely recognized a voice, then a face. Carmen.

Carmen was saying something about how everything would be fine, they would be fine. Just to hold on for a bit longer. But they couldn't. But they had one last bit of energy. They reached up and touched Carmen's face, not unlike the gesture Bailey had done to them. They were able to whisper three last words: "I love you." Then they relaxed, and Alex knew they were dead.

How did they know this? They were suddenly outside of their own body, looking down below. They saw and heard everything clearly. They watched as Carmen held their lifeless body. Alex listened as Carmen called out their name, sobbing, denying the truth that they knew to be true. "No," he was saying, shaking their head. "No, you can't be gone! You're... you just..." They trailed off, ignoring their squad mates behind them. All that mattered to them right now, it seemed, was the giant hole in their heart left by Alex's death.

Alex felt their time in this world drawing to a close, so they did the only thing they could. They stopped resisting and let fate take them to whatever existed beyond their world.

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