A Day at The Clinic

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I Wanted to Do This, So Here's A Mini Gift to RyokoWriter ~

Hope You Enjoy Sui~


( It Was A Normal Afternoon at Suisei's Clinic, Suisei / Kaitou Prodigy Woke Up After A Little Nap She Had in The Morning, Yawning When Suddenly, Someone Knocked On Her Door. )

Suisei: I'll Get It. ( Opens The Door to See TONS, And I Mean TONS Of People Waiting At Her Door. Suisei Blinks A Bit Before Rubbing Her Temples, Sighing.) What Brings You Here?

Joker: I Burned My Hand Off While I Was Trying To Get Some Curry.

Spade: I Got A Paper Cut While I Was Writing A New Chapter for My Book.

Queen: I Got My Feet Stuck in Wet Cement While I Was Buying Some Strawberry Cake.

Akai: I Was Just Flying Around Until I Crashed Into An Electric Tower and Suffered Some Burns.

Rose: I Got A Tongue Burn from Eating The Apple Pie Too Early.

Shadow: Some Jerk Just Pushed Me Off A Cliff While I Was Training!

Hachi: I Drank Too Much Water and Now- ( Hiccups ) I Have The Hiccups!

Lupin: I Kept Going In Circles While Hunting A Mysterious Treasure In A Maze and Now I Feel Diz- ( Faints )

Simon: Some Random Guy Wanted to Cook Me While I Was Asleep, But Thankfully I Escaped.

Blue: I Was Looking for Some Treasures When Suddenly I Got Hit By A Porcupine!

Hyakkimaru: I Accidentally Twisted My Ankle While Training.

Twilight: I Got A Cavity from Eating Too Many Cupcakes.

Gabriel: A Volleyball Hit My Head and Knocked Me Out.

Berry: A Rat Bit Me While I Was Eating A Cookie!

Kitty: I Have Fleas in My Fur!

Beryl: I Got Food Poisoning While I Was Eating Pizz- ( Grabs The Bucket, Then Vomits In It. )

Gin: A Skunk Sprayed At Me.

B.M.: I Slipped On A Wet Floor While Rushing to Buy Chocolate.

Halsey: I Nearly Got Shot By Some Police Officer.

Viridian: Someone Splashed Paint In My Eyes While I Was Painting!

Ai: Some Crazy Fan Tackled Me While We Were Signing Autographs!

Rei: And I Got Hit in The Eye and By Other Fans While Trying to Get The Crazy Fan Off!

Kira: I Tried to Help Rei But I Nearly Got Trampled By A Bunch of Crazy Fans As Well! Though I Did Get A Nickel in The End!

Hayami: A Cat Had Scratched My Face.

Agent Silver: I Nearly Got Hit When I Accidentally Crashed My Car!

Silver Heart: Someone Put Glue on My Shoes While I Was In The Shower!

Princess Paprika: A Monkey Came In and Threw A Coconut At My Face!

Roko: I Accidentally Fell In A Cold Swimming Pool and Now I Can't Stop ( Sneezes ) Sneezing.

President D: I Have A Stomachache After Eating Too Much.

Spider Ace: I Drank too Much Coffee and Now I Can't Sleep.

Slither: I Was Hit On The Head with A Bat by Some Random Stranger.

Kuro: I Crashed Into A Stop Sign While Trying to Get Away from A Dog.

Moonlight: I Accidentally Flied to A Glass Mirror.

Suisei: Excuse Me for A Sec. ( Leaves The Room For A Second, Then Screams In Anger Before Throwing The Table Out The Window. )


Oniyama: Aah, What A Beautiful Day! Time to Go to Work! ( Walks Outside Of His House When Suddenly, He Sees His Car Is Wrecked Thanks to Suisei Throwing The Table Out The Window Earlier.) MY CAR! NOOOOO! ( Screams So Loud All The Birds Fly Away. )


R.I.P. Suisei's Sanity and Oniyama's Car.

They Will Be Missed.

Beryl: Not for Onibaka's Car! ( Vomits In The Bucket Again. )


Twilight, Berry and Kitty-SweetPinkBlush25



Kuro and Moonlight-LightYouInUniverse

B.M. and Slither-CartoonLoverGirl01


Beryl and Gin-Yours Truly

This Kinda Sucked A Bit, But I Hope You Enjoyed, Bye-Onara!

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