|[New Years Eve | Rant]|

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Swearing will most likely be involved later on, be warned...

So I've heard New Years Eve is supposed to be a happy time and shít but I'm starting to get fùcking annoyed. Every fúcking New Years Eve the same shít happens, drinking till' you drop. Now I prefer locking myself in the house and draw, buuuut no, I'm stuck taking care of my fùcking demon of a brother while my parents vomit their guts out!  I try so hard every single year to try and enjoy New Years Eve, but no. This honestly is my least favorite celebration ever. I just want my parents to be sober for one New Years Eve, that's literally all I ask. I want to actually interact with my parents without them slurring their words, or making me feel uncomfortable. And even when they are sober, they never pay any fúcking attention to their children unless it's about shítty school. I hate it to began with, they do things that will be pointless in the future, I'm trying to improve my drawing and make a living off what I love! Instead no, I have to deal with parents forcing me to speak and being drunk the other half of the time. Fùck no, I'm honestly so tired of this! I want to enjoy it so bad, more than you can know, apparently I can't even get that right! And guess who's stuck dealing with the mess before being blamed, us. Look I'm sorry if I ruined your festive mood I just really needed to rant, anyways bye...

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