Bucky Barnes Facts/Opinions

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~Facts that took me awhile to actually find good evidence for. Please no hate on these if they seem stupid or wrong. I took time and effort into this.  Idk if I should do more of these~
• *Look at picture above* During the
Commandos Era of the war, Bucky always carried a piece of Cap with him, on his left.

• Captain America and Bucky have different masks. Cap has mouth and eyes exposed, forehead covered. Bucky has mouth covered and eyes painted black, his forehead exposed. Their masks symbolizes who they are. Cap's is a helmet, protection, to keep him safe from physical harm. Bucky's is a muzzle to keep him silent and anonymous and on a leash.

•Bucky's outfit is giving people a understanding that he is a wild animal that has no control, and that needs to be restrained. His leather jacket resembles a 1940's straight jacket. His mask is muzzled like. His gun hoister goes right across his chest unlike Cap that has his across his shoulders. I think Bucky tried to escape so many times that HYDRA finally created an outfit, showing him that he's controlled and owned, even when he's alone.

•Bucky will fall unconscious if someone says the word "Sputnik", a word that was implanted into him to shut him down as he became the Winter Soldier.

• Bucky was only sixteen years old when he was enlisted in the Army.

• The book bag that Bucky has seen carrying around, it revealed that it was full of journals that Bucky put together out of his scatter memories of the past.

• The numbers (one, nine, seventeen) that triggers Bucky into becoming the Winter Soldier refers to 1917, the year that he was born.

• While filming Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Sebastian Stan (actor of Bucky) would walk around all day practicing his moves with a plastic knife because he wanted his movements to feel natural.

• The code name of Bucky "The Winter Soldier" could have multiple meanings behind it. Winter could represent his maintenance as he kept in ice when he's inactive. Or it it could represent that he is a relic from the Cold War. Or that his humanity was taken away to make him the coldest of assassins.

• The sniper rifle Bucky used to save Cap is a modified 1941 Johnson rifle, it was adopted in limited numbers by the US Marine Corps.

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