RWBY: Volume 9 Sneak Peek

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3rd Person's POV:

Shadow suddenly opened his eyes and sitting up straight on what it seems to be on someone's bed.

Shadow: Wh-where am I? The last I remembered was.... ohh..... i fell.... A-

???: I see you're awake.

A feminine voice sound of.

Shadow jumped as he aimed Parablade at the woman out of panic.

???: Whoa whoa, take it easy. I'm not a threat. I found you in front of the gates unconscious so, I brought you in here.

She said.

He was hesitant at first, but seeing that she saved you, and there are bandages all over him, he lowered his weapon and sighed.

???: Do you have a name?

Shadow: ...... Shadow.... who might you be?

???: ......

Shadow: Don't worry, I won't judge. Ju-

???: Irene....

The scene turned dark, only for you to hear Shadow gasping.

Shadow: L-Lady Irene...???

Scene changes to show a Collaged Panorama of two cities of two different worlds.

Shadow: My father said you are dead. Finally accepting your fate....

Scene changes to show a certain street/neighbourhood. Then, it changed to a black screen to a new scene to show a resort world, while Irene spoke.

Lady Irene: Let's say, I'm still around, spiritually, but not physically.

Scene changes to show the same street again, but this time, both Irene and Shadow are observing it somewhere in between realms.

Lady Irene: You have something,.... by incident which belongs to three specific individuals, Shadow.... and I want you to give them back.

Scene changes to show one witch couldn't do magic, one on a wheelchair who's blind and have a major memory loss and one who says people's names as numbers.

Shadow: Where can I find them?

Scene changes to show Lady Irene giving out coordinates on where they are in my head.

Lady Irene: This will help you guide you to them. Once your mission is done, I require your presence here again.... for I fear.... "he" isn't done with us yet....

Shadow: He?

Lady Irene: The Warlock...

Scene changes to show the warlock self-healing his wounds after his recent battles.

Lady Irene: And you are the only one who can stop him..... with my power.... and hers's

Scene changes to show a girl in a ward sleeping while her wounds are healing up.

Shadow: Who's this her?

Lady Irene: ..... my secret decendent to my power.... my Ancestral Line of my supreme power.... Aphmau....

Scene changes to show the warlock wielding his sword at am errie dark location filled with lightning and thunder with the ocean splashing about violently.


Shadow: That's easy..... I'm Irene's Messenger.... and she tells you.... to go back in hell....

Demon Warlock roars and blast a beam at Shadow for him to use Irene's gifts to deflect it while proceeding to dash forward to him. Once close enough, both Shadow and the Warlock soon clashed our weapons for our weapons to emit a huge ball of light to illuminate the dark omen scenery of darkness, for the scene to change-- 

--to show another city.

Shadow: Where do I go now???

Lady Irene: Go through this portal.... there, you'll meet your final aide which will help you win your fight against your tremendous foe back at your world.... there, the eleven swordsmen shall guide you to what you desire....

Scene changes to show that Shadow is in some kind of base filled with books.

Shadow: Call this a base???? It's more like a Library if you ask me. Comoliment intended.

???: This is called the Northern Base.

A voice spoke out, for Shadow to unsheath Parablade at the person who sound off

Scene changes to show a different base and an unknown being sitting on his throne.

???: Don't worry.... i'm not a threat. As much as I could say that to you but.... we have more pressing matters to attend to. My name is Rintaro Shindo.

Shadow: Shadow Wrath. I'm friendly in case you ask. I was told to come here to be trained by you and a few others, 'The way of the Sword of Logos', to what she tells me.

Rintaro: I'm aware, an unknown voice told me to inform the others about this. And since we haven't been having any Megid Activities and the Southern Base isn't doing much at the moment, we still have to hasten up your training.

Shadow: understood.

Scene changes to show a view of the Northern Base outside. Then, scene changes to show Shadow being trained by 8 swordsmen and by consideration, trained and fought with and by Sabela and Durandal.

Reika: Very well.... since you and the two of us are under the same roof of having siblings.

Ryoga: We'll consider training you. But don't expect us to go easy on you and to go to your side that easily, unless you deem yourself worthy.

Shadow: Heh!! Scoffs I intend not to.

Scene changes to show shadow inside the Northern Base, sitting in the corner with his arms hugging onto his legs, crying.

Ren Akamichi: What happened?

Shadow: .... I..... just realized something.... I failed my world... and there is no change of that.

Scene changes to show Ryo Ogami punching Shadow in the face, for Shadow to to be on the ground.

Ryo Ogami: Pull yourself together, Shadow!! Everyone in this world and yours have experienced failures in life!!! Stand up!!! Don't be a wimp and keep trying! Rintaro has told me about you.... are you going to treat your strengths and your powers a gift, or a curse!?

Scene changes to show Shadow training by himself to perfect his skills, strengths and powers until a Phoenix-like rider gracefully decends before him.

Bacht: If you want to master some skills.... well.... I'll see to offer you some while they are busy....

Scene changes to show Bacht and Shadow in combat against each other. Then, it slowly went black and soon after a new scene shows Shadow looking up at the dark sky with the Spirit of Irene beside him.

Lady Irene: If the Silver-eyed girl is who you love so much.... protect her with your life..... don't make the same mistake Aphmau and I had done in the past....

The scene slowly turns black with Shadow's face showing in front of the scene.

Shadow: ...... I won't.....

Scene changes back to Remnant to show that the refugees of Atlas were taking cover while Teams RWBY, remaining members of Team JNPR, other teams and other huntsmen were fighting off the followers of Salem with one Grimm getting in their way.

Tenka: With or without Cap, we can defeat you....

Ruby: Even if it means dying again....

Mitchell: It's that, or we die together, or we win this war....

Mitchell said.

Tyrian maniacally laughs.

Tyrian: I don't speak hero so,.... 

Scene turns black.

Tyrian: I wish you farewell....

He said for the Grimm to take a deep breathe and blast a beam at them, possibly burning them to a crisp. However, that didn't happen as someone or something interfered and countered its blast by blasting it back to it, for the Grimm to roar in pain. Scene skips to show everyone looking at where the counter was from till they saw a shadow in the middle of it, when someone sounded off.

???: Hey, Tyrian.... ready for me to make you more handicapped than just your tail?

Scene turns black only to hear Ruby's voice.

Ruby: S-Shadow....???

Scene changes again to show Shadow, returned, using Milo and Akouo while using the semblance of polarity to repel Tyrian's tail and Mercury's armed leg away. Scene changes again to show Shadow swaying his hand left side for Penny's blades to be in a circular formation as it flies at Tyrian, Mercury and several number of Grimm, and last scene shows Shadow having a huge symbol in front of him as he blasted a huge beam from it, aiming at the giant Grimm.


Gemdeus Machina: I see you have a new attachment, Mister Shadow....

Shadow: A new attachment on my weapon, yes..... Parablade has a new mode now, and that's its sword form. This blade is given to me by a woman who made me who I am today, and she said that this sword,... CAN SLAY GRIMM, HUGE MONSTERS, VIRUSES, ROBOTS AND A GODDESS LIKE YOUR GRACE, SALEM!!!!!

Gemdeus Machina: Then let's test out its durability, then!!! BEFORE YOU GET TO MY QUEEN!!!

He implied as we both charged at each other and as soon as we got close, we clashed our weapons for the scene to turn white.

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