Ultraman R/B Series/MOVIE updates

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Okay.... let's go row by row, shall we????

Row 1:
First row of this catalogue that I found on Tumblr, WHAT THE SHIT?! Those forms are like the coolest things ever. We get to see an Ultrawoman in action here. So, let's start with that first.

So, this Ultrawoman (On the left) is named, Ultrawoman Grigio. Never knew she'd be sexy for some people. She will be revealed in Ultra Heroes Expo 2019 and also in the movies. Unfortunately she won't be debuted in-series but I'm sure there is an explanation why.

Now that this is done, let's go to Ultraman Gruebe (on the right). Now, that's just solo awesome. Like the Ultimate form but, the full-body art concept is disappointing as there is a lack on detail to it. Like look at it, the lower torso doesn't have any fucking detail on it. But, I would have to withhold that comment until the actual suit is out. Maybe there is something more we missed out.

Ultraman Gruebe is like the final Evolution of Ultraman Ruebe as think about it, Ultraman Rosso / Blu evolves to Ultraman Ruebe, and then Ultraman Ruebe evolves to Ultraman Gruebe, and he or they use the same weapon called Ruebe Light Ring which I kinda like that in an evolution kind of ultra.

Now that the first row is done, let's go through the second row.

Row 2:
So, row 2. Apparently we have a Dark Ultra in this movie or in the Upcoming special series which will be up in 3 months plus time called 'Ultra Fight R/B', here as well. On the left side, we have Ultraman Toreiga. After looking at ultra-wikipedia, he seems to be listed under the Ultra-Kaiju category as he might be a Dark Kaiju.

And boy that guy's ssssick!! He is like a combination of Ultraman Hikari Hunter Knight Tsurugi with dark blue colour scheme and Ace-Killer due to the claw itself.

Now on the right, Alien Pega. First of, Cute. Second of all, Ultraman Geed appearance may be possible due to Alien Pega being around. Possible appearance of Ultraman Geed, POSSIBLE, I may be wrong.

Now that the second row is done, let's go through the third and last row.

Third row:
Now, the whole of the third row shows our new monster of the day in the upcoming movie, Snake Darkness. Hmmm, Snake Darkness... If its monster name is called that, I would have said, "Behold, Snake Darkness, the Master of Masters, the Ruler of Darkness and the Master of serpents." Yeah, could have but they won't say those words, definitely.

Anyway, Snake Darkness is cool But first, bad comments. His colour scheme is... Dull.... And that's it. Now the good comments. He's cool as his details are sharp, shelled up and armoured up. I can already tell that he is a remake from Zaigorg as the right arm gave it away. And wings, are you kidding me? Sweet.

Anyway, hope that has amazed you and see you real soon when the movie is out. SEE YA!!!!

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