A whole bunch of tags

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Welp here's a collection of tags I've been procrastinating on

And I also forgot who these are all from sooooooo uh sorry XD

Here we go

A) Nah ;3


1. My favourite authors are John Flanagan and Brandon Mull
2. I once read a five book series, each book being around five hundred pages long, during the summer when I was visiting family, in under a month
3. My eyes are "bright cactus green" according to my friend
4. My heart was recently broken.... Twice XP. Man I have the best luck with relationships...
5. I have two pet peacocks
6. I might be going to Italy in a year or two
7. I'm Canadian
8. I'm female
9. I'm Christian
10. My averages are all above 90
11. I play the piano and guitar
12. I know a secret language with my science teacher and vice principle
13. I can sew (and I made my own graduation dress in grade 8 ^_^)
14. I'm a competitive wrestler
15. I was a competitive swimmer and volley ball player
16. I played in the national chess championships this year (summer of 2017)
17. I've watched wayy to many undertale playthroughs
18. I have a signed poster from SkyDoesMinecraft (cough SkyDIDMinecraft cough)
19. I enjoy playing hearthstone
20. I like to draw

C) um okay? Sure?

D) Hm.. I have 3 so I'll try and split them up a bit

Crush 1 (aka the one who broke my heart and I'm not sure if I'm still crushing but meh he deserves this):

1. Basically, in a very very short summary, kinda cheated on his girlfriend with me (he's been with his gf 7 months) so I had to friend zone/reject him and now it's super awkward cuz I see him every day after school and at youth group and at church

2. Taller than me by a decent amount (I'm 5"6)

3. My grandparents love him

Crush 2:

1. Very kind, and we're close friends :3

2. My/his friends ship us

3. He's getting involved with a bad girl and I'm legit worried for him...

Crush 3:

1. Way taller than me

2. Loves Stephen King

3. Has vibrant blue eyes and medium brown hair

4. 2 days older than me

1. I have a collection of gemstones
2. I can lift over 200 pounds with my legs (if I have a support behind me)
3. I have guppies
4. I have a dog
5. I love school
6. I'm Christian
7. I like fishing
8. I love hiking
9. I love snowboarding
10. I've been volunteering at a bug lab for 4 years
11. I have a job working for my school board
12. I have a signed postcard from Mitch
13. I've never met a youtuber irl

1. Yes
2. No
3. 5"6
4. Anywhere from 8-10 depending on the style of shoe
5. Green
6. Sometime this month
7. Wrist veins
8. Running in the 90's
9. My boss/godfather/family friend
10. Wattpad

1. Yes
2. Crush 1: yes Crush 2: possibly Crush 3: possibly
3. No
4. Single
5. Lauren
6. All of my guy friends are equal lol
7. Poofless, Merome, or Vikklan
8. See #9 from last tag
9. See #8 from last tag
10. 85%

12. Originally to read, then to write
13. May 5

I don't feel like tagging a ton of people, so I'll leave these all open :3

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