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Once there was a girl named Emma.

She was a talented young girl, or so everyone seemed to tell her, who loved to do many things. She loved to read and write, she could play the piano, the guitar, the flute, and the violin... she loved sports and took lessons for swimming, gymnastics, karate, volleyball, and soccer, and she loved to outdoors and all the creatures and insects it held. She loved to draw. She has an amazing group of friends, and all in all, she was happy. She did not associate herself with the popular group, and instead was popular amongst her friends for being a caring and non judgmental person who would always out others before herself, no matter the cost.

One day, a few months into her first year of high school, she decided to join the wrestling team. As a grade 9 she didn't want to waste a single opportunity, and so jumped at the chance to learn a new sport; and a fun one, too. She loved wrestling, and had some friends from her church on her team, too. They soon dropped out, but she found she was quite talented at wrestling, and was able to win medals at every tournament she competed in. So, she made herself a family on her team.

But there was another reason she stayed on the team. His name was Kohle.

Being 5"10, with a goofy smile, lean fit body, with rich brown hair and deep chocolate brown eyes, she could not help but forming a major crush on this boy. He was kind, funny, handsome, and above all else, she could see herself in him. He was his own person, who did not conform to society's rules.

Over the rest of the wrestling season, Emma and Kohle grew closer. They did not share any classes, so they would take the time in the mornings to walk the halls together and at lunches they would eat together everyday. He would text her almost every night, and through her own investigations, she discovered he too has a crush on her. She was filled with joy. She had never been in a relationship before, but if she was going to be in one, she wanted to be in one with him.

Eventually, as if it wasn't obvious enough, she ended up confessing to Kohle. Thankfully, this did not make things awkward between them. However he was quite shy whenever the topic of them possibly dating would come up, so she took matters into her own hands. And one day, a few weeks after Valentine's Day, she gathered the courage to ask him out. He said yes, and they arranged for a date on the first day of March break. He brought her ice caving, and that night they decided to become a couple.

Thus, Kohmma was born.

Emma loved Kohle. He always did his best to make her smile, and loved to surprise her with little gifts and make her laugh with cheesy pickup lines. Every month, they would get together and often gift each other small things, and go somewhere special. As the months passed, their love grew and grew, all the way through the rest of the school year, into the summer, and into grade 10. They spent time together whenever they could, and went biking, hiking, had parties, cuddled on dreary days, went to movies and on walks, played games... she remembered on six months they went our zip lining and mini golfing in another country, and how they went to Canada's wonderland, and she remembered August 18th specifically... that night there was a meteor shower and so he came over to her house. At 12 in the morning, her mom drove them out an hour down the highway to watch the stars, and they layed on a private beach, counting as 27 shooting stars passed by. He fell asleep in her arms on the sand, and then slept on her shoulder the whole way home. They were perfect together. They were the most iconic and loving couple known. And she loved him with all her heart, and he loved her.

But... everything was not as perfect as it seemed.

As the months passed by, there were hardships. Kohle made very big mistakes, and hurt Emma countless times. But, she still loved him, and was pleased that when he made a mistake he would work to fix it. But as grade 10 progressed, and exams and friends and family began to pressure kohle, tension rose between the two. Emma was heartbroken, because somewhere deep inside, she had a feeling something was going very wrong, and she didn't know what to do. But they were still together, and they were still happy, and that's all that mattered to her.

Eight months passed.

Nine months passed.

New Years passed, and they were still together. Emma was happy, because it seemed finally, their relationship was stabilizing. Kohle didn't repeat any of the three huge mistakes he had made, and the smaller ones were all just normal to any relationship.

Ten months passed, and exams and life in general began to pressure them. But they stayed strong.

And then one day, Kohle repeated a large mistake.

Emma was heartbroken. He had betrayed her. She was angry. She couldn't believe him. At lunch, she confronted him.

He began to cry. He said he had never loved anyone like he'd loved her before. He was desperate for her not to go.

She looked into his tear filled eyes, into those eyes she had gazed in lovingly ten and a half months ago, and her heart shattered. He fought hard to keep her. And She knew she loved this boy. And she knew he would not do it again. So, she gave him one last chance.

He took it lovingly, and promised to never ever hurt her ever again. She asked him to prove it, unwilling to let him back so easily. He said he loved her. She asked him to prove it.

So he did.

The next day, he approached her over text. She was babysitting at the time, when behind the safety of a screen, he told her he did not want to date anymore. He told her he saw how much he hurt her, and that he couldn't keep hurting her. He told her he loved her, but that she deserved better than him. And to her horror she watched as the boy she had loved and invested so much time in, the one who loved her with all his heart, slipped away, and did not come back.

Now she sits here writing this, knowing well she will have to face him tomorrow. She has it all written out, and is prepared to give it one last shot. To see, if just maybe, her beloved Kohle will come back. But... she's expecting rejection. It seems he's moved on, even though it's only been just over two weeks. But she will still try, if it means he might just come back.

And I am afraid.


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