Something To Think About

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There once was a girl.

She was simple, she didn't see anything that great in herself.

Everyone she has met has told her otherwise.

Whether it was her music, her art, her photography, or any of her hobbies.

Everyone told her she was good at something,

But she didn't believe it.

What they didn't know was how much she tried to show that she cared in front of all her friends.

They all thought that she was lively and building up with joy.

What they failed to look at were her eyes.

In her eyes, was both panic and sadness.

You could see panic when she was alone, and with no sound.

Why do you think she's constantly listening to music?

If you saw her at home or around her family, you would see how she doesn't like being around most and how she flinches at human contact.

You could see the fear in her eyes when someone goes to pat her on the back or high five her or hold out a hand for her to shake.

You can also see her flinch when someone yells or fall over in pain when a high-pitched noise comes her way.

You can see how she's deep in thought when she picks up a kitchen knife or when she looks at her food in disgust.

If you were careful, paying attention, and mentioned the right thing, you would see her crying and her hitched breathing. But what you wouldn't notice, is her confusion and the attempts to stop but only end up making it worse.

If your hearing served you well, you would hear that she mutters to herself. That she talks to herself when she's alone, how she always thinks she's insane or some level of mentally crazy.

If you knew her outside of school, you would know that she hates the outside and does everything in her power to avoid doing it. But she constantly craves communication from some of her friends.

What nobody sees is her constant lack of sleep and how slow she is.

What nobody sees is what she does before she leaves the bathroom or any room with a mirror.

She checks and sees whether or not she's skinny enough for not society, but her own approval.

If you noticed enough, you would see that she hunches over and holds her hand over her mouth, as if she were about to throw up.

If you ever find that she gets hit or physically hurt on accident by another human and they start apologising, you can hear her say, "It wouldn't be the first time." But will you ask what she means by that?

I don't know where this came from.

I was reading a story when there was a chapter about a bullying story.

So that made me think of someone I know that is like this.

Yeah, I know someone like this.

Never said I'm like this.

But I'm not saying that this is all the person I know.

Keep some of this mind before you say anything rude to another person.

But also keep in this in mind when you look at a bully. They might have a hard life outside of when you see them.

Point is, we don't know everything about the person we may be talking to.


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