MHA OC: Captain Pestou

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Captain Pestou
Name: (I haven't thought of his original name yet)
- Pestou (Pestou from the word "Pesutorī" which is Pastry in Japanese)

- Team Captain Villain: Captain Pestou!
- Team Captain Hero: Captain Pestou! (Eventually)

- 15

- Male

- Straight

- Mina Ashido

- 180cm

Skin Color
- Fair Skin (In his old Body)
- Tan (Currently)

Hair Style:
- Messy Spiky Hair

Hair Color:
- Brown (In his old Body)
- Purple (Current Body)

Eye Color:
- Red irises, black sclera

- Chiba Prefecture

- Unnamed Mother (Deceased)
- Unnamed Father (Deceased)
- Unnamed Brother (Deceased)

Favorite Food:
- Chocolate Parfait

- Quirkless (Formerly)
- Body Change
- Energy Manipulation

- League of Villains
- U.A High-school (Eventually)

Fighting Style:
- Dance Choreography-Martial Arts
- Melee Combat
- Medium Range Combat

Hero Costume:
- Specialize Battle Armor (Black Variant)

In his original body, Pestou was still a child at the age of 6 before he switched bodies. In his current body, he is a man of height 180cm, with a lean, muscular build, and a tan skin tone. He has short, spiky, purple hair with choppy bangs that hang over his eyebrows. His eyes are sharp and bright red.

His Hero costume is reminiscent of that of the Battle Armor that the Ginyu Force from Dragon Ball uses, but with noticeable differences in age, it stands out and is unique. His armor consists of lower side guards, black and white wrist bracers. The Battle Armor's variant is the modified V-neck Battle Armor model. It gives him torso protection, which comes in black and features thigh and shoulder guards that are dark-colored, along with grey jumpsuit pants. Pestou uses this as his default costume.

- Pestou has a very odd and eccentric personality. He's confident, outgoing, he loves posing and dancing and he can be very silly sometimes to keep morale up for his team or lighten the mood. However, he is strict and disciplined when it comes to serious situations, in spite that he can be very optimistic and eccentric sometimes to lighten up the mood or raise morale.

When it comes to combat when he's just sparring he will hold back and take this fight as a fun experience. But when it comes to actual conflicts, life or death situations, he can be very merciless and arrogant in battle. He takes a fight seriously, sometimes, and won't hesitate to go full out should he be in a life or death situation. He displays a strong sense of honor in combat. He prefers an even fight and would avoid fighting dirty. Even if the opponent has a stronger quirk he wouldn't use his body changeability to gain the advantage, he has already accepted the body he stole as his original body, albeit with some reluctance.

While he is shown to have a very developed understanding of fighting, he still does dances and poses. Side note, never insult his poses, he will give you a strong rant about why poses are a necessity. Worst case scenario, he would kill you instead to show how serious he is.

He also knows when to take the initiative, he would willingly take the leadership role to lead whoever he is leading and make sure they follow orders thoroughly. He's quite a Strategist and would help provide any information to beat down a strong enemy.

But his biggest strength is that deeply cares for his friends a lot, with a few exceptions. While he shows loyalty to his superiors, he shows extreme loyalty to his friends more than anything else. He would even show insubordination if he learns that any of his friends are in danger.

Overall Abilities: Pestou has a fair share of being very experienced in combat when surviving on his own. He is very well in-depth in combat, especially incorporating dance choreography into his way of fighting. While most of what he knew of is self-taught, he trained himself with multiple forms of martial arts and dances, even learning how to use his secondary quirk that came from the body he stole, very effectively.

Enhanced Strength: Pestou enhances his strength by gathering pure energy, to be able to carry much more than an average human can carry and weigh.

Enhanced Durability: Pestou is very resilient, he uses his energy manipulation quirk to enhance his durability. He can take a huge amount of damage from all attacks and continue fighting before it could knock him down moments after.

Enhanced Stamina: Pestou has a crazy amount of stamina and keeps on fighting for as long as he wants before exhaustion takes over due to his usage of energy manipulation.

Enhanced Speed: His speed is enhanced when activates his energy manipulation quirk.

Enhanced Agility: Pestou has excellent agility because he dances and poses a lot in his free time, he is quite an acrobatic person. But is enhanced further by his energy manipulation quirk.

Keen Intellect: Captain Pestou possesses a keen Intellect of that of a skilled fighter and squad leader. He possesses good deduction and analytical skills during or before the battlefield. He works as a great strategist, he can analyze his opponents and exploit them for weaknesses so he could use a form of attack that could break the enemy's defenses or counter their attacks.

Leadership Skills: Pestou is mostly criticized for the requirement of those who are under his leadership to have a fighting pose which made everyone doubt and question his leadership as a whole. But as the saying goes; "never judge a book for its cover" for he is very skillful at his leadership. He can adapt, cooperate and strategize with his team or even cooperate with other individuals that are not on his team. He could plan out team attacks, attack patterns and team formations, team combos that could be used to exploit any weaknesses or be used for their advantage to gain a victory over opponents. His leadership comes in best when his team is synchronized with each other's attacks to be much more effective. And this is one of Pestou's most special traits as to why he is an excellent, and odd, Team Captain.

Fighting Pose: He does a fighting pose to prepare himself for battle. Don't question it, he loves posing,

Dances: He's very acrobatic when he dances. He dances every successful mission or victory as a sign of gratitude or joy. One of his most notable dances is the "Dance of Happiness!" Sometimes he does dances that include scouting which he performs, "The Dance of Observation" while getting into an eccentric pose.

- Pestou was originally quirkless until his quirk manifested too late in his childhood.

Body Change
- One of Pestou's most secret and ultimate signature moves is his infamous Body Change, ability. His special ability to switch bodies. Once he activates this quirk and willed his body and charges up his attack with his arms outstretched, Pestou activates the body change quirk and grabs a hold of the opponent's head, said adversary is momentarily paralyzed until the body change is completed. When it is finished, Pestou is in the opponent's body, while said opponent is in his old body. The individuals are shown to retain their respective voices in their new bodies, making it harder for a person to impersonate the person they swapped with. The downside of this is that when Henka switches bodies, he is unable to naturally use the individual's quirks since he has to get used to the body and as well as getting better use of the individual's body movement.

Energy Manipulation
- Energy Manipulation is one of his secondary quirks, specifically from the body he stole out of desperation. It's an emitter type, he can gather and concentrate energy around his body to fire an energy blast through his fingers, and hands. He can use it to enhance his physical attributes, and also well provide him flight. He can create a powerful energy wave if he put so much of his energy into it which is enough to leave a medium to large size crater, depending on how much energy it was gathered. The downside of using this quirk is that when he uses too much strong attack it will exhaust Pestou, draining his stamina significantly. So he only uses his super moves when necessary.

Super Moves
Pressure Cannon - One of Pestou's most signature and commonly used attacks. He holds his right or left hand forward and then releases a strong purple energy wave from it. This attack is quite powerful as it makes a medium-sized crater, but it creates a large crater when he charges it up to its fullest capacity.

Triple Pressure Auto-Cannon - Fires continuous energy blast, a smaller variant of the Pressure Cannon, fires in a volley of energy blast at the opponent through his to overwhelm the opponents.

Pressure Artillery - A powerful variation of the Pressure Cannon and Pestou's strongest attacks. It is one where Pestou uses his right/left hand and launches a ball of energy onto his opponent. It's capable of breaking through solid concrete.

Visionary Barrage - Pestou fires a barrage of finger beams at his opponents, it reduces the amount of impact around the surrounding environment.

Mach Pressure - Focuses much of his energy to increase his speed, at the expense of his durability. He uses this to outmaneuver his opponents.

Captain Pestou's Backstory

Not much is known of his original name, but Pestou can only recall where he came from before he became the man he is right now.

He was born into a family of quirk users in Japan in Chiba Prefecture. In his early childhood, he had a strong fascination with dancing and posing due to the Super Sentai shows in Japan. Unlike most kids at his time who wished to be heroes, he only aimed to be a dancer which is seen as unusual by his family but they supported it nevertheless.

At Kindergarten, he would eventually meet Mina Ashido and the two would immediately become friends when they learn of how common their interests in dancing are.

But his life would take a hard turn when he was diagnosed as quirkless. He has become one of the unlucky 20% in the world of quirks and therefore he is cast out and bullied because of it. Fortunately for him, his family treats him with love and care no matter what if he's quirkless or not. Unfortunately, it was the so-called friends who turned their backs on him and cast him out like dirt because of his lack of quirk.

It has gotten so bad that he was relentlessly mocked for his love for dancing and posing. This creates a small hatred for the idea that only people with quirks can only be recognized and he almost develops hatred towards quirks as a whole.

But fortunately, due to his unbreakable bond with Mina Ashido the acid girl doesn't care if he's quirkless, she still sees him as her best friend no matter if he's quirkless or not. She even defended him from getting bullied which strengthens the bond even more. And they would continue to be the best of friends until his life takes another turn once more.

At the age of 7, and still suffering from the torment of his peers, tragedy struck and he became a victim of a villain attack that left him fatally injured. He was scared out of his mind and wanted someone to come and help him and comfort him, but his family wasn't there to comfort him since they too had been killed during the attack. Pestou was hoping a hero would come and help but no one came to his rescue.

He would have died if it weren't a street kid, somewhere close to his age, coming across his dying body.

With a strong will to survive and live his quirk has manifested, a little too late, and he used every ounce of it to switch bodies with the body of the street kid. He grabbed hold of the kid's head and transferred his consciousness to the street kid's body.

The child would evenly die on Pestou's original deceased body while the body swapper gave the condolences of his immoral deeds to the boy. He was horrified even to learn of what he has done, his first act of villainy by swapping his consciousness with a kid and letting that kid die on that body.

Thus with a second chance of life, with no home, no family, or friends, he was forced to fend for himself. His faith in hero society has been tarnished when he died on the spot.

The body of the street boy he stole has manifested an energy manipulation quirk where Pestou would train to use it effectively. As years passed, his hate towards the hero society grows, and continues to commit crimes as he sees fit just to sustain himself. He doesn't enjoy it but society has made him this way and has no choice.

Unfortunately, throughout these years, he wasn't able to keep in touch with Mina because he assumed that she wouldn't believe her best friend switched bodies. Also, he believes Mina will not be happy and will be horrified to learn that her best friend did a villainous act, so he kept his distance away from her because of that fear.

He would eventually acquire his costume, courtesy from a third-party company that sells costumes to villains. Still, he would continue to commit crimes to sustain himself until recent events.

He would eventually join the League of Villains after hearing Stain's speech about cleansing false Heroes and he became inspired because of it. He became one of Tomura's most trusted subordinates and he develops a strong loyalty to the League of Villains as he sees them as a team. He would continue to serve them until recent events.

Pestou's Character Arc
I feel that Petsou's character arc dwells deep into his experience with his body swap ability, and how it affected him. This arc will also dwell on the idea of reconciling and reuniting with Mina Ashido after years apart and loss of contact with each other.

When he first used it he was horrified that he killed someone by switching bodies with another unfortunate soul. Because of being accustomed to the body, he stole out of desperation, he begins to experience an existential crisis that he begins to forget who he was, hell he even forgets his birth name! He felt as if his quirk made him a completely different person because of it. But the quirk has nothing to do with it, rather it's the association with the deed he did to the street boy. So out of fear, he decided not to use his quirk and only focus on his energy manipulation quirk from the street child's body.

Pestou has many reasons to join the league of villains, it was a matter of what gave him a purpose in life, one that would mean anything. Though he never told the league of his Body Changing Powers because of the trauma related to it.

While it's true, joining the league does give him purpose but it wasn't the drive that gave him that true purpose. It's a matter that involves Mina, his only true childhood friend, and crush.

When he was confirmed to be quirkless and all of his so-called friends left him. He lost all any form of purpose to continue to thrive and even considered thoughts of suicide. But it is Mina who is there to cheer him up, she is there to support him in any way she can. She is the light that Pestou sparked the motivation for him to never give up and continue to thrive. He will never forget Mina's good deeds.

Another thing to take into account, Pestou isn't fully aware that Mina is in UA since he wasn't caught up with any recent events even after the USJ incident. So when he learns that Mina is training to be a hero, it immediately conflicts with his loyalty to the League of Villains. He's very concerned and if the League of Villains would potentially endanger Mina in their schemes, he will express concern and worry when he hears that Mina is in any form of danger. But he didn't voice it out loud.

But if Mina is in any life-threatening danger he will show insubordination and abandon a mission just to ensure Mina's safety, he would go rogue just to be sure his childhood friend will be safe.

Heck, he would go as far as to betray the League of Villains or kill any of them if they were to hurt Mina. This could be a huge shock to everyone because Pestou is loyal to his superior to a fault, and would follow orders zealously but to see that he would go as far as to disobey AFO's orders feels out of character for the League.

As for Mina learning that Pestou, her dead childhood friend, well it comes down to his poses and personality upon seeing them. When Mina learns of this she would be shocked and overjoyed to find out her childhood friend has been alive all this time, but at the same time upset and disappointed that he is a villain.

There would be emotional moments close to the end of his arc, and Mina would be angry and upset with Pestou tanking everything she has to say to him, with Pestou admitting that what he did was wrong and there is no denying that. He even admitted it was because society made him this way, he begins to see villainy as a necessary evil. Mina would eventually convince Pestou to leave the League of Villains and turn a new leaf. She is worried about Pestou's well-being since she just reunited with him and wanted him to be safe, plus she misses him dearly.

In the conclusion of the arc, Pestou has finally found himself again when he first met Mina, while he does pose and has a trait that makes Ginyu proud, he was able to reunite and reconcile with his childhood friend, the latter crying her heart out because she has thought her best friend died. Pestou would betray the League of Villains and even turn himself into heroes, as a sign that he is willing to face his crimes.

While in prison, Mina would visit him occasionally just to comfort him and show that even if he used to be a villain and a member of the League of Villains, he will always be her best friend. Eventually, Pestou would be released and enrolled into UA, per the request of All Might when he learned that Pestou betrayed the League for the sake of one of Class A1's classmates.

When he came to UA, he would be greeted with a cold welcome from anyone (except a certain few) since they learned he used to be a villain. But he ignores all the hate and discrimination, he just hangs out with Mina to get ahold of the many things he has missed since he has become a villain. And over time, he would befriend Midoriya, Kirishima, Denki, and some of the students of Class 1-A or 1-B. Majority of this arc goes to show that Pestou's friendship with Mina is unbreakable even when they are far apart from each other. Eventually, that friendship with Mina would go beyond that.

But that's where his story ends for now.

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