2nd one what?

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you have to post all rules.

you have to tag 13 people.

you have to answer 13 questions from the one who tagged you and write 13 questions for others

you can't say "I don't do tags."

do this within a week, or you have to do what the person who tagged you says.

be creative with the name

must be put in a book. tag back are allowed


1.on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being completely sane),hows you sanity doing?

um I do not know I am going to gess 7?

2. how easiy do you get pissed at some one?

um dount know that one eather so about 50% of the time

3.color of hair? brown and black with natrul hiliets

4 eye color? hasel

5.Steven universe, yay or nay?


6.space, yay or nay?


7.hasley, yah or nay?


8.yaoi, yay or nay?

I am going to gess animy

9. are these 'yah or nay' questions getting annoing?


10.you're opinion on me?


11.purple or red?


12.iron or dimond?


13.favoeite animal other than dog or cat?



1. favorite minecraft mob?

2.what was your wirid ist dream?

3.what was your wird isd nightmare?

4.do you like hunted hoses irl?

5.are you familiar with matpat from game thriy and film thiry?

6.are you famillier with team crafted?

7.whats the job of your dreams?

8. what was the weiridist video you whoch?

9.who do you ship skylox or skymau?

10.fave you tube star?

11.are you familiar with the diamond mincart?

13.did you notis I skiped one quistinon? and wich one is it?

I tag SharingMystery and Artchexte

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