a rant for a Moment

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So this is a rant with some triggers in it so if you what to know what's going on in my personal life so read on at your own risk

So.....IV been through hell for awaile and I know some of you have to yeah today two people I know from school got into a fight and one who's an 8th grader tryed to strangle the other....On my way to my second class on the way there I ended up seeing another fight....Well today's been a hell ish day so has the last two years last year I got bullied by my own friends and this year I get bite by one twice then another one says she what's to die and then awaile later it seems like everything goes back to normal....I'm tired of being a person who just waches through a third person view it gets anoying after awaile......So I'm sorry you had to hear me rant but if you need to have more information just pm me and we can talk I'm alright not need to worry about me.

~Tiger our guys~

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