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From -AnAngelsGrace once more lel

(PS: don't attack me if I got these quotes wrong; I'm in my bed at midnight and I don't have my screenplay with me ahhhhhh)

"Uh...Newt. Newt Scamander."
What's a character's name that you've gotten completely wrong?
I think we've all pronounced Hermione's name wrong when we first read it 😂😂😂😅 whoops
I thought it was her-mi-oh-nee

"Couldn't you have done that in London?"
What fictional character would you like to place in another world?
The Maze Runner trio (Thomas, Newt, Minho) in the Harry Potter fandom omg
Or DC superheroes find themselves in a Marvel universe ayyyyyyy
Or PJO combined with XMen. That would be pretty awesome and it makes sense

"I know about the Lestrange family. Strange people."
What show/book/movie have you a deja vu of another?
Fantastic Beasts to Harry Potter duh
Does that count?
Ok well if not
Divergent and the Giver
Like sorta same universe ish

"It's ok, honey. Most guys was thinking the same as you when they first saw me."
What show/book/movie gave you the opposite of girl power vibes?
"The Handmaid's Tale"
I've been wanting to read the book, and I read part of it at a store
And no I don't watch the Hulu series sorry

"Good show, Mr. Kowalski!"
Name a character who you felt you wanted to cheer on
Queenie when she was saving Newt, Tina, and Jacob
Anytime the one or two of the Baudelaire's saved people or their own sibling(s)
When Hermione punched Draco (I just watched Prisoner of Azkaban lel)
When Percy saves Annabeth
Basically whenever there's a hero

"12 years of it! In Azkaban!" (Oops not FB quote but related to the question and is in the same university so *shrug*)
How long do you typically spend at a bookstore/video game store/video store-rental?
For bookstore, omg FOREVER lel
For the other ones meh

"No, I annoy people."
Name a character that would have a restraining order on you
Lel I love this question
Idk though
I think a lot of the characters I like would be good friends with meh cuz same personality sorta
One of the Gladers cuz they would be weirded out? Or one of the Peculiars lel
Or Alexander Hamilton (if I came from the future)

"People like you, Mr. Kowalski, don't they?" "Uh...sure!"
What overhyped book/show/movie were you cautious to read/watch?
"Fault in Our Stars" and "Paper Towns"
And I'm sorry to all the John Green fans out there but, I don't really like them I'M SORRY DON'T HURT ME PLS
Also 13rw but that was good
Riverdale? I was meh with that one

"They killed my son!"
Which villain do you love to hate?
Umbridge ugh
A Real Conversation
ft Dalvie and her Brother
Me and him: *harry potter stuff* *hes a noob lel*
Him: Umbridge isn't that bad, is she? *innocent face as he hasn't read the fifth one yet*
Me: *clear throat*
Me: she is the worst. Thing. Ever.
Brother: but not as bad at Voldemort right
Me: *eye twitch*
Me: she is much worse
Him: no you're lying
Me: hakdjaodjkskcls

"Tina's the career girl."
Name a fictional parent/guardian you love.
Then Uncle Monty 😭😭😭
And Sally Jackson whoop
The Curtis parents 😭😭😭😭😭
Lel not Mary Lou or Count Olaf HAHAHAHAHAHA

"No, to educate wizards and witches on magical creatures."
What book/show/movie would you love to catch on?
(Sorry -AnAngelsGrace if I'm copying you oops)
Anything and everything by Michael Grant
I don't think people see how much meaning and reality he puts into his books it's crazy omg
Everyone read the BZRK Series for a dystopian, creepy, scary af, sci fi, awesomeness story
Everyone read Front Lines for women's rights woo!
Everyone read the Gone Novels for superpowers, teenage drama, violence, power, etc

"See, I ain't never gonna meet someone like you."
Describe your ideal character to read about
- Asian or in that area of looks
- not "perfect" (bad*ss)
- has a deeper story than her outside appearance
- sassy
- kind
- humble
- someone like me / someone I can relate to
- a writer / musician
- sorta like Ryan in ITNOL or my OC in my fanfic for my school, Celia Susan Lewis

"Oh, you slay me!"
What do you do when you get major feels?
I cry ahhhhhhhhhh
Some things that have made me cry:
- Fantastic Beasts
- Wonder Woman
- the Outsiders
- the Book Thief
- The Boy in the Striped PJ's
- x+y (beautiful mind)

"Actually, how would you like it if I have you a copy in person?" "I would like that! Very much!"
Which character's one liners would you love to steal?
Two Bit! Or Dals
They both are #savage
Probably more Two lel cuz he's funny

"My uncle's a house elf..." "Uh huh."
Which character's decisions make you roll your eyes?
When MACUSA wouldn't believe Newt and Tina
When Newt and Tina didn't kiss
When Diana tried to bring her sword and shield along with her 😂😂😂
Whenever Thomas makes stupid decisions like omg just run from the Cranks already geez
When Hamilton was stupid and wrote the Reynolds's Pamphlet
And etc

@ everyone else who reads this mwahahahaha

Preferences coming I promise ahhhh

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