Arranged Marriages or Forced Relationships. (Rant)

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After this I will make some separate books for my content. But that's besides the point.

Anyways, what topic do I have today to rant about? *draws out a small slip of paper*

-Arranged Marriages/Forced Relationships-


Well my opinions on this topic will be seperate. First I will start with forced relationships and then end with arranged marriages.

Ok so my opinion on Forced Relationships is that you can't do that to someone. Look if they already are in a relationship with someone, even if they live far away from you like out of the states or a long distance in the states from where you are, then they can't force you to be with someone you don't want to be with when you already have someone who has stolen your heart.  I know I am going to be asked "But what if you end up liking that person even if your parents or whoever is trying to convince you to be with person?"  Well then good for you. If you do end up liking her and she ends up liking you then you should be happy about it. But when it comes to someone saying "Oh you see that boy.  Doesn't he look cute", or "She looks like a nice girl. Why don't you go talk to her? You both might have something in common." Even though I do agree that there might be something that you and that person might have in common, it doesn't mean that you are going to hit it off just like that. Look. I think that hey if you like someone whether they live nearby or far away and you fall in love with them and you are happy in the relationship,  people should respect that. If they don't, give them a reason to. Tell them the truth about your relationship with this person from far away or nearby or show them some pictures/ ask your lover if it is alright if they call and be there with you to tell the truth about your relationship. Eventually the person convincing you to be in this relationship with someone else than who you really already love will understand. It will take some time but they will. Trust me.

Anyways, onto my opinion about Arranged Marriages.

Alright. So my opinion on Arranged Marriages is that it is not okay for parents to discuss something such as arranging your two children to be married to each other when neither one of them even knows the other person or does not have anything in common with them. I think it is ridiculous that the children do not have say in this matter. In a movie that has do with this situation "The Corpse Bride by Tim Burton", Victor is being arranged to marry a girl named Victoria since his parents and hers had it planned out. However, neither one really knows anything about the other and they eventually learn about one another when in hall or room and Victor is playing the piano. Victoria seems to enjoy the sight of him playing and enjoys that part of him. However, they get caught by Victoria's mother and are told not to see each other until the wedding rehearsal. Which I think is stupid. Anyways, eventually they fall in love with each other and marry even though he had accidentally put a ring on a dead bride but anyways BACK TO THE ORIGINAL TOPIC. I do not believe that arrange marriages should be allowed. Mainly because it takes away two peoples freedom to be with who they want to be with or enforcing something that does not need to happen or be neccessary.

I could go more into detail on this but my hands might fall off and this chapter is already dragged on.


Here are my final (short) answers to this subject. I do not believe either is a good idea. Do not force a person or persons to be with someone they do not wish to be with. Instead, allow that person to be with who they want to be or enjoy their lives being single until they find that special person to make them not single but in a happy relationship.

Hopefully this all made sense and didn't sound all confusing or gibberish. It's 1:20ish in Texas and I just wanted to get this out cause a friend of mine is dealing with this problem.

Anyways, that is this rant for today. I am sorry this dragged on for so long. I had a lot to say.

But yeah.

I hope you enjoyed seeing me rant my ass off and I will see you guys in the next Random Stuff Chapter!



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