Okay Spring Break

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Well guys. Today is my last day of spring break.

I'll be honest. I didn't think that it would go by so quickly.

I also don't really want to go back to school either. If I do then that means I'm going to be stuck with homework.

Although, Prom is coming around. Could be fun. Maybe.

(Topic change)

Anyways, guys I don't know what is wrong with me or what my purpose is on this app anymore. I used to be able to enjoy every moment that I had here. Meeting new people, getting into my sort predicaments, having some good times, some sad times, some DARK times, and some weird times.

I don't know if I should continue to be here anymore. Things are changing and I'm pretty sure that in some point in my life I won't be here. I'll probably be gone figuring out what life has for me.

I might not talk to some friends I've met here that I talk to on Hangouts, Discord, or even Kik anymore either.

Though who am I kidding... I'll just be the same person I've always been. Even though I don't know what my future has set up for me, I don't want to say goodbye or anything like that.

I'm 17. 8 months away from becoming 18.

Will things still be the same?

Will my friends and I still stay in touch regardless of what happens in our own lives?

Will I come back here after how many years I will be gone?

And will I ever forgot how much I am grateful for coming here and meeting the people I have to make me who I am today?

I don't know...

No one does.

I guess it will be answered as I grow and see the world for myself.

Sorry everyone.

I'm rambling aren't I? ^^'



*hands you a picture*

Yeah I know it's a picture of me smiling, but if I'm not around and things end up going wrong at a certain point in time, know that I'll be there to help any way I can whether I am far or near.

(Sounds stupid doesn't it? Well. We aren't all perfect I guess. I don't know.)

*chapter closed*

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