Possibly a new One-Shot Book...?

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Well guys,  I know I haven't been updating the "How Did We Get Here?", book in a long while, but I think I might be willing to write some more one-shots but mainly of some that I think most or some, or anyone would be interested in.

(Made this cover last night since I had trouble sleeping. Don't @ Me! NAUTILUS AND YUUNA FOREVER! AHHHHH)

Anyways, this is a one-shot book that I am thinking about doing.

Hopefully I have enough good ideas and maybe some good enough grammar and spelling to keep me going.

Hopefully no one judges my inner SAO Weebness. QwQ

Anyways, this will come out today with DA RULES!!!! (Fairly Oddparents Reference. If you do not get it, then leave the room now! (Jk. Lol)) But in all seriousness, I will be having Rules here for requests and such and I MIGHT start the first one or two with Nautilus and Yuuna. Male Reader x Yuuna or whatever you guys would want. SO. I guess maybe that would be six depending on what you want. ANYWAYS, that will be out at some point today.

Hope you all have a good day and I will see all you amazingly crazy people in the comments and such!

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