Anime Talent Show: Touhou Project Edition part 3

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Me:Hello! And welcome back for more Anime Talent Show! I'm your host Ezekiel.

Jon:And i'm his co-host Jon.

Me:And today this is part 3 of Touhou Project Edition!

Jon:Wait seriously?

Me:Well i loved Touhou Project franchise Jon.

Jon:Ah i see...anyway we welcome some Touhou characters participate the audition of this show last time Tenshi won,she dominate her song entire world to see!

Me:Exactly! Now let's meet the judges.

Jon:1st hailed from BanG Dream Series,she's the leader of Poppin' Party,who loves stars in the night sky and she's the vocalist and guitarist herself! Please welcome Kasumi Toyama!

The crowd cheers her

Kasumi:Hello everyone! I can't wait their singing on the stage! This is a Sparkling Heart Pounding Ever!!!

Me:Up next is hailed from Neptunia series,she's the Main Protagonist from the 2nd game and she's the CPU Candidate of Planeptune and sister of Neptune herself! Please welcome Nepgear!

The crowd cheers her

Nepgear*giggles and wave*Hello everyone i'm glad to be a judge for today show.

Jon:Next hailed from Azur Lane series,she's the legendary aircraft carrier from the Eagle Union nation,please welcome Enterprise!

The crowd cheers her

Enterprise:Thank you,thank you is my duty to served a judge here in this show today.

Me:And finally hailed from Genshin Impact she's the Electro archon from Inazuma and ruler of the Inazuma City please welcome Ei!

Everyone cheers her

Ei:Greetings everyone,i like to hear the contenders singing their song to my ears.

Jon:Now that been said let's the show!

Me:Time for the 1st contestant: They are the dyanamic heroine duo to resolved the incident in Gensokyo and they are the 3 time winner of Touhou M-1 Grand Prix! Please welcome Miko Miko Spark!

Reimu and Marisa went on the stage and everyone claps at them

Reimu:Hello everyone.

Marisa:Hello,we are Miko Miko Spark and today gonna sing our song.

Reimu:Our sing is "Genso Connect" please enjoy.

Music played and start singing

After the song ends and everyone claps at them

Kasumi:That was a beautiful song you two! But i can't helped to scored myself to your song! Here!*she gives a 10*

Nepgear:That was a nice song,but it's almost perfect well i give it you two.*she gives a 9*

Enterprise:Impressive of singing you two,hmm...i can't say that your song was perfect and i give you that.*she gives a 8*

Ei:That was tremendous song both of you,i feel that song is great and i give you this.*she gives a 10*

Jon:Look at that everyone Miko Miko Spark got 37 points!

Everyone claps them

Marisa:Thank you so much.

Reimu:Thank you.

They went out of the stage

Me:Up next two members of Scarlet Devil Mansion Resident and they are the winners in the 1st Touhou M-1 Grand Prix! Please welcome Scarlet Mansion!

Remilia and Flandre went on the stage

Remilia:Hello everyone!

Flandre:Forbidden Fruit!!!*she use her spell card attack*

Some of the crowd move away from her spell card attack and short scream and Remilia was shocked

Remilia:W-w-what are you doing Flan!? You almost killed the audience so don't do that again!

Flandre:Tsukkomi~ Tsukkomi~

Remilia:Sorry everyone about my little sister here causes her trouble,anyway we gonna sing our song.

Flandre:Our song is "Mischievous Sensation" enjoy to our song!

Music played and they start singing

After the song ends and everyone claps

Kasumi:That was a wonderful song Remilia and Flandre! I give you that you two!*she gives a 10*

Nepgear:Hmm...your song is not quite bad and almost perfect,so i give you this.*she gives a 8*

Enterprise:Hmm...i think your song is great...i guess but it's a good song you two vampire sisters so i give you this.*she gives a 7*

Ei:Your song is impressive you two vampires,Hmm...i can't decide of you score myself,well i give you this.*she gives a 9*

Me:Look at they Scarlet Mansion got 34 points.

Everyone claps at them

Remilia and Flandre:Arigatō gozaimashita.

They went out the stage

Jon:Next is the 4 members of the Palace of the Earth Spirits,the 1st two they are the winners of the 4th and the runner up winners of the 6th Touhou M-1 Grand Prix! Please welcome Tokamak Club!

Rin and Utsuho went on the stage and everyone claps at them

Me:And 2nd they are the 2 time runner up winners in the 4th and 11th Touhou M-1 Grand Prix! Please welcome! Satori Koishi!

Satori and Koishi went on the stage along with Rin and Utsuho while everyone claps at them

Satori:Hello everyone...

Koishi:Yahoo everyone!!!

Rin:Hi everyone.


Satori:We are the Satori Koishi...

Utsuho:And Tokamak Club!

Rin:Together we gonna sing our song nya!

Koishi:Our song is! "CHIREI MY WAY!"

Satori:So please everyone enjoy this song.

Music played and they start singing

After the song ends and everyone claps at them

Kasumi:*fangirl scream and sparkle her eyes*THAT WAS A SPARKLING HEART POUNDING SONG EVER!!!! I give you a best song ever!*she gives a 10 with a star on it*

Nepgear:That was a beautiful song ever you 4! Now i give you a better score!*she gives a 10*

Enterprise:Well that was a wobderful song as ever,i ever heard similiar like San Diego song but that song is way better,so i give you that score.*she gives a 10*

Ei:That was tremendous song and pretty hype song and i like it so much,so my duty to give a great score here.*she gives a 10*

Jon:Look at that everyone! Palace of the Earth Spirits got a perfect score!

Everyone claps at them including Satori and Koishi

Koishi:We did it sis!

Utsuho:Hahaha! We tatally nailed it!

Satori:Me too.

Koishi:Everyone! More! More! More power!

Everyone keeps loud clapping at them then they stopped and then she does this

Koishi:And that's all for today!

Everyone and Kasumi laughs

Satori:*sweatdrop*Oh Koishi...

Utsuho and Rin are giggles then all 4 went out of the stage

Me:And next is the moon bunny youkai girl from the Bamboo Forest of the Lost and she's the servant of Eirin and also she's the runner up winner with Tewi in the 2nd Touhou M-1 Grand Prix! Please welcome Reisen Udongein Inaba!

Udonge went on the stage and everyone claps at her

Udonge:Hello everyone! My name is Reisen Udongein Inaba but you called me Udonge now everyone today i'm gonna sing my song "Zenryoku Happy Life" enjoy!

Music played and she start singing

After the song ends and everyone claps her

Kasumi:That was an amazing song Udonge! I better tell Kokoro about this song from her! So i give these for you!*she gives a 10*

Nepgear:You always getting a perfect 10 Kasumi.

Kasumi:Well...i can't helped cause i loved their song performance of any participates!

Nepgear:Anyway your song is pretty energetic similiar like Neptune,well it's a great song Udonge,i give you a score.*she gives a 7*

Enterprise:Hmm...very energetic song...but it's a good song Udonge,so here.*she gives a 6*

Ei:Hmm...interested song you got Udonge,pretty much energetic and it's a great song,so i give to you a score.*she gives a 8*

Jon:Wow she got 31 points!

Everyinr claps to her

Udonge:Well i'll my best,as i can and thank you everyone.

Udonge went out the stage

Jon:And last but the least is the 3 fairies of light from the Hakurei Shrine and they are like to pranks to someone please welcome! Sunny Milk,Star Sapphire and Luna Child!

The 3 fairies went on the stage and everyone claps at them

Sunny:Hello everyone! My name is Sunny Milk!

Star:I'm Star Sapphire.

Luna:And i'm Luna Child!

3 fairies:And together we are the 3 Fairies of Light!

Sunny:Today we gonna sing is...

Luna:"Three Fairies SAY YA!!!"

Star:Please enjoy our song.

Music played and they start singing

After the song ends and claps at them

Kasumi:*singing*"HA! HA! HA! HA! SORE! SORE! SORE! SORE!,HA! HA! HA! HA! SOYYA! SOYYA! SOYYA! SOYYA!"*stop singing*That was an amazing song you three,you're nailed it! And i give you a score!*she gives a 10*

Nepgear:That was an awesome song,you 3 fairies and it's pretty nice you're performed and i will give your score.*she gives a 10*

Enterprise:Thag was a nice song,similiar like Abercrombie and you 3 are amazing and i give you a score.*she gives a 9*

Ei:This is a wonderful song,some of music beats similiar like in Inazuma style and it's pretty good and now i give you a score.*she gives a 9*

Jon:Looks like the 3 fairies got 38 points!

Everyone claps at them

3 fairies:Thank you so much!*they bow their head and went out the stage*

Me:Well that is all for today for this show and the winner of this show is The Palace of the Earth Spirits!

Everyone applause to all 4 them


Me:Well tune in for next time for more Anime Talent Show,i'm your host Ezekiel.

Jon:And i'm your co-host Jon,so bye bye and goodnight.


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