Himari wants to lose her weight

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After Episode 4 of Garupa PICO Ohmori Himari got gain more weight and she scream loudly last night

- the next day -

Himari sulking at the corner

Moca:Well it didn't work at all~

Ran:Himari it's ok about your weight.

Himari:How do i care Ran!? I gain weight more!*sobs herself*

Tomoe:Aww...Himari don't cry,i would someone gonna lose your weight.

Himari:You will?*sniff*

Tsugumi:Yes! You're the leader of Afterglow and we are your friends right!?

Moca:Moca-chan will cheer you up~

Tomoe:Me too!


Himari:*sniff*Thanks guys,i need head out for awhile.

Tomoe:Ok take care yourself Himari.

Himari head out and left

Ran:I hope is she's ok.

Tsugumi:Maybe...Ran i hope.

- later -

Himari was sit on the bench and sighed

Himari:I need someone gonna lose some weight.*her tummy growls*I'm so really hungry now.

But then someone arrived

???:It's seems a problem miss?

Himari look at him

Himari:Yes...i want to lose my weight,cause i gain more weight not even my bandmates couldn't help me either of eating bread,candy and ramen.

???:You should eat small amount of foods to get healthy.

Himari:Yeah...i want to exercise more.

???:I can help you with that.


???:Yes you can count on me ma'am.

Himari:Thank you so much,anyway my is Himari Uehara the leader of Afterglow and i play as the bassiest.

Drew:Nice to meet you i'm Drew,Drew McIntyre the current WWE Champion.

Himari:Nice to meet you Drew.*her thoughts*Oh my god i never meet a celebrity and he's the champion this is my 1st time ever!*squeal*

Drew:Come Himari let's get lose some weight.


Drew trained and exercised Himari some footage exercise scene

- later at night -

At Himari's room

Himari look at the scale and gulp

Himari:Here goes nothing!*step on it and here the ding sound and look at her and gasp*

She got lose few weight pounds

Himari:YAY!!!!! I lost my weight thank you!

- the next day -

Ran:Well how did it go?

Himari:I lose my weight Ran!



Moca:Wow congrats Himari-chan~

Tsugumi:Who help you?

Himari:Drew McIntyre!

Her bandmates:Drew McIntyre who's that?

Himari:He's the WWE Champion.

Her bandmates:EEEEEHHHHH!?!?!?

Tomoe:You met a celebrity!?

Tsugumi:Without us!? Since when!?

Himari:Well long story girls.

Ran:Well i'm shocked...

Moca:Nice Himari-Chan~

Himari:Right let's go practicing! Hey,hey OH~!

Her bandmates are silents

Himari:Come on girls!

Ran:Anyway let's practice.

Afterglow start practice their song

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