Roselia's Neo Fantasy Online x Final Fantasy 7 collab event

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Ako and Rinko playing NFO but then they saw the preview of upcoming event is a collab event "Darkness of the One Winged Angel" Event

They gasping and hype themselves

- at Live CIRCLE -

Roselia finished practicing their song

Yukina:Well that's all for today,our rehearsal girls.

Ako:Hey Yukina,i wanna ask you something!

Yukina:What is it Ako?

Ako:There's an upcoming event in NFO!

Yukina:Oh really?

Rinko:Yes...the event is our 1st collab event in NFO....

Sayo:Wait,for real? Hmm...i never seen a collab event in NFO game.

Lisa:Oh i wanna see that event Ako~!

Ako:Great! How about you Yukina!?

Yukina:Hmm...sure,let's see the event for once.

Ako:Yay!!! You heard that Rin-Rin!


- later at Net Café -

Roselia's login into the NFO game

- inside the Neo Fantasy Online game -

Yukina:So we here,then where is the event?

Rinrin:Here's the quest board Yukina...

Yukina look at the quest board and she saw the event quest of the collab event

Yukina:"Darkness of the One Winged Angel"?

Sayo:One winged angel? Is a person can fly with one winged?

Lisa:Well maybe Sayo.

Yukina:Well anycase let's start the quest.*she pressed the event button*

And then it activate the portal itself

Ako:Well let's go!

They enter the portal and then went out the portal to the other side

Yukina:So this is it.

Lisa:*look at the sky,it already turned dark*The sky is dark.

Sayo:Some kind of an enemy who did this.

Rinrin:I wonder who...?

But then a blonde spiky haired boy came in while carrying the thick sword on his back and he approaching them

???:Hey you 5 over there.

Lisa:Hello sir,we here to start this event quest.

???:Good...anyway i need your help.

Ako:Is something wrong sir?

???:I need you find Sephiroth.

Sayo:Who's Sephiroth?

He explained them about him

Yukina:Oh i see...sure we will help you out.

???:Thank you,and by the way who are you?

Yukina:We are Roselia's sir,i'm Yukina.

Sayo:My name is Sayo.

Lisa:I'm Lisa~!

Ako:I am the Dark Demon Princess Ako!

Rinrin:And i'm Rinrin please to meet you...

Yukina:And who are you?

Cloud:My name is Cloud Strife former 1st-class SOLDIER.

Ako:*gasp*You are a soldier!*sparkle het eyes*

Cloud:Well yes,it was a long time ago,anyway you need track down Sephiroth there are 10 stage battles here and lot of enemies encountered also.

Ako:We will do it Cloud.

Cloud:Good luck.

Ako:Right! Let's go my team!

They nod and they went off the adventure

- montage scene -

After Roselia's battling some enemies and defeating them and Roselia's gains some EXP points,some rare items drops,more level ups and cleared some stages after that they reach the final stage

Yukina - lvl. 35
Lisa - lvl. 35
Sayo - lvl. 35
Ako - lvl. 80
Rinrin - lvl. 80

Yukina:Well this is it the last stage here.

Ako:In the colosseum.

Yukina open the door and they saw a long silver haired boy holding a long sword in his left hand

Lisa:So that's him?


Yukina:Let's find out.

They entered and approaching him slowly

???:What is Cloud doing?

Ako:Umm...excuse me sir?

Sephiroth:By the way,you 5...*turn around and point the sword at them*who are you?

Roselia back away the sword

Ako:Woah! Slow down sir.

Lisa:So it is you who controlled the darkness?

Sephiroth:Yes,i am one who controlled the darkness,so i can rule the Promise Land,Reunion and Despair,so you 5 could defeat me?

Ako:Yes we are!

Sephiroth:Very well let's this once and for all.*do the battle stance at them*

Yukina:We can do this,let's defeat him.

Her bandmates:Right!

- One Winged Angel theme played -

Boss: Sephiroth
Max HP: 10000
Defense: 500

Sephiroth charge at them and then Roselia's dodge it seperately

Sayo:Umm...i don't know how to defeat this guy!

Lisa:Let's make a distraction him.


Lisa:Hey Sephiroth! Catch me if you can!*run around him*

Sephiroth:Get back here!*chase her down*

Ako:Now it's our chance.

Ako use her Dark energy powers of her trident and attack him deals 5670 damage,Rinrin fire attack him using fiery flare blast deals 4578 damage

Sephiroth:Right,take this!*summoned flares surrounding at them*

Yukina:Quick dodge it!

Roselia's tried to dodge it,but the shadow flares follows them and attack them dealing 1240 damage then Sephiroth do the Octaslash at Sayo

Lisa:Sayo parried it!

Sayo parried the attack and counter attack him multiple times dealing 5790 damage

Lisa using healing powers to her allies

Yukina:This is an one tough boss.*her thoughts*Why his theme is so good.

- one battle later -

Sephiroth is almost 5 hp left and he stunned himself

Ako:Now it's our chance!

Roselia performed there final attack at him and Sephiroth is defeated and gain 10k exp points and level ups for them

- his theme stop -

Ako:It's over now!

Sephiroth:Well you are quite strong now,but you want leave me here,only Cloud was one will eliminate me.

Cloud:*offscreen*Sorry keep you waiting Sephiroth!

Sephiroth:Cloud you never let of the darkness.

Cloud:Shut up...*do the battle pose at him,Roselia's move aside.

Roselia move aside from them and watch them

- his theme plays continued -

Sephiroth:*do the battle pose at him*You never let go of your past.

Cloud:I said...shut up!

Cloud charge him and they having a sword fight scene on the ground and then on the air

Ako:Wow this is epic!

Rinrin:Look at them go...


Sephiroth and Cloud one final slash each other and white light appeared and then Roselia covered their eyes after that they open their eyes and then they're gone and sky turned back to normal

Sayo:They're disappeared.

But then a gold treasure chest appeared on the center and Roselia went to the chest and open it was some new weapons equipment of Final Fantasy style for each class

Ako:Wow new weapons obtained!

- Final Fantasy 7 victory fanfare theme -

"Quest Completed"

Rinrin:We did it...we completed the quest.

Ako:Mission Accomplished.


- after finished the game -

Ako:Man the collab event was awesome!!!

Lisa:Yeah! Totally!!

Yukina:Even those two fight each other.

Sayo:Mhmm...i have fun with it as well.

Yukina:Anyway let's go home girls.

Her bandmates:Right!

Roselia went out the Net Café and went back their home


(Sorry i don't have Lenny faces for Rinko in NFO scenario)

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