Sakuya let her do it all by herself

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Sakuya came back from the mall buying some more Christmas decorations but then she went to the gates and she saw Meiling was sleeping

Sakuya:Since when she got a bed outside!?!*groans and clenches her right hand and she bonk her head multiple times*

Meiling:*got out off the bed*I'm up! I'm up! Hey Sakuya!

Sakuya:*sigh*You're the worst,what did i tell you that! NO SLEEPING WHILE DOING YOUR JOB!!!

Meiling:I'm sorry Sakuya.

Sakuya:One more time or else you will get punished.


Sakuya walk away in and went into the mansion

Kasumi:Rimi be careful!

Rimi try to put the star on top of the tree it.

Flandre came out of nowhere to Rimi


Rimi got suprised and fall off the ladder



Sakuya use her time stop power to freeze everyone and then she rush in then jump and then caught her before  landed on the floor and put her on the couch and then deactivated her power to make everyone back to normal

Rimi:AH! Oh i'm on the couch?

Kasumi and her bandmates:Rimi!!! Are you ok!?

Rimi:Yeah,i'm fine but what just happened?

Kasumi and Tae hug her tight

Kasumi:Rimi! We thought,we lost you!

Tae:Don't leave us Rimi!

Rimi:Eh!? Calm down Kasumi and Tae ehehe...

Arisa:By the way who did saved you life.

Sakuya:I did.

Saya:So you save her?


Me:Because she has time stop spell,she can manipulating stop everything time.

Saaya:*phew*Thank goodness,thank you so much Sakuya.

Sakuya:Anytime,for now on i will doing this by myself.

Tohka:Are you sure Sakuya.

Sakuya:Of course,i'm the head of mistress Remilia,watch me ok.


Remilia:Bad sister,don't make Rimi surprised,do you want her to die!?


Remilia:*sigh*Next time don't do that again Flan.

Flandre:Ok sis.

Remilia:Good.*pick up the star*You put it on the top of the Christmas Tree.

Flandre:Got it sis!

Flandre put the star on the tree

Flandre:All done!

Sakuya start decorating the Christmas stuffs all by herself such as cooking more Christmas treats and foods,cleaning the household,wrapped some gifts and etch.

Rias:Wow look at her go.


Remilia:*smirk*She is my best maid.

Sakuya finished decorating it

Sakuya:There all done.

Me:Thank you Sakuya.

Sakuya:Anytime sir.

Patchouli:*came in*What did i miss?

Yukina:Rimi is almost fall down the ladder until Sakuya save her.

Hina:Oh! Maybe you should try it sis!?

Sayo:I'm not like her Hina!

Hina giggles

Patchouli:Ok.*summoned her shortcut door to her Library*I'm gonna read some books.


Patchouli went in the Library and she entered but then she shocked saw one of the shelves got missing some books

Patchouli:Gah! Where are my books!?

Koakuma:Sorry master,Marisa stole it.


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