EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Saint Snow ft. Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club

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Sarah / Leah / Monika (If multiple people speak in the same time - combinations + description)


Hi everyone! 

Honestly, we were absolutely amazed by the growth of the horror visual novel game that has got trending by the past few months. I downloaded it, played it for one afternoon and I couldn't sleep the next week. (Giggle) (Ahaha!)  

But either way, it's good to make friends that are outside of what we are in - the Love Live Community. Monika, can you introduce yourself? 

Oh yeah! So, quite a story here, but... my name was not actually Monika. (Wow/Really?) Yeah! My dad is quarter Canadian, and my mother is Japanese. I used to have a veeeery long name, Moshu Nimase Kagasuki. 

Damn! That is long. 

Yep. And that explains why my teacher and my friends have difficulties calling my name; usually they just call me "Kaga-chan" or "Moshu-chi". And then one day, I remember - Grade 5 - one of my new classmates got into me and asked my name. He was really confused of that, and suddenly shout out "I'd honestly prefer the name Monika", and I realized that is my name combined from the first 2 letters of every surnames. So I gladly accepted and to my surprise... (giggle)

They like that name? 

Even better. They LOVE it! Even my head teacher said that is the cutest name she'd ever heard. And since then, they called me by that name. Even my dad liked that name. My mom was a bit, meh (derp face)... But she also enjoyed it. Finally in my 18th birthday, which was last September, my family took me a lift for a name changer. Now my official name is Monika! 

That's quite a history for a name! 

Interesting... do you have any hobbies? 

Of course! I love music - usually piano-composed only, listen to the rain and do research on my computer. For some weird reasons, I'm also a big fan of horror-related merchandise: movies, games, even music. I'm not gonna lie, I even listened to Gloomy Friday once (opened their eyes wide like "WHAT"), but so far (shrugs) nothing.   

Apart from your 3 friends, who do you make friends with? And how are they doing?   

Okay, now... everyone, I have to tell something. What we made is just a game, okay? Ahaha~ Natsuki, Sayori and Yuri are still doing very well. Apart from them, probably Dan Salvato, since he was the one stated this idea in the first place. We live in a big apartment in the same floor, Dan's office and his team is 5 floors below us. Sometimes we go down there and have fun with them.
Also! Everyday, I get a lot of mails, tweets and pictures from bunch of people I don't know from around the world. I can't believe this game has grown that much
(shakes head + smiles) Unbelievable. 

A private question please ( Go ahead :) ): In DDLC, Natsuki has a bit of... "daddy issues". You also mentioned it in the After Story mod. How is she in real life? 

Oh~ Like I said, it was just a game. In reality, Natsuki's father usually has to travel a lot because of work, especially overseas, but he always spends as much time with his daughter as possible. He cares about her a lot, any time he gets back he buys her presents, her mom also told me that he often calls her to check on Natsuki.
He's a really caring father, you know...
(About to asks) Also if you guys want to know about other girls, Sayori is going on well with her life, and Yuri, even though still favors yandere style (Pfft :D) she's actually in a relationship right now. Not what I meant, but she's with him quite the time. (Points to cam) Yuri~ :)

Nice to hear! 

Now things get real here: The game you guys worked on and has been making a blast in gaming community here: Doki Doki Literature Club. Monika, how would you rate DDLC as your first project out of 10? 

I would say............. a thousand. Although I'm a girl, I can deal quite well with horror stuffs. The House, Five Nights At Freddy, Outlast, even Black Rose... I played them all and sometimes even smiled "Oh, that's cute" (Wow... amazing). But (points) THIS. THIS THING WE MADE TOGETHER. I was truly horrified. We made this game - our girls and Dan's team. Not fully voiced, but four of us made the lines up ourselves; while the team take care of the scenes. One act usually took weeks to do, and for one complete plot from the beginning to the true ending is about 2 months. About the other endings, those are quicker, nearly a month. I took part in Act 3, when I talk to the main character in the classroom with that strange background outside the window. And... oh god... (holds head) 

Why? What happened? 

(Serious face) So... that was when we've finished like 3 endings. I ask Dan "Can I have a look at what we've done so far?" He showed me, and immediately after the footage ended, I collapsed. (Gasp) Don't worry, I was still conscious. But I was kind of traumatized inside my mind. I couldn't believe I saw those scenes, especially when Sayori hung herself. I even remember saying something about "keep her hanging" and I was like "OMG... I can't believe I make that horrible pun". Everyone else was so kind: they pulled me up, Sayori even consoled me as well. And I was crying so much.
In my opinion, the scary things about scary games are not those jumpscares or spooky images of characters, those are the old days - forget the good - but how it affects your mental and mentality. Even though Doki Doki is just a game, the effects it gets on people is real. Imagine, your world is just a combination of pixels and 0-1's that has no exit and to save everyone, you have no choice but to destroy everything, including kill your friends (By DELETING them) Exactly. And yourself as well.
It gets less affective now, but during the first month after completing the game, it was a nightmare. I had to move down to sleep with everyone, the team and 3 other girls. It affected me even when we made the final touches to the game - a.k.a the Good Ending. (And there was no actual "Good Ending". You had to delete yourself to save everyone, I remember that) Yes, that's the point. The only reason we decided to do it last is because of me; but that wasn't enough. So when there's a mod ending about the game where you can save everyone and the textbox "Let them be happy", I was like (leaning to her chair) "OH! HALLELUJAH!!! HALLE-FREAKING-LUJAH!! (does the Thank God sign) I CAN FINALLY SLEEP WITH PEACE NOW" (Hahaha XD) And I went straight to the person who made the mod, kept spamming thank you letters and gave him a virtual hug GIF.
I actually never played the game. Others do though. Sayori sometimes thinks back at it and was like "I have you guys. I'm not going anywhere and I'm not leaving." I still can't believe she went through that horrible scenario that was made for so many other aspects of the game, mostly because she was the one got involved into the action yet the damage was mainly on me. 

So, whenever IF you play DDLC, you will need a mod, right? (Laughs)

I'd rather not playing, arigatou ^^' I prefer watching others play. Yuri plays as well. Although she just likes seeing everyone die... (sweat act) God, that strange mofo... (shakes head)

I noticed that on your Twitter and Youtube account history you've watched quite a lot of DDLC videos with mods, usually series. Do you like them that much?

I really enjoy them, actually. These people are so creative, great writers, the plot goes so well... Now when I look back at the original game, I feel like Dan-san has indirectly asked for the game to be modded. The endings, regardless of which path you choose, still leaves a very painful mark to forget. And I know for some "weaboos", they can't move on, ahaha :D As a result, mods were born. Even the team was shocked by the outcome of the project. Fans love the game already. And the mods they got was that one spark. Everything just... (out of words) I just can't. 

"The fans love the game." No need for words anymore, Monika :D That sums up everything. Did you know nearly 70,000 people has downloaded this game and 97% of them gave it a 5-Star Rating? 

Yes! :D I was over the moon for that. And that's just Steam only. I browsed through the reviews and some were even shocked finding that this game doesn't cost a single penny. Unbelievable.

Team Salvato also announced a few days ago on Twitter that Doki Doki Literature Club has reached 2 million downloads! (REALLY?!?!) What even crazier is that it reached that milestone only a month after the 1 million celebration! 

(Holds head) Wow... I... (covers mouth) Oh my god! (Author's note: Monika's on the verge of crying)

There there (Group hug) 

(Finally calms) (shakes head) Wow. 
I'm actually lost for words, honestly! (Haha :D) Just... Two million, already. It has been only like, what? 5 or 6 months? Since everything finished and it has already made this big of an impact...
(Points to cam) Can I...?

(Smiles) Please, go ahead! :)

From the bottom of my heart, I just want to say... thank you so much to everyone who has made this possible. From the first day we made this project, I just expect it to have a small stand in the horror-gaming community, "maybe" ^^' in some anime aspects as well. What I didn't expect, for REAL, is the growth of this game. I remember in like a week or so, the game had already got all on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, got trending on Google searches, and Youtube... Just, no words. Even Pewdiepie played it xD I was like "I'm so happy it got trended this much!"
Let me just tell you this. 10 thousand and I already shouted in Sayori's face (HAHAHAHA XD) 100 thousand and I gives out free hugs... A million and we celebrated with a fanart and a small party. But this... This is too much. I have to admit, I will never be the same person again after this project completes, but my life, my friends' lives, and maybe Dan's and his team as well, has changed in a positive way since then. I received lots of love, fun and support from people I have never known.
People says we're only fictional. But out of the screen, our fans made us into their realities. I want to say thank you, yet again! To everyone. For those fan merchandise. For the song covers and remixes. For the videos. For the mods. And most important, for your unconditional, endless love and support this whole time. 
(Shakes head and smiles) A million thank you right now, is not even enough. (How about two mil? - AHAHAHAHA XD) (Giggles) Realistic now, as Dan Salvato said, he was really surprised and delighted - starting from a little mod just-for-fun entertainment, and look where we are now; specially when this game was first introduced - I'm sorry guys but I have to state it again. 

But over and all, it has been such a wonderful journey for me, my friends, Dan and his own team, Team Salvato. We first met as strangers, only thing in general was to work on a horror visual novel project, and now each member feels like part of a big family. I've never said this before but I will say it now: Dan is a second father to me. He's amazing.

And finally, (begging) Just... ahaha~ one last time, okay? 
Thank you for being a part of my Literature Club! 

(Plays "Get Hyper") OHHH SHE SAID IT!!!!!!

(Makes a heart sign) I love you all. 

(Claps and applause)

After the interview

Monika, I couldn't fault it. You were spot on!

Ahahaha... Thanks <3 It was from actual experience of mine, so I feel like I should share it to both of you.

By the way Monika, this isn't over yet.

Really? (Gets excited)

Yep! Although the next time, we'll not be in a studio, and I will not ask questions, along with my sister!

(Slowly understands) Ohhhhhhh OOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! OMG Now I'm already really looking forward to that one!!!!

Haha! You got it? (YEP!) Already?!? (YES!!!)
Okay, that settles it! See you next week! 


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