Hi again...?

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2 years have flew since the last time I was here.

I don't know if there's still anyone here in my list active or not, but here we are again.

Little update after 2 years... 

It's been done. 

I'm now in uni. A top uni about technology.

15 minutes biking from home. 

Uni life's not bad, but man first year sure is a fucking tough one. Especially Mathematics.

I've got a new keyboard (mechanical yay), a cooler, house has new stuffs and such.

Just came home a week before, having done military practice for the whole October.

Everything is not completely sunshine and roses, but we're going. Slowly. But fast indeed, time's not waiting. 

Literally learning math from the very beginning of things. Even had to download an English book about Algebra, goodness me...

We're moving up. That's one thing I can definitely say out loud.

About stories... IDK, I might just continue with diaries like this one. I suck at creating own stories, and translating them + adding my own is still a bit too much of a task (I'm assuming at my level) plus the cringe... Lord help meh. With things like this, I can say what I think from the get-go, and can also fix them if I need to.

So, idk if anyone can see this, but yeah. I'm (kinda) back.

Also I want Love Live to have side stories with male characters. pls don't kill me I really want to watch vanilla doujins plus PDP is out and KarinAi are best girls

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