I'm retiring....

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It's literally 5 days left until the school year starts again. I couldn't sleep properly already. I will go home tomorrow for the last preparations for school. And yet, I'm still writing. As I said in the last chapter, the school year is gonna be very tough, but on the other hand, very new, interesting and worth waiting for. I'll give out my best for this.

But this also means, my time for this first book will be reduced, probably a lot, cause I spend time in my weekdays just studying.

So, I'm here, to tell you guys that I will stop writing this book for a while. The school is calling and I can no longer spending an entire day thinking about what to write. It's only for the best.

However, this will not be the end. I'll update this whenever I have free time, although not as active as in these days. I want to thank you guys, for the support you gave to me and all the fun I have with you. Even I can't meet you and see your faces, only talking with you makes me feel comfortable. You are the reason I check Wattpad everyday, after the hard work and some bad days I've been through. I can't thank you guys enough.

So, as a present, I'll give you some pictures about my final days in Grade 9.
The Graduation Day.

For the final words:

Arigatou, minna-san!
I hope we will meet again in the future!

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