Let's have some talk about games...

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A/N: Really sorry for not uploading! My internet crashed last Friday and hasn't been repaired. I'm literally using the 2nd-floor house wifi while I'm on the 3rd floor (I live in an apartment). About my other book, school is busier than usual so I can hardly be active as usual, but I can promise I will upload that book, probably in the weekend. Please be waiting!

All right, now to the ACTUAL problem we're talking. So I was reading "Just LLSIF thing" from  and I was reading at the "KLAB English Rush?" when I saw this:

So I just gonna have some of my thoughts about it. 
I know this is long time ago (~2 months?) but whenever I read it, I still feel a bit triggered (no offensive). And a lot of EN server players might be fine with this as well.

But, I just want you guys to know, and I'm sorry if I triggered, or being offensive to anyone here because I just give out my thoughts, I totally DISAGREE with this.

Firstly, is obviously how often the game updates. Who can actually stands a game being a year, a freaking year, LATE to the others? I know this is just KLAB English, but still! They just keep old things day by day, week by week and this actually make me pissed because the game has like no updates, NONE! IN A YEAR! I've just known about SIF in ~1 month but after hearing some of the facts that KLAB EN always greedy and become a bloodbath in every single event (generally because they hardly give players free gems or increasing tiers - the thing that might never happen), I actually cannot take it anymore. They HAVE to do something, AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE, to avoid losing players to the JP version due to the lack of new features, new cards, and so on.
Secondly, is the lack of new cards. The new set hasn't come to the EN server, if I'm not wrong. This also includes the new SSR cards and Aqours as well. Imagine like after a year, when all the hype for Aqours has over and people just enjoying the movie, the EN server has only started the 4.0 Update. Will anyone come back to that lazy and greedy place for playing?
And thirdly, is the new features that has only been in Japan. JP has Challenge Festival or something, a 3rd type of event has never been on EN server. All the new features on update 4.0 too, but that will happen in the future.

So I support this rush. KLAB English really have to catch up with Japan.

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT IN THIS CHAPTER: From now on (in this chapter only), I will compare this game to my most-played game, FIFA Online 3. There are some similar spots I want to talk about between these two games.

To compare more about why I support the rush, let's have a look at our country FIFA game. In a long time, it gave us, the players, sh*t events, like these: (I forgot to tell, these are not my thoughts. These are mostly how Vietnamese players think.)
1. Playing like 10 matches, just to received those top 200, 100 player packs that would give us F*CKALL! (This will be much more comfortable with those Simulation Cards, but without them, it'll be a nightmare.)

(Oh, and if you want to know more about this game, just comment down below and I'll do a video about it.) 

2. Made us online (just open the game and let it there), for fu*ckall presents. (like this, the Hard Working Manager - Daily Online presents)

3. Selling things in Shop with RIDICULOUSLY HIGH prices!!
4. The lag, glitches sometimes happen in the game.
5. The chance of getting high value and well-quality players in even LOWER than getting an Ultra Rare in LL Scouting! (the pictures below are old-version FIFA)

If you are lucky as that in Love Live SIF as well, then I'm done ;-;
Those are top 300 only

6. Some of the rich players, who spend millions of VND into the game (thousands of dollars) makes others, especially Free-To-Play players feel jealous and might be salty, like  and his/her bad luck with the scouts, with their RIDICULOUSLY HIGH TEAM VALUE! Some players even have a team value of 11-12 digits! 

What would you do if you have a team with this price? (~100 billion)
PS: This is FO3 New Version

And do you know what makes us (not me, most of VN-mese players) salty the most?


Literally, this, in Vietnam, will always be a dream that never comes true

Similar to this in LLSIF with F2P players - a never-coming true dream


I honestly don't know what can satisfy you if you reject these...

This is from February 2016 from a Vietnamese player playing in KR server. I kid you not, HE ONLY TOOK 1 MONTH TO GET THIS TEAM.

And they always care about the players, willing to fix anything in the game. Players say stamina drains too fast? They increased it. Players say the ball goes too slow? They make the ball roll faster. They say goalkeepers are unstoppable? They nerfed them to make players score goals easier. Honestly, NEXON always listen to the players, what they complain, to make sure everyone can play the game with relax and entertainment.

When until March of 2016, Vietnam Garena rarely had any words with the players. Troubles happened to the players without having a clearly solving solutions. The players got more uncomfortable. Lag, glitches, bad luck, those things made the VN-mese got boring. Many people had given up the game. Some others, ran away to the KR server, even though they knew their account was from buying (since making an account to play NEXON games is nearly impossible for people that don't live in Korea) and it could be instant-banned anytime if the game company found out about the fake IP Address.

The pressure of Garena went to maximum after the delay of updating the New Impact Engine in January, when KR has already updated this since November 2015. The staffs of the game explained "they want to make the best condition for all the players", later found out because Nexon fixing the game because players complained the new engine has a lot of uncomfortable parts (as I explained above). But lots of our players didn't think like that. They thinked that the staffs are lazy and didn't care about the players. Lots of complains had been thrown to the game's official Facebook page. Lots of players had quited the game. Some others followed the glory of Korea and NEXON. The number of likes in the game's FB page dropped dramatically, from 1,5 million down to 1,3 million.

And then, the bomb had exploded. The South-East Garena from all those countries which has Garena as their FO3 game developer had to do it. 2 months later, when the game in Korea had just become okay to KR players, Garena had to push their working to the MAX level. They had done it. They had been exhausted with changing engine. They had accepted the fact that their servers might collapsed in just a few hours, to satisfy their players. New Impact Engine was finally published to the South-East Asia countries, including Vietnam. They spent an entire month just by working with the new engine. At last, they were here. And just like I expected, the Garena Vietnam server collapsed in just 1-2 hours after the New Engine was published and they immidiately had to shut down the server for mantience. (idk if other countries had the same problem.)

A/N: Ok I'm gonna stop it here. I'll update this later, when I have free time because I'm really busy with school work. And to anyone saying I'm PR-ing FIFA Online 3, I AM NOT DOING THAT. Everything I want to tell is the similar between Garena and KLAB in rushing the game, compare to their better servers (NEXON as for FO3 and KLAB Japan as for LLSIF) and explaining why I support the rush. This chapter is not done yet, so I'll see you guys later. (For the third reason in why I disagree with the fact that EN server is a year late, I'll also update that as well.) 

Bye for now!

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