LLSIF: Medley Festival

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(It's 11:45 PM by the time I was writing in Vietnam. Really late)

I quite like this kind of event. Why?

1. I can play many Expert songs to improve my skills. I don't know what you think, but I prefer Experts more than Hards. I only play Hard songs when the Expert version of it is 11 stars or something like that.
2. I can waste my coins (or Gs, whatever you call them) into the upgrades and level up MUCH faster than I used to. I used to have so many coins that I don't know what to do with them. Now I have like 500k or something, before there were 2 million XD

Here are 2 of my best performance. And yes, they were full combo songs and all experts.

My uncle has taken the Ipad away for fixing something (I guess it's the screen again? You can look at the pictures above), so I think I've lost many ranks. However, my main goal in events is not the top positions, not the top tiers. That is how I can enjoy myself in music, give out my best and improve my skills, also to remember the old idol group :')

How's the Medley Festival for you guys? Did you get what you need? Or willing to get more?
Best luck to all of you in getting the KotoUmi you want!

(Yes, I also ship them. Among with NicoMaki and NozoEli. Haha XD

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