Maki act

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I'm so sorry I haven't update in AGES because of some... you know, "personal problems" in the last chapter. To make up for this (somehow), I will play an act as Maki Nishikino and answer a question by a fan.

NOTE: This play take place in one of her Youtube videos.

Fan: Hi Maki-chan, I just want to know in your idol's time, what is the thing you hate the most about every Muse members?

Maki: Hmmm... one thing I hate about everyone. This isn't the stuff that I hate, but I'm not fun of, or annoyed about it.

Nico-chan is too short, so everytime we take a photo together, she always stands on whatever that is attach to me like my legs or my back, and I had to carry her everytime. And also she's a bit annoying as well but... I like that of her. Mou, don't tell her about this, okay?!? (points to the camera)

Kotori is innocent and deadly at the same time. Like, if you are her husband, and you cheat on her, she'll probably kill the cheater, or you, or even both! Another thing, if you call her, no matter what she is doing, she will leave it there and come to you and do whatever you ask her, even if you want to... oh lord.

Nozomi is too pervert. She had that washi washi on everyone, she had pictures of her "private moments" with Eli, she even threatened me to say out my panties' color if I don't believe that she has spiritual power! Also, how the heck could you do anything with those two "melons" keep bouncing in front of your eyes? 
You guys, anyone who can somehow successfully propose to her and marry her, would have a greaaaaaaat time "playing" with her. But I think that's not gonna happen 'cuz... *sigh* you know what I mean. (smile evasively)

Rin and Hanayo will eat ramen... and rice... and ramen.... and rice..... and ramen...... and rice....... until you stop them. Literally. They can eat for the whoooooooooooole world.

Eli has no voice control. Back to our days, when someone accidentally made her angry, I kid you not, everyone had to take the shout and anger and... everything. On a humorous note, imagine if we, and you maybe, go out and have dinner at a restaurant or somewhere like that and you make her laugh, the WHOLE restaurant will hear it, like, THE WHOLE RESTAURANT.
Luckily her sister is not dragged into that as well, if not then... (faceplam and sigh) Russians....

Honoka has no filter, not even one. Overall inside and outside, she's a really nice person, but she doesn't think when she talks, when she let words come out of her mouth. And now the existence of Internet and social media make it become even worse because she can legit type whatever is on her head without thinking too and when she looks back what she did she's always like "Oh sh*t"...

Umi... Umi is probably the worst one on here. Umi has NO FEAR. The girl will kill herself. I still remember once we hung out in a trampoline park, and she told us that if the manager allows to bring everything in there, as long as it's not explosives and weapons or sexual related, something like that, she would do a video of her attempt a backflip stunt, a multi-backflip, ON A BIKE as well. I kid you guys not, I still remember what she said: She'd ride a bike, to the 45-degree trampoline part, then do a backflip with the bicycle, and then once on-air, she would somehow jump off the bicycle, and do multiple backflips until she land on the... different-color-thing that is placed higher than the trampolines, THE THING THAT DOESN'T HAVE TRAMPOLINES UNDER IT, like it's 100% CONCRETE, and she said confidently she'd land on her feet. After all those stunts. I saw some videos on the Internet and I know what happens if you hit that concrete thing. 

Trust me, it's gonna be VERY hurt.

(GIF below if you can't imagine. Painful yet so funny at the same time.)

Let me repeat, backflip. We've never tried a backflip before. Neither did she. And she said she would do it. In a trampoline park. On a bike! For a video!

Literally, I'm so worried for her. I'm really afraid that one day she's gonna die because of stunts like that. She has no fear, she's gonna kill herself.

It's actually scary. It's scary! (smile worriedly) Stop, Umi! Please! (begging sign and smile worriedly)

But yeah, that's my answer. You can ask everyone else how they think about me. (smile evasively and facepalm) Jesus.

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