Monika's back... with a twist! (Interview Part 2)

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Leah: Hi guys!!! It's been so long!!
(Monika waves back)
Sarah: Wait... I think she didn't go alone....
Leah: (Shock) OH MY GOD!!!!!!!

Monika: (waves) Hi everyone!!!
Leah: omgomgomgomgomgomgomg I'm becoming a fangirl right now but I don't give a f*ck
Sayori: Hello!   
Sarah: Umm..... Could we go to somewhere quiet? It's too loud in this supercenter.
Natsuki: ... I'm a bit hungry....
Yuri: Same here (^///^) My stomach's calling.
Leah: (wink) I know a place. Follow me. 








Before the big show...

Yuri: Thank you guys for the treat! It's delicious! 
Leah: No worries. We've been to this restaurant for a long time. Sometimes we even invite some of our friends there as well.
Monika: Got those questions ready, Sarah? 
Sarah: Camera's here. Say no more. They've sent so many that we couldn't even
Yuri: Wait wait wait hold on. Monika you're saying we are going to be on Youtube?
Leah: Moni-chan I thought you told them?
Monika: Oh... Ahaha~ Have I? 
Yuri: (slowly leaves the seat) (whisper) I'm just gonna leave the Monika meme here... 
(you can find out for yourself)

Natsuki: Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..................................     
Sayori: What's so funny about that?
Monika: I told her. Because she wanted us to meet... a special "someone". (smirk)
Sarah: Why do I feel like this is going horribly wrong? 
Yuri: Yeah... We feel it too.
Natsuki: Leah?
Leah: Ok, open the camera! 









(After the intro)
Natsuki: Guys, I want you guys to meet... a special "person".

Monika: (teasing) Who is it, Natsuki? 
Natsuki: takes out phone and starts dialing
Yuri: (realizes) OH NO!!!!!!
Sayori: OH MY

Natsuki doesn't video call her father since he requested so. He knows the hate he gets through the game.

ND (Natsuki's Dad): Um... Hello?
Monika: Hi sir!
ND: Oh wait we're live? We're live, we're live. Okay. Hello!
Everyone: Hello sir! Nice to meet you!
ND: Ah yes, thanks. Natsuki where are your... (curious)
Leah/Sarah: We're here, sir. We asked everyone and a lot of people actually threw a lot of uncomfortable stuff towards you!

ND: Yeah, I know about that. It all started in... I forgot. What was it, Natsuki?
Natsuki: Act 2, dad. And a lot of stuff about you was mentioned in fan content as well.
ND: Ah yes, the "A Brand New Day" mod. I played through our scene a few days ago.
Natsuki: Dad has been playing since the game has been launched. 
ND: I still remember when the police arrested me and I have that WEIRD face wearing a wig-
Natsuki: Guys, it was this one  

Everyone: Dies of laughter
Sayori: (forgot she is being recorded) FUCK JOJO XD
I actually can't breathe
ND: (chuckles) Haha... Yeah. I travel a lot, usually to the USA, and my job involves Internet a lot so I know all the things teenagers do these days. Some were funny, some were quite offensive, but overall, that's part of our society, I guess. I enjoy it.
Sarah: Do you have any comments about all the hate and offensive things that has been going throughout our community?
ND: Well, about this... Pretty much, when making the game with the team, I already predicted this will come. Psychological horror base on real-life issues - and family violence is one of them. I read a lot of news and watched a lot of videos, both advertisements and real, about this problem. DDLC was made not only to enjoy horror but to raise people's awareness. As far as I know, there are not many games that based on real-life issues, let alone cover that with anime art. 
Sayori: Everyone really concerned about Natsuki's issues...
ND: (calmly) I understand. There are a lot of things to be worried about. For real, the effects are crazy. Many nights after finishing the main game, I couldn't sleep without thinking about everyone in the game. Sorry for my language here but DDLC is one f*cked up of a game. 
I just want to be a complete opposite dad in the game, although I know this won't be easy.
Natsuki: Dad, sometimes I wish we never made this (nervous laugh) Like honestly-
ND: But if it wasn't made, people will never know how f*cked up this world is. 
Leah: Well, I think we have been talking for a bit longer than we expected...
ND: (look at his watch) Oh dear! I also need to head back to work soon. Oh well, it has been a pleasure meeting all of you!
Yuri: And finally, as a goodbye present, we want to give you an iconic name! Just that we can call you in a friendlier way.
ND: Yes? 
Natsuki: (intense) If this is what I'm thinking, dad...

Everyone: DADSUKI!!!!!!!
ND: (laughs) 
Natsuki: I KNEW IT XD 
Dadsuki: Great! It's been a pleasure talking to everone. Bye! 
Everyone: Goodbye Dadsuki!!!!!!      






Leah: It's been a long time. We should start now, aren't we?  
Monika: Yep! (Everyone gets excited) Let me go on Reddit!    

Sarah: Ok, first one: "How did you come to the real world?" - TheBurningPhoenix1
Yuri: (glance) OMG the reply below   

"Wait til 2029" - Monika   

Monika: For real tho, it's a lot more harder than you thought. Even I don't know much about it. Basically, it's a big room like they do in movies, with a bunch of computers, a big-ass hologram like they do in Hatsune Miku concerts, thousands of cables, about 50-100 VR thingies to chat with us, and somehow dragging us out. The whole thing is a lab combine with medical stuffs. I saw a lot of make-up bodies as well.   
Natsuki: (after having a headache) ......... Um......... Nani??
Sarah: I'm actually questioning my presence right now (nervous laugh)    
Leah: Same here ^^' I'm not even religious, but I feel like I need Jesus right now. (everyone laughs)    

Leah: "What do you think about 2029?" - by Doki_Yuri_is_Life (Yuri: Yayyy! Someone loves me and not Monika!")
Sayori: I think just because of the name, Yuri has to answer it. (Monika smirks "Yep") 
Yuri: Wh... Wha... ME?!?!   
Uhm... Uh.... 
Leah: Go on! Don't be shy! 
Yuri: No, it's just... it's too hard! I don't even know how will our life change in the next 5 years, let alone 11!    
Monika: Take a guess!  
Yuri: Um.. Okay... Maybe that is the time when 2D and 3D can collide? Honestly I really want that to happen. (Gets applauded by everyone)    

Sarah: Wait... We actually got a noticed question a while ago, but the person made that comment had deleted it. It was a really good question as well.    
DG (Doki Gang): Awwww :( That's okay, you can ask another one.   
Leah: And- Oh My God! You guys just got a question from a famous celebrity!   
Monika: (jumps up) HOOOOOly smokes I love famous people. Who was it?   
Sarah: "What made you want to learn the piano?" - (big smile) From Asuna Yuuki!!! (fangirling)
DG: OMG (gets hyped af and runs out of the camera view while the two sisters laugh uncontrollably) 
(comes back)
Monika: WE MADE IT BOYSSSSS wait we're not boys (everyone laughs) Screw it. SAO NOTICED US OMG (runs out again)    

Monika: (exhausted and calmed down) First of all, thank you so much for sending this question, Asuna-san. I just can't believe you sent this half way across Japan! And about your question, I honestly don't know. Music itself came natural to me, and my personality kind of just fitted in with the piano - the sound it makes is so calm, it makes me feel like flying on air, especially at night. That's why I practiced the piano since I was only 6, and have my own piano with a big window in my room.    
What can I say, Asuna-san? It's very "piano", just like it's name.     
Yuri: I can tell, Sarah-san, Monika's addicted to the piano! Every day after school she'd go to the music room and stayed there for like an hour.     
Natsuki: Don't know how we will fit together, Monika. I prefer electric guitar. (Sayori: Isn't it too big for you?)   
Sarah: There you go, Asuna! Hope that clears up everything you've been wondering. Wishing all the best to your small family! (Leah ASMR: Hey, Marriage invitation when? With "him", ya know ;) )

Sarah: Alright, we're gonna go to a bit of a deep one here. (DG: Okay?) Not too deep (DG: Okay?), but like Johnny Depp.   
"What would you prefer: the virtual world you're living in or the real world? Because the real world is not a good place right now..." - from FrustratingDiplomacy  
Natsuki: Ooooooooookaaaaayyyyyy. That was a bit harsh... 
Monika: How should I say it... Well, the world is not all pink and smooth. Tragedies happen. Government corruption exist. Not every religion is wealthy; in fact, many countries still live in poverty; and money usually goes to where it shouldn't be.    
(everyone listen with major focus)
But, I have faith. In tragedies, in those corruption, in those wrongful stuffs. Because the world will know. People will know. And they will take action. Over 7 billion connected into one, against all the odds - we exceed the limits written on paper, we battle against terrorism, and we have those people, those who help for the poor, help for a future without poverty and crime.   
So, in general, I still believe in the real world.     

Sayori: Wow, the question is already deep and Monika even made it deeper.   
Monika: (sweat drop) Wait hold on, I made it too deep, aren't I? (nervous laugh) I didn't even to- Ok next question next question!!!   

Leah: "Why are you so beautiful?" - quested by dank-sama, wait! With a tag, "A Monika Admirer". There's more! "Why do I love you so much?"   
DG: team talk 
Monika: (put on sunglasses) Because I'm FABULOUS!!! (readers! think of a pose)
Everyone: laughing their asses off 
Monika: But for real I love all of you guys so... Arigatou!! (heart sign)  

Leah: "To all the dokis... So... uh... do you want to go out sometime?" - Sheevo_RM  
Sayori: (burst out laughing) I'm glad he didn't use "hang out" 
Monika: Oh lord the flashbacks (nervous) Please don't    
Yuri: Sure! We can indeed go out, as long as I can bring a book.   
Natsuki: I'll make cupcakes!  
Sayori: And I'll get the cinnamon buns!   

Sarah: This one, it really hurts my brain 'cause I couldn't understand it after many times reading it. So I'll leave it to you: "How did you access the console?" - by borjie_    
Monika: Oh, I think he meant Ren'py. It's the main engine of DDLC. Explain it all would take all the time, so I will leave it to you right here ( - link appears as Monika points down) and you can experience it for yourself.   
Yuri: I messed with it for a long time and has made some short conversations. I might upload it after checking everything.   

Leah: This next one, the person has deleted his account, but he still left his name on it, so I can still ask it, "What do you think about JustShayron?", and he left a XD at the end.  
Monika: Oooooohhhhhhh! I know him. JustShayron on Reddit. He is a great guy, crazy about DDLC stuff-
Natsuki: I think he was crazy about YOU tho!
Sarah: Really?!?! I've never...
Monika: Yeah, I know. He was considered "the number one Monikan" in that subreddit. He posted pictures, write stories, everything.  
Leah: But why did he delete his account?  
Monika: Well... He was suffering with depression for a long time, and I actually saw a post from his friend asking for help. Since then, I never saw him post again. A few months later, I checked and see that he deleted EVERYTHING related to him. 
(sigh) I hope he's okay now...    

Atmosphere goes down for a bit... 

Sarah: Okay, next question! (Everyone laughs) 

Sarah: "Can I hug you?" - WalugiDastard  
Everyone: ................
Monika: There''s only one thing to do, right? (eye sign) 
Everyone smiles, comes in and do the hug posture in front of the camera

Leah: "Don't you speak Japanese and not English?", I don't know from who though... 
DG: ???? (Captain Obvious feeling)   
Monika: Don't we study English as a second language? 
Silly~ Ahaha! 

Leah: Here a reeeeeaaaaaaaallllyyyy deep one. Prepare yourselves... 
DG: Okay....   
Leah: From MonikasGranddad, that's a good name there (chuckles)
"If you live and die in a year, what are the memories you want to keep, and what do you want to throw all away?"   
Yuri: That was WAY too f*cking deep man, whoever asked that (sweats)
Monika: Heads up, everyone has to answer as they're in DDLC. (Everyone: Yep)
Yuri: I think I want to forget every single time I cut myself, and also that horrific fanfiction I wrote in Base64 code. Yes, that Linda character is completely makeup, and I admit I have a hobby of writing creepypasta.   
If there's something I want to remember, I want to keep the moments I'm alone, just chilling and reading books. Those are the moments I find the most peacefully.    
Natsuki: Definitely remembering everytime I search for new cupcake ingredients! I've always love cooking. And what will I forget? (raises hand) Just in stories only, bullying and being harassed by my father.     
Sayori: I'll surely want to erase everytime I sit alone, beat and ask myself why do I ever exist. Basically depression. 
But what I will keep is those great memories I have with my friends, when we play together, chat with laughter, just all of us.   
Monika: I would keep my good relationships with everyone. I mean, I love making friends, and I love all of them. 
There's one thing I would despise: ruining someone else's happiness, just because I'm jealous with it. I do have jealousy blood, maybe a bit too much, but to the point where I would just keep everything for my own sake and watch it burn is just not my type, at all; so, I'm sorry!  (shrugs)

Speaking about that, how about you guys, Kazunos?
Leah: Us?!?! Uhm... It's not OUR video...
Sarah: We'll tell you off-camera, is that okay?
Monika: Deal! 

Leah: "How did you learn to give such insightful advice and where you first learned your "fake it to make it" mindset?" - from MysticcFibrosis
Yuri: Wait, "fake it to make it"?
Sayori: He explained it down there, "I think the most important skill in life is being able to fake confidence".
Monika: I didn't remember saying that, did I? Ahaha~ Oh well.
I browse a lot, and I read a lot of stories around me, most of the stories I read are tragedy-related, so I just try to think about my own ways to deal with them. One more thing: We usually smile to hide away our darkness
Some nights I sleep very little, due to those thoughts always goes round my head. True story!

Sarah: By ShinyBredoom2323: "Have you ever wondered why some things happen, as if they were preordained?"
Yuri: Why though?
Sayori: How?
Sarah: He mentioned, "Say, if you had amnesia without a thought of who you were but your personality intact.... And realized you were the villain, would you try to live again as the hero? Or would you revert to your old ways knowing that's who you were?"
Monika: (confused laugh) Honestly all I can think of is deja vu...  
Natsuki: I'd say try to change it in your ability. I don't know?
Yuri: I second Natsuki.
Sayori: I third her. 
Monika: still thinking
Leah: Moni-chan?
Monika: Oh! ... I would agree with Natsuki, for now. 

Leah: "Monika-chan what took you so long D: I have been waiting for you to come into my reality for 11 years!" - seems like we have another person wants 2D waifu! HexagonII 
Monika: (bant laugh) I knew this will come again sigh Oh my
Yuri: The most important thing now is your real life career! Keep pushing it, and maybe you'll be able to create us one day!   
Applause from the gang)

Sarah: From JosephSoaper_Mathman with a very... noticeable tag shows everyone (Monika: Told you guys I'm fabulous) "You are mostly a good woman. I am good man....hmm?" 
DG: Nani??
Leah: He said he'd sure that would be enough for Monika to fall in love with him; he had absolutely no experience, but he was sure that would be enough.
Monika: What would be enough? Your hacking skills? (Everyone: Pffffft)
Sayori: Hanging stuffs? (Everyone: BOOOOOOOIIIIII)
Yuri: Knife song? (Everyone: NAAAAAAAAAA)
Natsuki: Alright too many abuse jokes here! Moving on!

Sarah: This is not a question, but someone said this: "I would be legit mad at her, I can't get over the fact that she deleted Sayori. I would say that I even liked her in the beginning, but after what she did, I just began to hate her. Sorry Monika fans :'(" 
Yuri: Who said that? 
Leah: DavidZ4!
Monika: From the beginning of the game I knew this is gonna be f*cked up as hell. So pretty much I expected things like this being thrown at me. shrugs
Natsuki: Apparently according to anti-Monika fans, hackers are the ones to blame for when they mess up happy things badly. BADDDDDDDDDDDLY.

Leah: This Jordan guy has a request to do as the name of NatsukiBestWaifu.
Sayori: What does he request?
Sarah: He want someone to bring Natsuki for him. (DG: Gasp) On second thought, he thought he would die if it actually happens. 
DG: Oh... 
Natsuki: Um....
Everyone: Picking Natsuki up like a fish and take her out of the restaurant
Natsuki: Argh! laughs Dareka Tasukete!!!!

(comes back)
Sarah:  Could you do the jumpscare face all over again?
Monika: Jumps OH GOD NO PLEASE NO (leaves seat, Natsuki laughs the whole time)
Leah: Why? I actually find that face funny!
Yuri: She had a whole sleepless week just because of that face. I know because I was the one sleeping with her the whole time! 
Sayori: I think Monika even asked me once for sleeping pills. 
Monika: (holds head) It's true man, it's true. I still have nightmare with it sometimes I sleep alone. 
So... no, onegai. Mm-mm. (shakes head)

Leah: "Why did you make my cinnamon bun do that?" - HandYouThisL
Monika: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Yuri: Savanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Everyone: LOOOOOOL
Monika: Don't blame me! It's the plot! 
Sayori: First we have Sayobulli, then we have MCbulli and now we have Monibulli, heheh

Sarah: Oh! That reminds me. HuanFIFAOnline sent you guys a private question. He was the one settled this meeting as well. 
DG: Go on then! We're looking forward to it!
Leah: Here's the question: "What do you think about the MC we play as in DDLC? And I see everyone just calling him a dense boy. Is this bad for him?"
Monika: We actually have a guy who plays the MC in the game, he lives 2 floors above us. You can believe it or not whatever you want, but he doesn't care much about all the bantering abuse, let's just call it that, he gets. He just laughs it off. 
Yuri: He's a really good guy. The only thing we don't like about him is that he spends too much time studying, even though he does go out with us. 
Natsuki: I think when we surpass uni, we should all stay together and tutor him. 
Sayori: (plugs) Or becoming his wives. 
(proceeds to laugh until out of breath)
Monika: Ahahaha~~~~ Hah---- Hooh!
He would like that a lot (sumg face) 
(laughs again)

Leah: 42609W33D (Yuri: That's a weird name) sent a multi-koma as a question, with a plug answer at the bottom... 

DG: Oh god XD I don't think we should answer this question anymore (Monika: Ahaha!) 
Sarah: But wait! He left a plug at the end: 
"I'm definitely breaking the 4th wall on their asses"- (Leah & Sarah: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
DG: Laughs out loud
Monika: Oh no XD (struggle to find words) I'm scared
Yuri: (still laughing) I don't wanna get raped like this XD
Leah: He said! "Watch me get ignored though"
Sayori: I don't think we can ignore this guy. When we suddenly have strange feelings under there (Natsuki: Yeah yeah) we'll definitely notify him XD


Leah: And.................. that's it! That's everything for today. I hope you guys've had a great time, and sorry for taking a bit too long. There were a lot of questions!
Monika: That's okay! Even though it took us for like, more than an hour and all, but we enjoyed it a lot. 
Yuri: I have honestly never laughed so much in a while. Everything was surely worth it. 
Natsuki: It has been a great pleasure to have communication with all the fanbase, no matter what you think about the game, what you think about us, we still appreciate all of them and promise to do better in the future. 
Sayori: Once again, thank you so much for all your questions, we really had a wonderful time here; thanks to the Kazunos who have been extremely supportive during the time it lasted.  
Sarah: Well, thank you! And for the final cuts to end this video...
DG: Naninani?

Sarah: Doki Doki Literature Club has surpassed 3 MILLION DOWNLOADS worldwide!!!

DG: OHHHHHHHH jumps and hug
Monika: That's a perfect way to end our video today!
Thanks for watching! Thanks for supporting us the whole way from the beginning! I and the squad love you all from the bottom of our hearts!!!
Leah: We would like to congrats and send our best of luck to Team Salvato and all the characters involved into making this wonderful game...
Sarah: And a big shoutout to the DDLC Community. You guys are awesome! 

Monika: Everybody, on me!
I, Ni, San!!!

Everyone: Dokis Forever!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!    

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